French bangs: features and styling tips

French bangs have gained particular popularity this season. Outwardly, it looks just great and allows you to correct imperfections in appearance. Although such a bang is known to everyone, but not everyone has an idea of how it is called correctly. French is called the element of a hairstyle that falls on the forehead, which starts from the middle of the crown, while thick due to the fact that a large mass of hair is involved. There are quite a few types of such a hairstyle element.
Hairline structure
It is believed that cutting bangs is a fairly quick and easy task, which takes less than 5 minutes in time. This time is quite enough to get a short strand from a long curl. But this opinion is erroneous, and you should not treat such an important component of the hairstyle so lightly. The appearance of not only the hairstyle, but the entire appearance depends on the bangs. When it is well and correctly selected, then all the favorable aspects of the appearance will be emphasized, including the depth of the eyes.
If this hairstyle element is chosen incorrectly, then the appearance will look like a losing one.

"Frenchwoman" is suitable for thick hair with heavy curls. And a thin hairline with it will look very scanty. Women with weakened and thinning hair need to undergo a course of keratin therapy and vitamin-based masks. In some situations, in the absence of another way out, individual curls are built up. For a "Frenchwoman" it is necessary that the hair is straight and smooth, otherwise it will have to be straightened. If the hair is naturally curly, then asymmetrical and thin bangs are suitable for them.Usually adolescent girls and very young women prefer such a bang.
More mature women should think well and carefully weigh everything before deciding on such changes in appearance.

It is worth considering in more detail several types of "Frenchwoman".
- Up to the middle of the forehead. Straight, smooth female bangs of short length are well suited for those who are characterized by a high and straight forehead, as well as an oval-shaped face. The round face shape also goes well with such an element of the hairstyle, especially if you have even and beautiful eyebrows. If there are flaws in this part of the face, then it is better not to choose this type of bangs. When the shape of the face is triangular, then such a hairstyle should also be abandoned. With a rectangular shape, a combination of bangs with elongated side curls near the face looks good and a side parting is required. This hairstyle variation can be combined with bob and bob haircuts. In addition, this option will suit slender girls who will not mind a slight mess in their hair when styling.
The opinion has been formed that short bangs are combined only with hairstyles for short hair, but this is not so. They are also suitable for long hair. A short bang goes well with thin and sparse hair.

- The second option has long been known and loved by many - this is the most straight and even bangs, which looks very beautiful and well-groomed. Thinning is not needed here, since the lower hairline is already even, slightly covering the eyebrow line. This variety should not be combined with a long hair length; a square or a short cascade is more suitable here.

- Oblique. This option looks good in combination with a round face shape. Usually it is combined with haircuts in the absence of parting. This option is not combined with a triangular face shape.

- Torn. This solution looks great on thick, heavy hair. The bottom line of the bangs can be straight, oblique and semicircular. Here filing is necessary, which is done by closing the scissors on the lower third of the bangs, then it is necessary to slowly lead them down. Repeat the same a few millimeters lower, and the cut itself needs to be processed.

Important! You can also choose more daring options, for example, cut your hair in a semicircle or cut a corner, which will give the image some originality. Such hairstyles are similar to those that were common in the middle of the last century.

Hairstyles with "French"
Many haircuts of various hair sizes are well combined with bangs of this type, it looks good in combination with a cascade, square, ladder. If the newfangled look is very tired, you can remove the strands around the face. It is worth taking a closer look at hairstyles for which short bangs are suitable.
- Bean. The whole hairstyle depends on how the front strands are cut. This haircut goes well with short, oblique and torn bangs. Variants with a scythe and a torn are more common, since the third option does not suit everyone, although it looks perfect.

- Caret. This type of haircut looks good with smooth bangs of any length. Some rebellious image is created using oblique or torn strands with thinning scissors along the entire length. The most daring wear such a haircut with a shaved head or a very short length.

- Pixie. This hairstyle can be significantly transformed with the help of a "Frenchwoman". Here, even variations are unacceptable. The choice of the length of the hairstyle element depends on taste preferences. The main thing is to create layering, asymmetry and torn lines. The strands that cover the eyes balance the facial features. At the same time, a very short "Frenchwoman" will make the face more open, which will draw attention to it.

- Cascade. This hairstyle is suitable for any occasion and can be combined with bangs of any length.Here it is better to abandon asymmetric lines and pointed corners, but otherwise the flight of imagination is unlimited.

- Sesson. People call this hairstyle a "hat", which is characterized by a straight cut line, but the same principles apply to the bangs. The strands located in the front along the length are similar to the rest of the hair. The cut is straight and semicircular, blending smoothly into the main hairstyle.

- Pluck. This hairstyle will emphasize the relief of the strands. The bangs with her should not be even; an oblique or asymmetrical "Frenchwoman" is suitable here.

Laying principles
Styling is done in full accordance with the shape of the bangs and the composition of the hair. In order for the styling to be perfect, it is necessary to constantly smooth the strands using special equipment. Torn bangs with a careless curl look good. Short bangs are great because they don't require constant styling. Usually, difficulties with the hairstyle and its basic elements begin when the hair grows slightly. Here you need to arm yourself with patience, combs, hairdryer, varnish, styling products and curling irons. But in general, everything is not as difficult as it seems.

It is worth considering one of the forms of styling with a "Frenchwoman", which includes the following stages:
- first you need to wash and dry your hair, which is done with a hair dryer or without using any equipment;
- distribute the styling product through the hair, especially when the hair does not respond well to this procedure;
- comb all hair back;
- then take one curl in the middle and one at a time from the sides and start weaving a braid; in the process, take new strands on the sides and weave them into the hairstyle;
- pull the strands tight so that the braid does not crumble;
- at the end, fix the hair so that it does not crumble;
- now take a comb with a sharp tip and take out the strands a little to give a casual hairstyle;
- now sprinkle everything with varnish so that the hairstyle is fixed.

Important! When volume is required, individual curls need to be combed before weaving.
Some Recommendations
Most of the fair sex wants to have strands falling on the forehead, but they have concerns about whether they will be able to style them beautifully. If you define the principles and methods of styling, then you can safely go to the hairdresser in order to change your image. There are several types of French styling.
- Brashing. This procedure requires a round comb and hair dryer. The procedure is not very difficult, it consists in directing the flow of hot air from the bottom up, and at the same time pulling out the strands with a round comb. In the process, switch to a stream of cold air and pass it in the opposite direction.

- Iron. This method will appeal to those who like raised or slightly curled bangs. The iron must be held so that the ends of the element are bent inward towards the forehead.

- Styling with special substances. Here you need a styling gel or mousse suitable for your hair type. Apply a small amount to bangs and style your hair.

- Curling iron. This tool will help make small waves that look attractive.

Important! In addition, the bangs can be decorated with decorative elements. Ribbons, hairpins, rubber bands will make the whole look even more interesting.
The process of creating a hairstyle
In order to find an impeccable "Frenchwoman", you need to choose a good, highly qualified specialist. Such a wizard will also help you choose the desired image. Hairstyle creation looks like this:
- comb hair from the center of the head forward;
- partings are made from the sides from the center of the head to the ears so that the bangs are shaped like a triangle;
- the haircut is done in layers - the initial one will be the shortest, and each subsequent one is several millimeters longer than the previous one;
- at the very end, a straight line is made without the use of thinning scissors, and for a torn one, thinning is needed.

Correction of the shape of the face
The main indicator of the type of bangs is the shape of the face, namely:
- oval face - these are suitable proportions for any elements and for the entire haircut as a whole;
- round form - it will help to narrow the oblique and asymmetric "Frenchwoman";
- square shape - rough facial features helps to soften the torn cut;
- rectangle shape - looks good with shortened bangs and with elongated strands on the sides;
- triangle shape - elongated curls in front will help to balance the differences between a pointed chin and rather wide cheekbones of the face, similar to a heart;
- elongated - here it will be good to have smooth bangs and short hair;
- diamond-shaped - the presence of oblique bangs and volumetric styling;
- pear-shaped - this face shape will help to correct the presence of oblique bangs.

With the help of bangs, you can add novelty to the whole image. In conjunction with desires, the image will be either romantic or daring. Such a step as the creation of this element of the hairstyle is considered very responsible, so you need to decide in advance on its type and shape, depending on the shape of the face, hairstyle and condition of the hair. In this case, it is necessary to find out all the intricacies of styling.

For information on how to cut your bangs yourself, see the next video.