How to grow bangs?

The bangs can be large, small, straight, cut to the side. It allows you to change the image in a matter of minutes, but over time it gets boring, so girls strive to grow it as quickly as possible.

How long does the bang grow?
The decision to grow your bangs and align them with the overall length can be tricky as the process takes a long time and you need to be patient. It is easier to trim it again than to deal with constantly breaking strands.
However, if you do not spare the time, then in a few months it will begin to clean up first into a high braid, then into the tail. On average, the process takes from six months to a year, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the girl.
If it was only recently cut, then everything is just ahead. Hair grows on average one to one and a half centimeters per month, for some this pace seems excruciatingly slow. Fortunately, there are several home remedies that can help stimulate growth, making your bangs longer and faster.

Experts advise massaging the scalp daily to stimulate the follicles in this way. You need to more actively affect the area around the bangs, including the temples, forehead, in order to increase blood flow.

You can try taking vitamins that help in hair growth. Biotin, lysine, vitamins B, E contribute to healthy hair growth.

Removing split ends also promotes growth, just do not remove the length too much, just a couple of millimeters per month. There are foods that promote growth. These include greens, nuts, salmon, tuna, bananas, wheat bran, lettuce, and brown rice. They are all rich in vitamins.

How to grow?
Perhaps the most difficult thing may seem to be the growing of bangs for a child, since at home he is very active, small curls are constantly knocked out, clambering into the eyes. If the baby can completely ignore this fact, then the mother begins to get nervous, and it becomes difficult to grow bangs, there is not enough patience. In this case, it is advised to use accessories, including rubber bands, hairpins.

For an adult, you can try to cut at an angle for the first time, so that most of it goes behind the ear. This way the hairstyle remains intact and the hair grows back without hassle.
If the bangs are thick, then you can try to separate them. The side can usually be hidden behind the ears more quickly. When the hair is wet, apply the styling cream to the bangs and then smooth it on both sides. If it is completely inconvenient, then simply by means of invisibility you can pin your hair back, while combing it a little to create an attractive volume.

The simplest answer to the question of how to grow bangs is that the person should just let the hair grow and not cut it off every time it gets in the way.
It will take time to grow the bangs to the length of the rest of the strands. At best, this is 12.7-15.24 centimeters per year. If the bangs are fairly short, the process may take longer.

Initially, bangs that are too short can be left alone to start growing. When the length reaches the eyebrows, starting to fall on the eyes, further care becomes problematic. This is the time to be creative. Some leave everything as it is, because nothing bothers them, you can freely look out from under the hair, for others it is very inconvenient.

There are several ways you can pull your hair back. For this, a hairdryer and styling products are used, which are very often very useful if they are strongly fixed with varnish and a high tail is made. But sometimes the bangs can knock out and fall back, especially in windy weather or during a light rain. Strong styling gel or wax are also top helpers.

Other options can be used, such as hairpins, clips, or headbands that keep hair out of the eye.
Some hairdressers suggest that the easiest way to grow bangs and handle a certain growth stage is to pull your hair to the side. If the length is still insufficient, then the curl will not hold, in this case it is pressed down invisibly. Can be divided into two sides, but can be removed only in one. Fortunately, as the hair grows to the cheekbones and longer, it becomes easier to mask it.

If you want to look original, then you should use a curling iron to create waves or curls in your hair. In this case, it is possible to hide the bangs and slightly equalize it with the rest of the length. Adding braids or curling curls is another great way to blend shorter hair and longer hair.

There are several stages into which professional stylists divide the process of growing bangs. At the first stage, it is still too short to be put to the sides, but already quite large, therefore it gets in the way. In this case, you only need to trim the hair in the center. As soon as it starts to annoy, you should take the scissors yourself and profile in the center.
This will help the outer corners blend in with the rest of the hair. Over time, they will completely go away, and it will be possible to issue a new haircut.

In the second stage, the bangs are split in the middle. At this point it is not really enough to be removed with a hairpin on either side of the head, so it is best to split it in half. After washing your head, you can simply dry the bangs in the desired direction. Some people prefer to use a gel or mousse for fixing.

After two months, the third stage begins.Before styling, the bangs are covered with mousse and dried forward, but they are not left straight, but with the help of a curling iron they are wrapped from the face, turning up. The result is a very professional and attractive styling.

Then comes the fourth stage, when the bangs can already be mixed with the main hairstyle. By this time, it should be much longer, so it already looks in harmony with the rest of the hair. To make it look like part of the created image, it can be directed slightly away from the face.

How to stack so as not to interfere?
You can style the growing bangs beautifully so that it does not interfere. There are many options, as done by professionals, most of them can be explored by a girl who is growing her hair.

One of the best solutions, how to remove the bangs not only on the sides, but in general, is weaving. The main thing is, before that, it is correct to release it and take into account the length. If the front hair is too short, then you can braid boho braids, thanks to which it is possible to remove the curls from the eyes. The braiding is done along the hairline.
For those with medium or long bangs, you can use more options. The French braid from the side is very reminiscent of a wreath that beautifully frames the head from above. It can be secured using flower pins. This unusual option can be used as a festive solution.

To weave boho braids, you will need to divide all your hair into three sections. The first should include all the bangs, the second should include only a strand with long curls, and the third should include long hair. Hair pulls well and is fixed with hairpins, you can create the effect of a braid.

French braids look quite original on bangs, but it's not so easy to do them yourself, so it's better to trust the master.
Such weaving is done on both sides, you have to pull each strand with force, then pull out small curls from the weaving. This creates volume on fine and short hair. The strands are woven into the braid gradually, weaving is performed the other way around, that is, from below.

A girl who knows the basic rules of the masters can easily weave the bangs correctly into the main shock:
- it is best to divide the bangs into three parts;
- short curls should be connected with long curls gradually so that they are better intertwined;
- the upper part is pulled, otherwise individual parts will be knocked out, creating an untidy effect.

How to stab with accessories?
Hair accessories such as headbands, clips and invisibility are used in any situation: when creating both a daily hairstyle and for the red carpet. Not only are they a fun way to disguise bangs as they grow back, but they are also an affordable option to brighten or refresh your look.

With the help of such ornaments, you can fix your hair in any position, and when used as a supplement with varnish, the hairstyle remains unchanged throughout the evening.
Headbands, bandanas, headbands that can be worn with a ponytail or a messy bun of hair on the head are back in fashion. They help not only hide the growing bangs, but also add originality to the style. The market offers goods with decorative flowers made of fabric, metal, plastic and other materials. Headbands are worn by girls of different ages: from very children to elderly ladies.

Dirty hair's allies are cloth headbands that manage to keep the hair tidy. The color scheme is very diverse, you can choose models with precious stones, which create a special accessory that collects the views of others.

Modern women are not used to spending a lot of time on their hair, so bandanas and turbans are great for everyday days, picnics. They look much better than caps or hats and are perfect for informal events, beach or pool vacations.These accessories come in a wide range of designs and patterns to suit the tastes and needs of every woman.

Perhaps this particular accessory is from the past, but it remains in fashion and is constantly being updated: hairpins with sequins, beads, bows, rhinestones add a touch of elegance to the hairstyle. Both long and short hair can be removed with this device.

The designers have taken into account the importance of each hair accessory. If a woman is a fan of the romantic style, also known as boho chic, then she should add flowers to the image.
At chin-length, thick bangs can be styled into a variety of hairstyles. You can simply grease your hair liberally with wax, and comb back with a comb to create a tall, beautiful ponytail. This option looks great for those of the fair sex, whose curls reach the waist.
For better fixation, you can varnish your head on top, which is very useful when the wind is outside.

If the bangs have grown to the cheekbones, they can be pulled into the weave to one side, around the head. At the same time, it is desirable that the total length of the hair be below the shoulders. The braid is braided from the beginning of the hairline, then slowly pulled out behind the ear.

Numerous accessories can be used. It is easier to remove the bangs with crabs using several hairpins. Hair is also pulled to the side so that it does not get in the way of the eyes. The bangs removed on one side with the use of a hair clip looks very attractive.

If you have a hair clip with a tight attachment and beautiful stones, it is better to fix it in the center, and twist the hair on a small curling iron. The result is a very attractive and slightly romantic hairstyle.

In the presence of long bangs, the hair can simply be twisted into a flagellum and hidden to the side, securing it with several invisible ones. It will look original and attractive.

With a short haircut, the bangs are wound inward and laid to the side along with the rest of the curls. You can fix everything from one side with several shiny metal hairpins.

The bangs of medium length are removed very easily using a simple invisibility, with which one curl is hooked slightly from the side, from the back, or divided into two halves, but this is how the hair is hooked behind the ears.

Long bangs look good, which are first braided into a pigtail and pulled back, securing the back with an elastic band or crab.
Stylists began combing very long curls in front, thus creating an attractive volume. On the sides above the ears, the hair is licked using varnish, gel and invisibility.
Long bangs look unusual, which are divided into two halves and removed in twisted spirals behind the ears. If you want to create a romantic look, then you should wind up even curls.

Experts give their advice on how to quickly grow a bang and bring it to its total length.
- Stop messing up your hair. Temperature styling is not good for the health of curls. This even applies to styling with a hairdryer, so it is better to use natural drying for the growing period.
- Slow down with shampoo, do not use it every day. The hair products that most people use affect hair health. They contain sulfate, a chemical that can make hair dry, dull and damaged. It is also worth reducing the frequency of shampooing, since hard water washes away the natural protective layer. The best option is to wash your hair every 4 days.

- Experts advise massage the scalp for at least 10 minutes, for this simple process can work wonders. This effect increases blood circulation to the hair roots. As a result, the bulbs regenerate faster.
- Eat a balanced diet. If you want to grow bangs, it is recommended to reduce the amount of fat consumed and increase the amount of protein and protein.Limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol because these stimulants can interfere with the absorption of minerals needed for healthy hair.
- A high, well-tied tail should be worn more often. It helps to pull the curls back, stimulates the follicles.
- Cut split ends regularly, it speeds up the growth process.

If the girl follows simple rules, then the process of growing bangs will not cause her any inconvenience. The main thing is to withstand a certain stage when it is most difficult to lay the curls in the desired direction. Stylists offer a lot of modern solutions that look fashionable and beautiful, regardless of the style chosen by the fair sex.

For information on how to grow bangs, see the next video.