All about the second chakra Svadhisthana

Many people do not even realize that chakras have a very strong influence on their life and development. For example, the Svadhisthana chakra is responsible for acquiring your “I”. If at a young age it begins to develop incorrectly, then the whole future fate of a person will follow the wrong path.
Therefore, you need to pay attention to the development of this chakra in time and be able to transform all negative aspects of development into positive ones in time. And for this you need to have some information. You can read it below.

What is it and what is it responsible for?
Everything changes in a person's life. His consciousness also changes. If we talk about development at the level of chakras, then we can say: the consciousness of any subject begins from the first chakra and rises to the seventh. It should be noted that such development is very difficult for a person. In order for everything to happen, he must completely remove the old settings. And then start living in a new way. For example, if a person can fulfill the above condition, then his consciousness will be able to rise from the Muladhara chakra to the Svadhisthana chakra. The latter is of great importance to humans. This center is considered to be the accumulation of pleasures that one can only wish for.
However, one must take into account: some pleasures in the course of their implementation cause suffering. In order for a person to experience what he wants and not regret anything later, he needs to master information about this sacral chakra. This energy center has an orange color and is translated as “a receptacle of energy”. The incoming energy flows through Svadhisthana and becomes orange. The mantra YOU corresponds to Svadhisthana.Taste belongs to this center. If a lot of energy accumulates in the chakra, then this is expressed in various desires. For example, a person begins to eat or drink a lot and tasty in order to satisfy addictions.
Svadhisthana is depicted as a Lotus with six petals. In the very center there is a white crescent. This is the symbol of Varuna, the element of water. Its level is considered astral. The organ related to this center is the genitourinary system. With the help of yoga, you can easily clear the point in question, and then you will begin to feel it on an energetic level.

The sides of the petals mean the egocentric sides of the personality: lust, voluptuousness, gluttony, etc. If a person can learn to manage this center, then he will also be able to easily bypass the "sharp corners" when communicating with other people. Harmonious development of the chakra occurs from about 8 to 14 years old. At this stage, the personality develops and begins to extensively communicate with their own kind. That is why teenagers tend to get together in a company or organize some kind of joint activities. However, it must be remembered: Svadhisthana develops throughout life. Therefore, all of its positive and negative aspects are manifested in a person throughout his life.
The energy of Svadhisthana is more related to such character traits as gentleness, sensitivity. It is these character traits that are observed in women. Again, water has a connection with the moon. As you know, this planet controls human emotions, is responsible for female sexuality, and also provides patronage to mothers and children. Men also have certain emotions that are different from women. They are aimed at survival in this world.
All men want not only to survive and compete with someone, but also to have fun. It is for this side of their life that Svadhisthana is responsible.

Where is?
If you want to correctly determine the location of Svadhisthana, you need to put three fingers to your stomach - just below the navel. Please note that this place is considered approximate, since all people have a peculiar structure of the body, therefore, points with chakras in most cases differ for all people.
If Svadhisthana is in good condition, then human physiology is also in perfect condition. If there are any flaws, then this means that the activities of Svadhisthana are significantly impaired. It is believed that the 1st and 7th chakras have only one side, unlike Svadhisthana. The sex center is bilateral, since another center point is located in the sacrum region.

How is the harmonious work of the chakra manifested?
It manifests itself in people in a certain way.
- Subjects become individuals. They are self-sufficient and capable of good deeds. Their character traits are distinguished by their tolerance of other, weaker people. They love children and animals.
- Such subjects are distinguished by their sexuality. If this is a woman, then she overshadows all her friends with her charisma. If this is a man, then numerous female fans “hover” around him, who want to be always with him.
- Usually people with harmonious chakra development are open to any positive feelings. They are able to truly love and be friends.
- These individuals can easily establish contact with anyone. Thus, such subjects can not only easily get acquainted with representatives of the opposite sex, but also then maintain good relations with them.
- Such subjects feel free and easy in any society.
- They can have a healthy relationship with sex and are therefore very good sexual partners.
- These individuals can easily use their personal, sexual and external data in order to achieve a noble goal, and not for self-affirmation in society.
- They always express deep feelings and bring people together, not separate them.
- They are passionate, and this passion is able to establish the energy flow of creation, happiness and determine the incentive for further life.
- These people easily perceive life changes, as they see great prospects in them. Change is an amazing adventure. Therefore, the above subjects can dispose of their lives and direct it in the right direction.
- Such people see themselves as part of a diverse society.
- They get great pleasure from food, drinks, rest. They are also not alien to spiritual and intellectual joys.

Signs of disharmony
The balance in the sexual chakra is always bad for a person's life. If the chakra has developed poorly for some reason or its activity has slightly faded away, then you need to restore it. And in order to fulfill this condition, it is necessary to understand the reasons that led to disharmony in the sexual center. If a person's development goes in the wrong direction, then his sexual chakra is malfunctioning. When does this happen? As the child grows, different energies develop and gain strength. The same thing happens during his sexual development. This period is unstable. The young man is tormented by doubts and uncertainty in his behavior. He conducts introspection, and often at the same time he is worried about the sexual sphere. Therefore, during this period, he needs support from his parents or close people.
If support is not provided at the proper level, then the teenager begins to gradually lose most of the incoming energy. And this factor makes him insecure. The teenager doubts his feelings and desires. His introspection becomes negative. Therefore, there is a suppression of their own feelings and desires. Thus, the young person's self-esteem and self-perception are distorted. And if conservative upbringing in the family is added to this factor (there is a negative attitude of the mother or father to the teenager's interest in the opposite sex), then the situation is aggravated. In this case, an internal conflict occurs, which blocks the energy entering the chakra, as a result of which resentment accumulates in the person's soul.
Resentment is the blockage that is the root cause of the problem. It prevents the subject from developing energy in the sexual chakra.

We learned the reasons why Svadhisthana might not work properly. Now you need to find out the symptoms that may indicate that the chakra is disrupted. Let's consider the most acute aspects in which you need to "sound the alarm".
- A person tries to suppress sexual energy in himself. Such actions provoke the further development of internal conflicts.
- The sex chakra is responsible for feelings of joy and pleasure. If it does not work properly, then the person cannot completely relax. Therefore, he cannot enjoy life.
- A person gradually loses the ability to express himself, including in the sexual sphere. He cannot fully love. It becomes difficult for him to find a partner.
- The person feels constant weariness and emptiness.
- A person's creative impulses become very sluggish and gray.
- Restraint and complexities are observed in behavior.
- Subject loses interest in life. His desires are gradually fading away.
- If a person suppresses desires, then they do not disappear from his consciousness, but only accumulate. This factor contributes to the loss of useful energy.
- To replenish it, the subject may become addicted to alcohol, tobacco smoking, drugs. It's no secret that these factors can "replace" real pleasure.
- A person cannot find his place in life.
- A person does not feel satisfaction from a relationship with the opposite sex.
- The emotions and passions of the individual become uncontrollable.
- A subject with problems in Svadhisthana has hastily sex. Therefore, he has no deep emotional attachment.

How to open?
The opening of the sexual chakra will not bring much trouble to those people who really want to do everything in the right way. Now let's look at ways to help you activate this center.
- It is necessary to keep the body clean: take a shower on time, etc.
- Start loving yourself and your body. To fulfill this condition, you need to accept yourself as you really are.
- Start thinking positively. If you think all the time: something irreparable can happen - stop doing it. When such thoughts arise, you need to imagine the "STOP" sign in your mind. In this way, you will gradually learn to control your consciousness.
- Apply a variety of massages that improve blood circulation. Thus, you will be able to establish the work of the whole organism, including activating your sexual sphere.
- Chakra opening can be done quite successfully if you start dressing up nicely and keeping an eye on your appearance. You should buy fashionable clothes, cosmetics, etc. If you cannot decide on your image, then seek help from a specialist.
- Chakra can be easily unblocked by behaving in a gender-appropriate way. For example, if you are a woman, then stop smoking, drinking, talking rudely, etc. Men can be advised to take responsibility for the lives of their loved ones.
- The connection to the energy responsible for the sexual chakra is facilitated by practicing oriental dances. In this case, body movements activate blood circulation in the pelvic region, and thus Svadhisthana begins to "come to life".
- Use different scents as well. Light aroma candles at home more often and inhale their scent deeply. For these procedures, such aromas as ylang-ylang, jasmine, sandalwood, juniper are suitable. These ingredients are natural aphrodisiacs. This means that with the help of them you can definitely achieve the desired result.
- Listen to soothing music - and even fall asleep to it.
- Eat right.
- Pamper yourself with a variety of sweets that you love.
- Take a bath with rose petals or aroma fillings.
- Eat more different fruits, honey, etc.
Don't be coy about your intimate partner. Complete emancipation is the path to success.

How to develop?
Chakra development is not easy. However, if you try, you will succeed. So what methods can you apply?
The safest and easiest method to help normalize your second chakra. Let's find out what is needed for this.
- Determine where you will practice this technique. It must be clean, ventilated and free of children and animals.
- Wear cotton clothing that does not restrain your body and allows it to breathe.
- Set up a comfortable sofa with cushions or use a dedicated meditation mat.
- Do not eat too much before the meditation, otherwise you will simply fall asleep during the meditation.
- If you have argued or quarreled with someone, then you need to give up meditation for a while. You should not start the practice until your inner state is stabilized.
- Use scented candles.
- Play a variety of pleasant sounds. Music that is used for meditation works best for this.
- Take a shower before practicing.

Now let's look at the rules for conducting meditation.
- Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Sit in this way for a few minutes.
- Next, start breathing deeply and calmly. Try to completely "immerse yourself" in the practice.
- If extraneous thoughts appear in your mind, then do not pay attention to them. Let them come and go. Don't fight them. Just watch as your consciousness gradually returns to normal.
- Next, focus your attention on the point below the navel.
- Imagine how bad energy starts to accumulate there. It flows from all over your body.
- Try to imagine that bad energy gradually goes into the ground.
- Now imagine that a beautiful flower begins to unfold in the place of accumulation of bad energy. You can visualize the Lotus.
- Now try to imagine a light and large ball descending from somewhere above. This substance is a very good energy that can revitalize your sex center.
- This energy gets inside and spreads throughout the body.
- You feel warm and comfortable.
- Sit in this state for as long as you want.
- Then start breathing deeply and calmly again.
- Get out of the state of meditation.
After the practice, do not get up immediately, but sit for a while and be aware of what happened to you.

Working out Svadhisthana is possible with the help of the pronunciation of mantras. The most effective sound for this center is the sound of YOU. Please note that the best way to do this is to chant this mantra with your partner. Then you can "kill two birds with one stone": fully open your energy center and open the energy center of your partner.
Know that if a person has a well-functioning sex center, then he becomes very attractive to the opposite sex. In order to awaken and balance the work of the center in question, you will need to methodically conduct integral meditation practice. In doing so, you must use both visualization and the correct pronunciation of the mantra. Then the effectiveness of the practice will increase many times.
If you start to practice, then visualize the Yantra. Yantra is a symbolic image of Svadhisthana. At first, this condition will be difficult to fulfill, but later you will learn how to correctly imagine the desired image in your head. Then you need to focus your attention on the sacrum and pubic bones. To do this, feel the pulsation at the point where Svadhisthana is located.
Bija - the mantra is pronounced either aloud, or in a whisper, or "to oneself." Remember that reciting a mantra mentally is the most effective method. And one more thing: harmonize the pronunciation of the mantra and the work of the respiratory system, and also use your heartbeat correctly.

To apply this technique, borrow any pose from yoga. For example, you can use the postures of Siddhasana or Vajrasana. If you haven't completely trained your body, then get a chair or chair. It is necessary to begin the practice with deep breathing and focusing your attention on the sex center. The body should be completely relaxed.
Next, you need to continue to pronounce the VAM mantra, listen to your heart rate, and also monitor the pulsation in the Svadhisthana area. At the same time, do not drive extraneous thoughts, but simply do not focus your attention on them. After the practice, do not get up right away, but remain in a state of complete harmony with your body for a while. Then you can get up. After complete relaxation, you can drink warm baked milk.
Things to consider:
- if you are just starting to practice, then devote at least 15 minutes to this lesson, more experienced people can practice for half an hour;
- for the complete harmonization of the sexual chakra to occur, you need to practice for a month.

By and large, this is what the inclined exercises are called, which are designed to wake up Svadhisthana. Let's consider the most popular ones:
- stretching the back in dynamics - Pashchimottanasana;
- simple stretching of the back - Gatyatmak;
- stretching the back (while keeping the legs apart) - Pada Prasar Paschimottanasana;
- pressing the head to the knee - Janu Shirshasana;
- pressing the head to the knee from the Pose of Half-Lotus - Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana;
- arching the back - the pose of Bliss;
- seizure of the big toe lying on the back - Hasta Pada Angushthasana;
- head tilt to the big toe - Sirsha Angushta Yogasana;
- leaning forward from a straight position - Padahastasana;
- standing tilt with lowering the head to the knees - Utthita Janu Shirshasana.