How to store a wristwatch?

An expensive watch is not only a functional accessory or a wonderful piece of jewelry. It is also an attribute of a successful person, an indicator of his financial solvency. Naturally, such an item needs special care. This concerns, first of all, the choice of a place for storing wristwatches.

How and where to store it correctly?
For expensive, rare models or pieces of jewelry value, a variety of storage devices are offered today.
The most common option. There is probably a wooden, metal, plastic, stone box in every home. Jewelry or valuables are stored there. Chronometers can also be stored there.

Timemovers and winders
These are also original boxes for storing self-winding watches. Such storage will perfectly protect the accessory from moisture, dust, mechanical damage. In addition, this device is a special rotating bowl, the vibrations of which very accurately imitate the movements of a walking person's hand. Timemovers usually have a glass door through which you can observe the pendulum vibrations of the chronometer.
The watch in such a device is always ready for work and has almost the maximum charge. Constant movement is necessary for mechanical models, otherwise their mechanism ceases to function normally.

Safe and safety bag for transportation
Ideal for storing high-value items whose value or aesthetic value does not allow them to be kept in the public domain. Outwardly, they have nothing to do with the usual cumbersome code boxes.Rather, they resemble unusual interior details, so it is not so easy to notice them for an uninitiated visitor of the room.
These safes are equipped with combination locks, special sensors that allow "memorizing" fingerprints, a GPS system, self-winding and other functions.

You can also choose less exotic options for storing chronometers. The main thing is to follow simple guidelines:
- Do not store accessories with a quartz movement near sources of electromagnetic waves. This can be a mobile phone, radio, walkie-talkie or other item;
- protect the watch from moisture, dust, mechanical damage (scratches, shock). This will greatly extend their service life;
- it is recommended to choose a permanent place to store the chronometer. This can be a dedicated outdoor clock stand, small box, stand, holder, or miniature hanger. The accessory should always be at hand.

To store the collection, you can purchase special boxes or safes with several compartments. General storage will not damage the watch mechanism in any way, especially since a special compartment is provided for each item in the box.

Today they are presented in a huge assortment and allow you to perform 2 functions at once: storage space for an accessory and an element of interior decor.
- Foam cushions covered with satin, silk or other beautiful fabric. Allows you to neatly and beautifully place the watch so that it stays in front of your eyes all the time.
- Multi-level velvet-covered rollers. Such a product is used for storing and displaying jewelry, bracelets, chains and watches.

- Vertical stand. This option is most often used in stores. In combination with soft illumination, the watch looks as impressive as possible.
- Tablet stand. This product has a soft base and a rubberized backing.
- Holders in the form of all kinds of figures. Interior details that allow you to beautifully place the watch and take it at any convenient time.

In what position should a mechanical watch be stored?
There are no clear guidelines on how to position the clock correctly. They are usually positioned with the dial facing up to protect the watch from scratches.

Instances with moving parts or high-value models are best stored in special cases that are supplied by the manufacturing companies with the purchase. As a rule, they are already equipped with everything necessary for safe and secure storage.

Bracelet care
A leather or metal bracelet needs to be cleaned periodically in order for the watch to retain its original shine and beauty for a long time.
The metal bracelet is easy to maintain. Sometimes it is enough to clean the links with soapy water using an old toothbrush.
One way to clean a metal bracelet is shown in this video.
The skin requires more delicate and delicate care. A watch with a leather bracelet should be stored away from water, and if it gets wet, it should be wiped dry immediately.

It is not recommended to leave such a watch in open sunlight. The skin dries up, cracks, changes the color intensity. Such a bracelet should be cleaned with the help of special products that can be purchased in the store immediately along with the watch, or you can give it to a professional cleaning workshop.