Straight bangs with lengthening on the sides: features, types and tips

Bangs are one of the most important components of a hairstyle, and there are quite a few haircut variations. For each, you can choose the best option so as to emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws in appearance. With the help of bangs, the image of a woman and the perception of her style are largely formed. The most common straight bangs with lengthening on the sides.

Who is it for?
There is such an oval of the face, for which the straight elongated bangs seem to be specially invented - this is a high massive forehead and rather wide cheekbones. In addition, the hairstyle will be optimal for women of mature age, on whose face signs of age-related changes have already become noticeable.

If we talk about contraindications to such a haircut, then these include:
- deep-set eye sockets;
- drooping eyelids;
- too small face;
- weakened thin hair.

A bang with an arch emphasizes the eyes and attracts attention, it serves as a strong, beautiful face frame that visually softens even the most rude features. It is no coincidence that this style of haircut was preferred by such famous divas as: Zooey Deschanel, Nicole Richie, and Florence Welch.

Such bangs, depending on the type of performance, can be perfectly straight and torn. The first option is more suitable for ladies with thick voluminous hair, with a rounded face and rather chubby cheeks - this is how beneficial accents will be placed on the eyes and lips. The torn version with elongated strands at the edges is more suitable for women with angular features.

Advantages and disadvantages
Straight elongated strands have many advantages that have turned them not just into a hairstyle element, but made a real trend.
- Similar haircut visually corrects the face, pulls it out and makes it a little thinner.
- For hair you can hide various flaws - for example, pimples, acne and wrinkles.
- Versatility - another advantage of straight bangs, it can look stylish with almost any hairstyle and on any type of face (with very rare exceptions).

- Multifunctionality. If you like to change your look, then you can always style this bangs in a variety of ways - comb to one side, stretch or curl, bangs tucked behind the ears or parted in half look very stylish, there are many options - if you wish, you can appear in new looks at least every day ...
- Simplicity of styling. In order to bring the bangs into proper shape, you need a minimum of time and tools, in most cases, just a comb and a hair dryer are enough.

Of the shortcomings, we can note the need to constantly maintain the bangs in perfect condition - the facial strands, regardless of the form in which they are made, always get dirty quickly, and we are not talking about any attractiveness of the hostess. Therefore, bangs should be kept perfectly clean and must be styled.
In addition, specific modifications of the bangs should be selected individually - the density, edge line and the number of layers should be selected taking into account the face oval, it is best to consult a master who will certainly select the best option and style of strands for you.

Types of straight elongated bangs
Elongated bangs can be straight or torn.
Perfectly flat with a pronounced cut line has been relevant for more than a decade - such styles are optimal for owners of elongated hair, especially Asian. Girls with a Slavic type of appearance need to be more careful when choosing such a style, since soft and rather naughty curls simply do not lie as they should, and often give the impression of untidiness and slovenliness.
The arched bangs look very impressive - they are made out in a semicircle, due to which the strands very gently and neatly pass into the total hair volume and imperceptibly merge with the haircut.

An excellent solution for women of all ages is considered to be strands on the sides of the face on both sides, and in the overwhelming majority of cases, the fairer sex comes to such a model quite by accident - they get bangs not purposefully, but during the growing of shortened strands. When they reach a length just below the eyebrows and begin to frame the face beautifully, many stop growing them further and leave them in a renewed form. It is noteworthy that a similar length can be taken in a tail or braided into a braid if necessary.
However, keep in mind that such a model is completely unsuitable for girls with narrow cheekbones and a too large forehead - then the face, already elongated, will become even longer and narrower.

Straight bangs with lengthening along the edges can be made a little torn - you can make the strands even more stylish by experimenting with the length, as well as the density and shade of the hair. Stylish asymmetry can be created in combination with a short haircut (for example, bob, bob or garcon). But on medium and long hair, such solutions do not look very good.
You should not resort to such options for women in adulthood - asymmetry and torn edges often look vulgar on them.

Styling features
Many people try to cut a semicircular bang on their own - it is not worth doing this, if an ordinary straight line can be easily trimmed at home, then it is rather difficult to make an arched model without special skill - any wrong movement and general appearance will be hopelessly spoiled.
It is very important that the bangs aesthetically go into the main haircut, so here you will need the services of a professional master.

But there are no problems with styling this hairstyle. You will need a round metal brush and a hair dryer.
To begin with, the bangs are moistened and a little mousse is applied, then a horizontal parting is made and divided into two identical layers - first, the lower one is dried with a hairdryer, then the outer one (in this case, the ends must be twisted down).
If you are tired of the standard bangs, then you can always lay the strands to the side. To do this, they are divided into two halves with a side parting and stretching along the length with a brush, dried with a hairdryer (in this case, it is better to fix the hair, otherwise they will return to their original state).

If you have free time, then you can divide the bangs into several strands of equal thickness and curl each of them inward - you get a stylish, feminine and retro look, and the hairstyle itself will become more voluminous and rather lush.
If you are tired of the bangs, then the elongated strands can always be combed back. To do this, they are combed near the roots, folded back and fixed with varnish. If necessary, you can additionally secure the fleece with hairpins, invisible hairpins or a rim.

But it is better to lay torn bangs with an iron, and do not forget to first apply a composition for thermal protection of strands to the hair. Such bangs will look perfectly even and mirror-smooth, and if conservatism is not to your liking, then you can stop at the disheveled version that will emphasize the mischievous and playful nature. To do this, the bangs are divided into strands, lubricated with a styling agent and dried with a hairdryer, slightly crushing at the same time.

How to lengthen your bangs?
If you are determined to get straight semicircular bangs, and your hair is still too short, try using folk remedies that accelerate hair growth. Of course, miracles do not happen, and the length you need will not appear in the blink of an eye, but the hair growth process will accelerate anyway.

Here's what popular beauty recipes offer us:
- apply masks that stimulate the growth of hair follicles;
- include in your diet foods high in vitamins A, B, as well as E and H;
- perform a head massage daily - it is best to combine it with special serums that improve blood circulation;
- hair after washing should be rinsed with decoctions of burdock roots, hazel leaves or elderberry.
Well, if your soul asks for urgent changes, use the hair extension procedure (in the case of bangs, use the capsule technique).

In conclusion, we will give a number of recommendations:
- wash your bangs as often as possible - this part gets dirty much faster than the rest of the hair;
- do not forget to purchase styling products - in bad weather, rain and wind, the bangs lose their attractiveness, therefore, they need special formulations that allow you to keep your hairstyle under any atmospheric conditions;
- try to run your hands over the bangs as rarely as possible - otherwise, in a few hours you will have not a stylish, but an untidy haircut.

See below for more details.