Torn bangs with lengthening on the sides: who will it go and how to do it?

Most modern women prefer a hairstyle with torn bangs with lengthening on the sides. Since it is she who allows you to hide the flaws of the face and emphasize its dignity. But stopping the choice on such a bang, it is worth remembering its features.

Advantages and disadvantages
Elongated torn bangs are a favorite technique for changing the hairstyle and image in general, not only of ordinary girls, but also of theater and cinema stars. Such popularity was made possible by its advantages.
- Visually corrects imperfections of the face and skin. So, such a bang will visually make a round face more elongated. She is also able to mask small acne, oily sheen, mimic wrinkles on the forehead.
- This look is universal and suitable for almost any type of face, which undoubtedly distinguishes it advantageously among similar models of bangs. It is also suitable for women of any age and is able to visually rejuvenate a woman even in the most advanced years.
- Easy to care for. It does not require lengthy and complex manipulations to put it in order.
- A variety of species. Torn bangs with lengthening on the sides will allow you to change the image even every day, since it can be worn in different ways. Long bangs can be split in two and give a romantic look to the look. Or, you can straighten and curl these bangs to create a more daring and daring look.

Despite the versatility of such a bang, it also has some restrictions on its use.
- Thin and weakened hair is not the best option for creating it, as it will visually make the hair even thinner, bulging all the imperfections outward.
- Small face or small forehead.In this case, she will play only the worst role for creating an image, since she will emphasize all the shortcomings of such a person.
It is worth remembering that such a bang is an excellent choice for girls with wide cheekbones and a forehead. It also harmoniously fits into the image of women at an age when it is necessary to hide the first wrinkles on the face.
In other cases, its presence or absence is only a matter of taste for each girl.

Torn bangs represent a huge selection of types for girls:
- straight;
- oblique;
- long;
- short;
- asymmetrical.
Straight and oblique ragged bangs with lengthening on the sides are the most common types, they are also often called arch bangs. Straight bangs are more suitable for owners of thick and long hair.

This look is also universal, as it is suitable for any face shape. At the same time, she visually softens rough facial features, which gives the girl more femininity and charm.
A hairstyle with straight torn bangs visually makes the hair more voluminous, it is suitable for both long hair and short hair. This hairstyle focuses on the eyes and eyebrows, so you should pay close attention to the makeup of this particular part of the face.
Oblique bangs also do not give up their positions for quite a long time. All this is explained by its features, which are fast styling, creating both a fatal and romantic image. It is also able, just like the straight line, to hide small imperfections in the skin of the forehead, and focus on more attractive parts of the face. Oblique bangs are also suitable for most face shapes, but they will look more harmonious on oval and square shapes. In the latter case, she is able to smooth corners and create a softer appearance of the girl.

Depending on the length, the torn bangs are long and short. Long bangs are suitable for almost all girls, regardless of the thickness of the hair. Short bangs are more suitable for older women, as they visually make the face younger and more expressive. As well as large facial features, she is able to visually reduce, making the image softer.
Asymmetric bangs with lengthening on the sides have one undeniable advantage - it's versatility. It is suitable for absolutely any face shape, for women of any age, as well as for different lengths and thicknesses of hair.
A short hairstyle in tandem with asymmetrical bangs can create an image of lightness and a certain freedom, while with long curls it can create a gentle and romantic image of a girl.

How to cut at home?
Any beauty salon will be able to arrange such a popular bang in literally a matter of minutes, but sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that a trip to a hairdresser is impossible. In this case, do not worry, you can create a hairstyle yourself at home. To do this, you only need a mirror, sharp scissors, and a comb with frequent teeth.
First of all, the hair must be thoroughly combed, slightly moistened with water and sat in front of a mirror, preferably large.
The next point is to select a strand as wide as the desired bangs. As a result, the selected strand should form a triangle at the crown.

The third step is the direct measurement of the length. To do this, you need to straighten up in front of the mirror and measure the desired length with your fingers. After that, the strand should be twisted into a so-called tourniquet, while keeping your fingers at a measured distance.
The next stage is the most responsible and final - this is the haircut itself. Use scissors to cut off a section of hair just below the measured line. At the same time, hair should be cut with special care, moving the tool in smooth forward movements. After that, the hair can be styled with a hairdryer or iron.
When deciding on such a step as cutting your bangs yourself, it is worth remembering the main rule: it is better to cut your hair longer than the planned length of the bangs itself. Since in case of an unsuccessful haircut, the bangs can be easily shortened or removed using a rim or hairpins.

Care rules
The presence of bangs makes many girls spend more time in front of the mirror than usual, but, knowing a little tricks, styling will take less time.
- When drying hair with a hairdryer, it is best to use a higher power device with different temperature conditions and nozzles. This will allow you to dry both the main strands of your hair and style your bangs faster.
- To preserve the hairstyle and the shape of the bangs, you should first dry your hair with warm air and then with cool air, since cold air currents allow you to fix the hair.
- To fix their hairstyles, women often use varnish, while not always choosing it to match the structure of their hair. As a result, this leads to their rapid pollution and weight. For thin and weakened hair, only light fixation is suitable, for fixing only bangs this option is also suitable. For thick hair, medium to strong hold sprays are suitable. Unruly, curly and coarse hair only needs a strong hold varnish.
- Unmanageable hair is much easier to style with a straightener or special serum. And also such hair, including bangs, can be combed during the day with a comb, on which hairspray is applied.
- Clean hair is not only a guarantee of an attractive appearance, but also a way to style your hairstyle much easier. That is why they should be washed as they become dirty, but at least two to three times a week.