How beautiful to pin a bang?

Bangs are a bright "highlight" of any woman's hairstyle, creating a certain mood and forming an image. However, even she can get bored or out of place in any situation. In order not to solve the situation radically every time with the help of scissors, you have to learn how to pin up interfering hair.

The ways
To pacify the growing bangs or temporarily hide them, it is enough to use a comb, styling and everyday accessories. It is important to mention that the styling method should be in harmony with the features of the face. For example, chubby young ladies are not recommended to place strands along the forehead, the same applies to those with a square face. A forehead that is too high will only increase if the bangs are combed up.
Most of all, girls with an oval face are lucky - any hairstyle will suit them.

With the help of invisibility
Using invisible bangs, bangs can be easily removed in several ways. According to one of them, styling begins with the treatment of hair with a gel or foam, which will not allow the hairstyle to collapse, and individual hairs to crawl out of the total mass.

Then the bangs are either combed back or simply lifted up. The most convenient way to do this is by collecting a small ponytail. To create a hairstyle with additional volume, you will need to additionally fix the fleece with varnish. After that, the ends of the raised hair can be stabbed with invisibility, crossed in pairs for greater fixation. If desired, the attachment point can be decorated with a decorative element.
The finished styling must be varnished or fixed with a special tool.
This method is also suitable for those who want to completely free their foreheads from overgrown bangs.Also, this option is readily used by girls who want to visually reduce the amount of hanging hair.
In the second case, only the upper part of the hair is combed back, after which it must be fixed. Loose curls can be either loose or gathered in a high ponytail.

The second method is suitable only for loose hair, which, however, can be either straight or curled. First of all, the hair is coated with wax or gel. Then the bangs are divided along a straight parting, and each side is fixed with invisibility. If the length of the bangs allows, pinning the strands is behind the ears. It is better to hide the ends of the strand under the hair. By the way, the parting can be not only straight, but also zigzag.

Finally, the bangs can be laid to one side. The shaping of the hairstyle begins with the traditional stage - the moisturized hair is smeared with foam or styling gel. A side parting is formed on the hair, and the bangs are neatly laid to one side, fixing with the tip above or below the hair. If the hairs are visible, then it is worth additionally decorating them with beautiful hairpins of any type and shape, and in the second case, you can limit yourself to invisible ones folded crosswise or in parallel. Experts recommend walking over the fixed bangs with your fingers, slightly lifting it up for more volume and a beautiful shape.
It will turn out beautifully if the bangs are parted into two equal parts, which can then be twisted into bundles.

The ends of the hair should be fastened on the side under the hair of the bulk with the help of invisibility.
It should be mentioned that asymmetric hairstyles have been very popular lately.
In this case, you should comb the bangs to one side, then sprinkle with varnish, and then fix them with invisible ones on the crown. This option will meet fashionable requirements.
Finally, combed bangs can be twisted together with the front strands into a wide bundle, and you can use not only the upper part of it, but also the entire length of the hair.

Using the bezel
Stylish headbands, ribbons and headscarves will not only create a memorable look, but also help tame naughty bangs. The hair can be combed either to the top of the head, or to the sides, dividing it with a straight parting, or simply lay it on one side. The bezel in all these variations serves as a reliable fixer, replacing the invisible ones. If you plan to make a romantic look, then the bangs can be curled or twisted with a flagella, and then secured with an elegant textile ribbon. By the way, it is advisable to comb the bangs itself to the side, remove by the ear, and then use the rim.

The hair can be styled tightly against the head, or you can form a volumetric roll out of it.
When styling long bangs, it is recommended to clamp only the ends. By changing the sizes and designs of headbands and ribbons, it will be possible to significantly modify the same image. In summer, be sure to recreate one of the hairstyles with a silky scarf.

Braiding a pigtail
A pigtail will add playfulness and softness, which, in addition, will allow you to remove the bangs. For braiding, you need a fine-toothed comb, clear elastic and fixing varnish. The combed bangs are divided into three strands, which are immediately coated with a styling product such as foam or wax.

The braid is woven from three rows, and its thickening occurs by adding side curls from the total mass of hair.
As a result, the design is either left taut or slightly loose for casual chic.

A braid, by the way, can weave with both upper and lower weaves. The first variety is called the French braid and the second is called the Dutch braid. In a French braid, the strand is tucked inward, after which it goes down, and in a Dutch braid it rises. Weaving can be done either from the very edge of the forehead or from its middle part, experimenting with the angles at which the braid is placed.The former bangs can even be braided diagonally, and then, together with the bulk of the hair, be pulled into a low ponytail.

The flagellate variation is also popular. To implement it, the bangs are combed, and then a thin strand is taken from it from above, which is then divided into two parts. Intertwining them together, it is necessary to repeat this step several times, gradually adding hairs from the unused bangs to the upper part. The tip of the structure is fixed either with an invisible one or with a beautiful hair clip.
A tourniquet is said to look much better if the rest of the hair is parted with a side part.

Skilled craftsmen will even be able to create a weave from several braids, going from one ear to the other and gently "absorbing" the bangs.
For fastening, it is enough to use ordinary invisibility, in harmony with the color of the hair.
If you combine the bangs with the front strands, then the source material for the Greek braid is formed, weaving in three parts. The forehead, thus, will be completely open, and the braid itself will go either along the hairline or higher.

other methods
If there is simply not enough time for a well-thought-out hairstyle, then the bangs can simply be removed back and, together with the upper strands, collected in a high ponytail. Additionally, twisting the ends of the hair outward, it will be possible to make the image not only comfortable, but also stylish. To make a half-ponytail, you will have to connect several side strands and the bangs itself at the crown of the head.

There is also the option of dividing the entire bangs into several strands, each of which is twisted with a tourniquet and fixed in any convenient way: with a clip or an elastic band.
Such flagella can be placed on the crown in a neat sequence or randomly, forming an unusual pattern. The evening look is ideally complemented by an accessory, which is a fishing line with rhinestones, which is attached to the hair using a special loop.

A look with hairpins decorated with flowers or bows will not only become romantic, but also perfect for girls with medium bangs. For example, you can brush your bangs to the side, secure it with a hair clip, and tuck the end of your hair behind your ear. A hair clip is also irreplaceable when attaching torn bangs up.
In this case, the invisible ones will always remain in sight, which means that they will additionally have to be hidden.

Owners of oval faces can afford a very unusual styling. The bangs in this situation are divided into two parts using an even parting and fixed with clamps.
If the strands are short, then it is enough to use invisible ones, but long options can be twisted into bundles, removed by the ears or transformed into braids.
Finally, you can tame unruly hair even without any additional tools - strong styling products are enough. For example, it can be a voluminous fleece, a daring mohawk, or a fancy shape fixed with wax.

Short bangs
Growing bangs still give more room for styling, but a short bang is much more difficult to pacify. You can try to form a small crest, but it will be much more interesting to use a variety of accessories: scarves, ribbons, elastic bands or hairpins. Details should be matched to either hair color or contrasting shades for vibrant looks. It is also recommended to use neutral keys. Ornaments, patterns or laconic drawings are welcome.
For a business look, dark-colored accessories without pronounced prints are recommended, and rich colors with rhinestones, pebbles and beads are suitable for everyday wear.

Before fastening, it makes sense to treat the interfering hair with varnish - for this you need to apply the product to the comb and use it several times.
To fix it, you will need one dense hairpin or several crossed invisible hairpins.You can cope with short bangs with the help of "crabs", if you divide it into several strands and roll each one with a tourniquet, directing it to the crown. A flat iron or tongs will be able to shape the short bangs into a wave, which can then be secured to the side using bobby pins.

See the video below for 3 easy ways to remove bangs.