With or without bangs: how to make the right choice?

Hairstyle with bangs adds femininity and mystery to the image. Girls choose this haircut for fashion or comfort. Before you cut your hair, you should decide if this hairstyle is right for you. You can seek advice from specialists or simply determine your face shape and make a choice yourself.

Trimmed strands help to give the oval of the face a more regular shape, they can hide some angularities. The bangs bring emphasis to the eyes. The hairstyle allows you to hide any imperfections on the forehead. Its main advantages:
- visually increases the volume;
- gives hair a neatness;
- allows you to hide any facial features (scars, rashes, birthmarks).
Trimmed strands instantly transform the whole image. Any hairstyle will sparkle in a completely different way if you just cut off your bangs. If you choose the right shape and type, then the appearance will acquire flirtatiousness.

Hairstyles with bangs also have disadvantages. For girls with sensitive skin, it is better not to do it for the summer. If you leave your hair on your forehead on a sultry day, then all the unpleasant consequences of increased sweating will appear. Acne and blackheads may appear on the skin. The bangs will hide such flaws from prying eyes, but some discomfort will remain.

It is better to cut strands near the face in the salon with a specialist. It's pretty simple to figure out if a bang suits you. Consult a stylist to determine your hair type and face shape. It is important to consider age and occupation when choosing it. Ripped and slanted designs are ideal for young girls, but unlikely to be appropriate for banking workers.

Fashion trends
The role of bangs in the fashion industry is quite wide.Silhouettes from the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century are very popular. The main recommendations of stylists.
- Round arch with elongated strands at the temples focuses on the eyes and visually rounds out the facial features. Such bangs help hide a high forehead, emphasize cheekbones. It is this option that visually rejuvenates women. Looks great on straight hair, so the center section requires frequent styling.

- Cropped side strands help to slightly change the image, while not affecting the main length of the hair. The bangs lengthen the face and hide the puffiness of the cheeks. This hairstyle can be easily done at home. Bangs are not suitable for girls with a wide forehead and a long oval face. The hairstyle will not hide wrinkles and imperfections on the forehead. Thick strands at the temples rejuvenate and add tenderness and lightness to the image.

- Slightly careless regrown thick hair in the area of the bangs are especially popular due to their natural appearance. The lack of clear boundaries and soft edging of the face make the hairstyle versatile. Keep in mind that such bangs require special care; you will have to visit the hairdresser at least once a month.

- For curly girls, wavy light bangs are perfect. An easy way to create a romantic and natural look. Such strands require minimal maintenance, the poem does not take much time during collection. Great for young girls, but mature women should abandon such a frivolous option. It looks especially inappropriate when working in an office with a strict dress code.

Experts against straight and crisp strands. Try to make the image as natural as possible, slightly sloppy. Lightweight and natural bangs help create beautiful everyday looks without much time and effort. Many types of hairstyles can be created on your own at home, which helps to save finances.

Face shape
It has long been proven that it is almost impossible to clearly define the oval of the face, but it is possible to determine the prevailing shapes. Take a close look in the mirror, determine the most suitable face shape and find out which hairstyle will suit you best.
- Perfect oval allows the girl to conduct a variety of experiments. The only limitation is the density and structure of the hair. You can try both classic types of bangs, as well as more modern and even daring models. It is important to take into account that wavy hair with high porosity does not keep styling well on straight cuts. If the curls are dense, then there are no restrictions at all.

- Round oval need to be adjusted slightly to balance the bottom. Bangs with strands of different lengths are great. This look will make the face a little narrower and lighten the image. Refuse cascades in any of their manifestations, such a hairstyle visually expands the face.

- Girls with an angular oval face (square, rectangle) will not go with an even bang. The hairstyle draws additional attention to the voluminous and massive lower part of the face. A short "rag" with thinned strands is perfect. It is better to cut oblique bangs slightly below the cheekbone line.

- If the oval of the face resembles a triangle (heart), then it is worth giving up thick straight bangs. This type of strand draws extra attention to the upper part of the face, emphasizes a sharp chin. Filtered strands of different lengths will help not only brighten up the look, but also save time on daily styling.

What to choose?
For convenience, there are 5 main types of bangs. Hair stylists can mix and match for optimal results.
These strands reach up to the eyebrows, so they are well suited for girls with thick hair. Such bangs can be worn in a casual way, laying the strands chaotically. Daring girls who follow fashion often prefer this type of hairstyle. The graphic type can be made in both short and long versions. The hairstyle allows you to experiment with styling.

This type will suit owners of short and medium hair. Strands can go down to chin level. Suitable for almost all face types. Long options allow you to experiment with styling. The big advantage is that the hairstyle will look natural even if you choose to poke in your bangs.

A perky and daring look can be created with these bangs. Strands can be straight or asymmetrical. Rvanka is ideal for girls with short hair. This combination helps to create a bright and youthful image. Recently, this type of bangs is rarely used because short hair is gradually going out of fashion.

This type of strand is not suitable for all girls. An original hairstyle is best done by a professional. The main length should be at shoulder level, otherwise the short bangs will look extremely ridiculous. If you want, you can always grow it, so you can afford an experiment. A professional hairdresser will be able to tell you how appropriate it is to cut this way.

These bangs are often used for fashion shows, but they are rarely seen in everyday life. It should be noted that this hairstyle is ideal for owners of long hair. Avoid haircuts if you have a square face.

The bangs themselves change the look. It is possible to more correctly correct the shape of the face and improve the image with the help of correct styling.
It is especially important to be attentive to this process for owners of long straight bangs.

Styling tips.
- Tuck the strands to one side to remove accent from rounded cheeks and chin.
- At any time, you can open your face, just pin the hair on the crown. This is especially true for women with triangular and oval face shapes.
- It is very easy to correct a short forehead, just remove the lush bangs back. This hairstyle is especially relevant for women with a massive chin.
- Owners of even and beautiful cheekbones are advised to straighten short strands with an iron.
- Spread long bangs evenly and neatly over the sides to accentuate the graceful shape of your face.

When styling bangs, it is recommended to use mousses and varnishes for additional fixation. It is important that the products do not stick the hairs together. Professional rulers help you achieve a natural look. It is convenient to use irons and curling irons. It takes more practice to gently blow-dry the strands.

If you are wrong with the type of bangs you choose, you can just start growing it. This will take different times depending on the main length of the hair. If bangs are needed to smooth out any facial features, then when choosing, focus exclusively on the oval. The opinion of hairdressing stylists will help you make the final choice.

See the video below for four more ways to quickly style your bangs.