How to grow bangs fast?

Fashion changes quickly enough, and not everyone can afford to keep up with it constantly. Images of stylish ladies with original bangs are also advertised in fashion magazines, and stylists are already betting on long hair and completely open faces, forcing women to look for ways to grow their bangs as quickly as possible.

Massage application
One of the most popular methods to grow long bangs quickly is to apply a good massage.
You can choose one of 2 ways to improve blood circulation in order to activate the growth of hair follicles: use a special comb with soft balls at the tips of the teeth or opt for a pleasant manual massage. According to experts, the effectiveness of both methods is approximately at the same level.
- If combing is your thing, do 100 combing from the very roots to the ends of your hair every night.
- If you prefer massage, then gently press your fingertips on the scalp, twitching it slightly. Movements should be circular or spiral. The exposure time is 3-5 minutes.

The use of massage is very effective if you follow some simple rules:
- do not forget to use various agents during the massage that will accelerate the growth of hairs (special oils);
- do not be lazy, because by massaging the scalp constantly, you will increase the effectiveness of the method;
- you can buy a massager made of natural bristles and massage them.

Selection of activators
Purchase activators that will help to actively influence the hair follicles - with their help, the bangs will grow much faster.
Most often, castor oil and burdock oil are used, there are also formulations with olive oil. Burning components are combined with them: pepper or mustard. Certain vitamins are also useful for very fast growth. In addition to a good effect on the body as a whole, they will provoke accelerated growth of your hair.

You can recommend taking the following vitamins:
- A - a large amount of it is found in the liver, carrots, eggs and fish products;
- H - obtained from oatmeal, rice;
- C - found in cabbage leaves, citrus fruits;
- E - in oils;
- B12, B6 are purchased in capsules.

Making hair masks
The care products produced in factories can be considered the same grandmother's recipes, only in much brighter packaging and with a certain amount of "chemistry". Therefore, in order to grow long braids, it is necessary to use special masks made from 100% natural ingredients.
- Onion mask. The best way to nourish your hair and make it stronger. The only negative is an overly persistent and unpleasant odor. Finely chopped onion is scalded with boiling water, slightly cooled gruel is applied to the skin and the entire surface of the hair. After an hour, the composition must be washed off.
- Tomato pulp mask. You can quickly get long hair just by opting for tomato pulp or tomato juice. You just need to rub the pulp into the scalp for about 40-50 minutes, and then rinse with water.

- Yolk mask with honey. Take 1 yolk and 1 spoonful of honey. The ingredients are mixed. The mask is applied to the bangs and washed off after half an hour. The effect will not be long in coming.
- Mask made from an alcoholic oil solution. Get an alcohol-based castor oil or burdock oil. Leave the mixture on the scalp for 2 hours.
After that, all that remains is to wash your hair and rinse it with water and a little vinegar.

- Castor oil and burdock mask. Castor oil is taken - 1 part, burdock oil - 1 part. Both parts are mixed and the roots of the bangs are lubricated with this composition. This area is covered with a plastic cap and a warming kerchief. After 2 hours, the composition can be washed off.
- Mustard mask. 1-2 tablespoons of mustard should be diluted with water until it looks like a not very thick sour cream. This kind of mask is perfectly complemented by any skin care oil. This composition is applied only to the scalp, make sure that the mixture does not get on the hair - the mustard will dry it out. At the same time, it perfectly activates blood circulation. Put on a plastic cap on top, then a warming cap. The exposure time of the mask is 15-25 minutes. Do not endure severe itching or burning, immediately wash off the mask with your favorite shampoo. You do not need to do such a mask more often than once every couple of weeks, as this is an extremely strong mixture that can lead to burns.

- Ginger mask. Ginger should be chopped as finely as possible, pour hot water, leave for half an hour and apply the resulting composition before washing your hair.
The composition will increase the circulation of blood flow, but it can be used much more often than a mask with mustard.
- Pepper tincture. The tincture is diluted with water one to one. Use it before every shampooing process. You can include egg yolk, care oil, liquid honey here and apply it all together as a mask. The mixture will need to be applied to the roots, and then put on a warm cap. The mixture is washed off with a regular shampoo after an hour.

Features of shampooing
The most frequently used procedure for hair is washing it. If you want to get your hair into a more manageable condition, you need to learn how to choose the right shampoos and balms. According to experts, 96% of well-known brands of shampoos contain ingredients that are dangerous to our body. Poisonous chemicals will be listed as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. They are able to destroy the structure of even the healthiest curls, because of them your hair turns into brittle, discolored, dull clumps.
If you have doubts about the naturalness of your shampoo, check its composition and shelf life, which cannot be more than one year of storage.

Learn to wash your hair properly.
- Choose a shampoo with natural extracts, without parabens and sulfate components.
- Be sure to apply the balm after shampooing.
- Rinse your hair with useful broths: from birch leaves, burdock, nettle or chamomile. Put just one spoonful of the herb in a cloth bag and pour boiling water over it. After an hour and a half, when the broth becomes cool, you can rinse your hair with it.
Do not forget that a large number of nutrients are obtained from the scalp hair. And all these components are quite easy to wash off with running water or shampoo. That's why do not wash your hair and hair too often.

Changing the diet
If you want your hair to grow much faster - then change your diet. Healthy hair can be directly influenced by what you include in your diet. Eat more fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables, and fatty fish. It contains a large number of Omega-3 acids and vitamin E, which has a positive effect on the growth of female hair.
For those ladies who actively adhere to strict diets, it will be difficult to grow bangs, since their diet is limited in the amount of fats and carbohydrates, vitamins, and this affects the condition of the hair: their fragility increases, split ends appear, they look lifeless, lose their shine.
It is necessary to drink a course of vitamins, especially in autumn and winter.

The power of traditional medicine
At home, you can take care of your hair so effectively that bangs and main hair length will grow back as quickly as possible. Special tinctures prepared according to old grandmother's recipes will simply perfectly cope with this.
- Nut. 2 tablespoons of walnut leaves are poured with 2 cups of hot water. Then the composition should stand for almost half an hour. The resulting product is rubbed into the skin. For girls with blonde hair, it is best to refuse to use this tincture, as it may darken the hair.
- Burdock. 2-3 tablespoons of burdock leaves are brewed in a glass of boiling water. This broth is infused for about 10 minutes. The resulting composition is rubbed into the hair roots with gentle movements. After this procedure, you should cover your head with a towel or handkerchief for an hour - this way you can release the bangs much faster.

- Elderberry. A large spoonful of elderberry is poured with hot water. Every morning you need to drink about a fourth of a glass of this tincture 30 minutes before meals.
- Pepper. It will really help you speed up your hair growth. A couple of tablespoons of alcoholic pepper tincture are mixed with 2 tablespoons of water. You can add a spoonful of good conditioner and a spoonful of oil to this. The composition is rubbed into the roots of the bangs until the first visual results appear.

You can add vitamins directly to your shampoo or rinse. Nicotinic acid is also considered a magic potion that helps to grow hair literally "before our eyes" and at home.
It is best to choose it in capsules.

Hairdresser tips
Many media persons often visit the salons of their favorite stylists. As strange as it may sound, in order for the bangs to really grow faster, it needs to be trimmed from time to time.
By slightly trimming your bangs, you get rid of split hairs, which can significantly inhibit the growth of hair. There is no need to make significant changes, you just need to make the strands a little shorter. This procedure needs to be done every 6 weeks and soon you will see that your appearance changes significantly and your bangs really grow back quickly.

To grow strands quickly, you should give up the following.
- High temperatures. When drying your hair with a hairdryer or using a curling iron, it is worth taking care that they receive good protection. To do this, it is worth purchasing thermal protective agents.
- Varnishes, mousses or foams allow you to create sophisticated and stylish styling. But they also worsen the general condition of the hair. For this reason, while you are growing bangs, it is better to get rid of such components - then you can easily grow bangs of the required length in a month.

- Forget about impractical metal hairbrushes forever after all, their teeth can seriously injure the skin when combing, which will stop the growth of your hair for a long time.
- Hair dyeing. Ammonia, which is found in many coloring agents, is very harmful to your hair.
- Also, you need to give up all kinds of haircuts for a while, after all, it is quite possible that your stylist will persistently offer you a profiling of bangs or a procedure for shortening it so that it does not interfere with you, but it is best to refuse this kind of service.

When you visit a hairdresser, immediately warn him that you want to grow bangs and therefore you do not need to perform any manipulations with it - this way the hairdresser will know about your decision and will not be too persistent.
If you do not want to wait long and hope that your hair will magically grow by a certain event, then modern beauty salons will help you faster. With the help of a special procedure, you can transform your bangs for two days thanks to the special strands of the overhead look. Turn to the most experienced craftsmen so that they can choose the right strands for your natural hair color, and also help you create the length you need by cutting your hair a little.
After the event, such strands can be easily removed and continue to stimulate natural hair growth using folk remedies.

Do you want your bangs to grow at least 1 cm in a week? Then the accelerated bangs regrowth option will come in handy. It is suitable for both a girl and a guy:
- stick to proper nutrition;
- choose healthy sleep and proper rest;
- be in the fresh air more often;
- take care of your luxurious hair;
- use healthy herbs, oils and vitamins;
- give up "torment" and "torture" (dry your hair less with a hairdryer, give up dyeing and styling using heat, comb and style your hair correctly).

For more information on how to grow bangs quickly, see the next video.