How to beautifully arrange curls on hair with bangs?

Exciting female curls from time immemorial have been the subject of admiration. With their help, any woman could create a unique romantic or festive image. And now this topic of flowing hair, flowing in locks and waves, is very relevant. Many girls emphasize their individuality and style in this way. Fashionable bangs add spice to the image, making it complete.

Average length
Hair of the optimal length - not long, not short - is very popular with women. They are comfortable and easy to clean. In addition, their main advantage is the ability to keep their shape well in almost any style and hairstyle.

It is quite easy to create wavy strands with medium-length bangs. Let's consider several ways.
- With an iron. It is necessary to divide the hair into strands, pre-treated with a heat-styling agent. Then take one curl, pinch it, not reaching the roots, and wrap it around the bottom of the iron. Slowly scrolling it, walk along the entire length of the curl. The bangs can be twisted slightly and laid to one side. The final touch: use your hands to fluff up the hair, giving the desired shape.

- Using hot rollers. First, the curlers are heated. Then dry hair is abundantly irrigated with varnish, so that in the future the curls hold the base of the hairstyle. The hair of the head is divided into three parts and, separating a little from each of them, wind each strand on curlers, securing it. Next, let the curlers cool and remove, and gently beat the curls with your hands. The bangs are sprayed with a fixative and laid in a straight way, like the "wet" effect.

Long hair
The most chic hairstyles are certainly done with long curls, which are always in vogue.Taking care of them is more difficult and longer, but they always look more spectacular.
You can create smooth curls for long hair using a curling iron or curlers. However, such methods are time consuming.

If you need to create a hairstyle quickly, you can use the available tools that are always at hand.
- With invisible hairpins. Invisibles create elastic spiral strands. This is done this way: the hair is treated with foam or styling mousse, rolled into spiral bundles and secured with hairpins. Long bangs are also curled in this way. If the bangs are short, it is better not to touch it, otherwise the hairstyle will look very strange. After a couple of hours, the fixer is removed and the hair is gently combed.

- A method for braiding hair into braids. Curls are also created using braids. Our great-grandmothers also owned this secret of creating curls. From clean, damp hair, braids are weaved at night, and in the morning, dried hair is loosened, giving the desired shape with hands or a comb. To keep the strands strict, they do not need to be combed, but only whipped with your hands.

Short haircut
There is a belief that the choice of hairstyles for short hair is limited. But this is far from the case. Such hair holds curls and curls very well.
And they look no less impressive than medium and long curls. Of course, they cannot be called falling, but they favorably set off the dignity of the face, emphasizing the oval and hiding the flaws. Short hair is perfect for bangs.

A curly hairstyle is easy to create and doesn't take long. Wet hair is wrapped in curlers with Velcro: from the ends to the roots and dried with a hairdryer. In this case, the width of the grip of the hair should be somewhat wider than the curlers themselves. It is better to pre-treat the hair with a heat-styling agent.
If you have time, it is better to dry your hair in the usual way, then you can process it with a regular foam.

With the help of a curling iron, beautiful curls are created on short strands. Thermomuss is applied to individual strands, then they are alternately wound with a curling iron over the entire head. The bangs are also not ignored, slightly twisting it inward. Curly bangs must first be straightened with tongs.

Classic "Hollywood" waves
This hairstyle with a touching shimmer is especially popular among connoisseurs of female beauty. In addition to the fact that she has been incredibly popular for more than 70 years, and not only in Hollywood, the hairstyle has its own characteristics.
- True "Hollywood" curls always have the same amount of curl.
- They are made for hair of the same length. In the case of hair cut with a "ladder", the result will be completely different.
- They are laid in waves on one or both sides.
- Their distinguishing feature is their radiant shine and good shape. Such hair looks well-groomed and chic.

- Curls always look natural. Cascades of curls remain alive and mobile. This effect is achieved through special styling products that do not weigh down the hair.
- The hairstyle should be done correctly only on a dry head, otherwise the strands will lose their desired shape.
- Curls can be done on different hair - both long and short. Large strands are made for short ones, smaller for long ones.

At home
There are several options for creating Hollywood "curls". Let's consider the most popular one.
First, you need to decide on the parting, since then it will be difficult to change it. Often it is created from the side, throwing the curls to one side. But you can also create in the middle by stacking them on both sides. To create a hairstyle, you will need an iron, it is preferable to a curling iron, the hair with it will lie flat, one to the other.

The step-by-step instructions provide a description of each stage of creating a hairstyle. We offer a master class from leading experts in this field.
- The head must be pre-washed, even if the hair is clean.This is necessary to wash away traces of previous styling (if any) and simply to freshen up the color. Then the hair is dried with a towel, but not until completely dry.
- Apply thermal protection products to a damp head, evenly distributing them along the entire length. High-quality specialized films, mousses and other hair care compositions envelop each hair without weighing it down, creating a protective "mesh" on all surfaces.
- The curls are dried with a hair dryer with a round brush, while combing and giving the desired volume. This straightens curly curls.

- They begin to wind up from the lower strands, having previously secured the upper ones with special tweezers. It is also possible vice versa: from top to bottom. Twist each strand in one direction. So they will fall in waves and will not be shaggy.
- Twisting the hair with an iron, grab small strands at the roots, then turning it down and wrapping the curls, stretch it along the entire length. The finished curl is fixed with clamps.
- Long bangs are also wound with a curling iron. To lay it neatly to the side, you need to apply mousse, foam or gel, and then dry it in the desired direction with a hairdryer and a brush. You can simply comb the bangs back, securing with hairpins and sprinkle with varnish. This will make the hairstyle look very romantic and sophisticated. For medium curls, it's best to simply flatten the bangs with a flat iron.

- If you use a curling iron, wind the strands from the roots one by one, securing with hairpins.
- The resulting curls are combed with a comb, laid with hands and fixed with varnish.

Professional advice
The secret of the "Hollywood" hairstyle is available not only to the "stars". Each woman can create her own unique image in accordance with her taste, mood, as well as features of her appearance.
- For blonde beauties a la Marilyn Monroe, short large rings with a diamond shine, which is achieved with the help of a special "gloss" applied to already curled curls, are suitable.
- Long or semi-long curls with light waves laid on one side are more suitable for owners of dark thick hair and a classic appearance. A soft pearlescent shine completes the look. In no case should you use glitter varnish. "Hollywood" curls should shine with their own natural light.

- Dark strands in a bob haircut, created with the help of Velcro hot rollers, favorably set off the even oval of the face, emphasizing its lower part. Straight bangs in this case balance the balance. It should lie in a straight "curtain", it is not recommended to wind it, so that the hairstyle does not lose its neat shape.

- Experts advise red-haired divas with copper shine of hair to create not round, but twisted curls, which are achieved with the help of special spiral heat rollers.
- Coarse hair of any shade is best rolled with heat tongs, as regular hair curlers may not cope with the complex structure of this type of hair.
- To create neat "educated" waves, naturally curly strands must be carefully straightened and only then created "Hollywood" curls.

- Shortly before you decide to create your hairstyle, you need to start preparing your hair for the procedure. Laminate with oils, nourish and massage the scalp to strengthen the hair roots and their structure. On healthy hair, complex styling will look much more spectacular and last longer.
- It is not recommended to dye your hair on the eve of curling. It is enough to wash the dyed hair with a special shampoo with color-restoring pigments so that it shines with fresh color again.

Adhering to the recommendations and advice of experts, you can create the most sophisticated hairstyles with curls for every taste. The main thing is to choose your style correctly and boldly get down to business.

For information on how to make curls for medium hair with bangs, see the video below.