All about torn bangs

Torn bangs are a popular piece of stylish hairstyles that have not given up their positions for many years. The reason for its enduring popularity lies in its versatility and successful combination with any haircut and styling method. In addition, this type of bang is suitable for almost everyone, it is even capable of visually rejuvenating the appearance.
Features and varieties
Hairstyles with torn bangs are preferred by modern celebrities and their many imitators. Hollywood beauties set fashion in the hairdressing direction, appearing in glossy editions with asymmetrical bangs of different lengths and graduations.

If you want to try this style on yourself with or without thick bangs, you can start with the elongated version. The new look will give the image the playful lightness and charm inherent in young ladies. In addition, with the help of such a bang, it is easy to correct the existing flaws in appearance and to advantageously formalize the advantages.
All hairstyles with unevenly cut bangs are characterized by deliberate randomness and naturalness. A well-chosen haircut in this style will make any fashionista look irresistible and individual.

Varieties of bangs:
- oblique;
- straight;
- shortened;
- elongated;
- semicircle.
And also it can be asymmetrical and graduated. Based on its shape, the most suitable option is selected according to the type and characteristics of the face.

Who is it for?
Let's figure out who the different options for torn bangs are suitable for.

Uneven bangs in an elongated form are an adornment of any face, including round and square.At the same time, you do not need to have complex styling techniques. Just comb it or straighten it a little - iron it out. She looks well-groomed, so she is often found in the image of modern business women.

Harmonious with large, but not coarse facial features. This type of haircut has a rejuvenating effect, gives charming sex appeal. May even show a triangular face favorably.

Fashionable, trendy haircut element. The creative and best solution for thick hair and insufficient volume.
Skillfully trimmed bangs along the sideline visually hides facial imperfections, draws attention to the beauty of the eyes, giving them brightness and expressiveness. This form is preferred by young people, but everyone except those with curly hair is wearing it. Although they can afford slanting bangs, acquiring an iron to "tame" it.

Combines with cascade or bob haircuts. Those who want to make themselves one of these haircuts with torn beveled bangs need to understand that it will look beautiful only on the owners of faces with a high forehead. Cascading strands perfectly mask defects, rejuvenate and soften facial features, especially highlighting the eyes and eyebrows. In addition, an asymmetrically designed square looks amazing with oblique bangs.

The bangs of an atypical shape, unlike other variations, are not suitable for every type. Such bangs not only draw attention to the face, but also highlight the possible disadvantages. For example, women with large external features are not recommended to focus on such bangs.
There is no definite approach to its creation. There are many varieties of this hairstyle, and they are all original in their own way.
Asymmetrical bangs are often made of medium length, and sometimes reach the chin. At the same time, it favorably complements the traditional bob haircut, and makes a more modern look with a braided braid. It looks feminine and slightly mysterious, it is universal, suitable for any texture of the face.

To put it simply, graduation is the same as ragged bangs. Strands of different lengths are cut using the same technology with a graduated one. The hair is cut unevenly, with the ends located one above the other. It turns out that the length of the inner hair level is higher compared to the outer one. Layering creates a visible volume.

A real decoration for short hair on straightened hair. Especially the bob, page, pixie models. With thinning, such a bang acquires the desired volume and looks natural, keeping the given shape. It is desirable for creating a stylish look for young girls, as it is especially attractive on young faces.

Advantages and disadvantages
Long, torn bangs are a safe cut that suits almost any type of hair. Especially combined with "step" haircuts and highlighted graduated strands. Gives the look a neat natural casualness. Most preferred among Hollywood actresses (Charlize Theron, Kirsten Dunst).

A square face will be "softened" by a long, milled bangs below the cheekbones. She looks great with short and long hair (like Pink and Reese Witherspoon).
Long bangs with oblique modeling and feathery edges easily hide prominent curves, such as the cheeks. And also it masks the imperfect contour of the face.

A straight bang of such a structure successfully hides a low forehead, visually slightly stretching the face. An angular face also does not hurt to emphasize the eyes with uneven bangs. In this way, some celebrities who do not have a perfect oval look spectacular (Penelope Cruz, Marion Cotillard).

Short bangs of a torn configuration can be beautifully combined with haircuts made in straight lines. She adds a certain "zest" to the perfect smoothed look. And also, such a bang will be a plus with a fashionable bob and bob (like Halle Berry and Alyssa Milano).
Torn side bangs compensate for the visually insufficient volume of hair, if you cut it with scissors starting from the roots.

To summarize, we can list the main advantages of torn bangs:
- giving individuality to the hairstyle;
- masking imperfections in appearance, including wrinkles on the forehead;
- ensuring the expressiveness of the look;
- the ability to hide disproportionate facial features;
- eliminating the need for daily hair washing and styling.

It is not without its drawbacks:
- in case of the wrong choice, the whole hairstyle will deteriorate;
- the need for daily care, maintaining its shape and cleanliness.
Execution techniques
Torn bangs are strands of hair that frame the face, cut unevenly in length. Some of them are shorter than the level of the bangs, while others exceed it in length. Hair of different lengths creates an image of a chaotic "torn". Even on rare hair, these bangs look voluminous and attractive.

Cutting these trendy bangs is pretty easy. Initially, the master gives the bangs the same length, and then, making vertical movements with scissors, filigree mills. Special scissors allow you to do this neatly and beautifully. You can also use a sharpened comb to calibrate your hairdresser.
Haircut bangs obliquely
This bang option is best cut on dry and smooth hair. This approach will not allow you to cut the excess.
You will need:
- thinning scissors;
- simple hairdressing scissors;
- blades.

The bangs are cut in several stages.
- The strands are twisted into small flagella.
- The comb with the blade produces short and clear cuts. The side is determined depending on the usual laying of the strands. The purpose of this stage is to give the hair a natural volume and style.
- The hair is combed to assess the result. If there are loose hairs, they are twisted again with a tourniquet and processed with a blade.
- The final stage is thinning with scissors.

In this simple way, you can change the image even without a visit to the hairdresser, regardless of whether the client has medium or long hair. The bangs will be designed in an attractive and creative way.
How to do it at home?
Of course, everyone's priority is going to the master, who will select the most suitable bang option and make it a reality. Skillful hands of an experienced specialist use tools in such a way that the strands will not turn out to be too long or short and will not go into the eyes. But torn bangs are easy to do on your own.
First of all, you need a convenient and high-quality sharp instrument. If it is not there, then you should not start experimenting with hair.
To cut your hair correctly and neatly, you need to wash it and dry it well. It is advisable to stretch curly strands with a comb or iron with an iron. If this is not done, you can easily miscalculate, and the strands will turn out to be shorter than originally planned.
In the process of modeling, the strands are twisted loosely into flagella. After that, the blade makes short, even cuts at different levels into the intended side of the laying.

This method of trimming will add volume to your elongated, uneven bangs. Only the registration process should not be quick. It is important to systematically process strand by strand.
If, during the final combing, some strand is knocked out of a single picture, it must be folded into a flagellum again and processed with a blade.
How to care and style?
Many do not dare to bangs with torn edges, fearing that there will be difficulties with its styling. In fact, it is not so easy to lay it down, but in just a couple of tries everything will start working out as intended.

Uneven ends, deliberate disheveledness and oblique cuts give the hairstyle a special casual charm. But self-styling of uneven bangs will take a few minutes with a minimum of styling tools plus the most standard hairdryer.On oblique bangs with milled ends or with styling to one side, it is only necessary to emphasize the effect of unevenness. With the help of wax or gel of strong fixation, the strands can be easily distinguished against the general background at the level of the bangs. And if mousse is used, the hairstyle will be more voluminous. You can finally fix the result with hairspray, or even do without it.
In the process of styling, it is not recommended to use a hairdryer at the most powerful mode, so that the hair does not seem disheveled or unkempt. This is not at all the effect you need to strive for. The randomness of torn bangs is important to carefully consider.

Hair cut with thinning requires more attention and styling time. But the result is worth all the effort. Thanks to some nuances, you can give your haircut a better look.
- Use a hair dryer with good power and temperature selection (cold air).
- Dry hair with a narrow slit nozzle. It will direct the air flow directly to the strands to be dried. This approach contributes to perfect straightening of the hair structure and makes styling easier.

- To preserve the styled hairstyle, you should use hot air for drying, and fix it already in the cold air mode.
- Do not use an excessive amount of various styling and fixing products. Excessive amounts of them will give your hair a messy look, the styling will seem stale. To design individual strands in the form of "feathers", you will need quite a bit of gel.

- Hair is much easier to style if it is clean. But this does not mean at all that asymmetric bangs will require daily shampooing. If necessary, it is enough to wash only the bangs before styling. If you need to refresh your hairstyle as quickly as possible, and style the bangs properly, dry shampoo will help out.
- It is important to understand that the ends of the strands need to be shortened regularly. This is due not only to hair growth, but also to their constant styling. Systematic exposure to hot air leads to the appearance of split ends. They fluff up and are more difficult to style. This changes the look of the hairstyle for the worse, turning cute casualness into absolute randomness.

When creating a haircut, the cascade is supposed to cut strands of different lengths. They lengthen gradually as opposed to a "ragged" haircut. Sometimes this shape is called a ladder because of the stepped thinning.
Short and long bangs look equally good with a cascade. It is convenient to lay it to the side, and it can also be leveled on the forehead and gently smoothed. Asymmetrical side bangs are the most popular styling method. It looks very stylish, but without styling products it rarely lies flawlessly. Owners of such a bang will need an arsenal of tools: varnishes, gels, mousses.

Stylist tips
Choosing bangs to match your image, remember the advice of professionals - do not forget about harmony. The image should be solid, so that every detail in it is combined with each other. At the same time, it is important to feel comfortable with a hairstyle, regardless of whether it is an evening or everyday option. Only then can we confidently assert that this haircut suits the face of its owner.

It is convenient to collect a torn haircut with medium-length hair in a ponytail. It will look nice and stylish. The tail will turn out to be voluminous and paired with milled bangs will "rejuvenate" the face. Of course, the hair on the bangs must be well-groomed and clean, otherwise you can forget about the fresh look.

You should contact stylists if you decide for the first time to try thinning on bangs or an asymmetrical haircut. Professional flair, experience and taste will help you determine the length of your future hairstyle individually. Taking into account the density, color, structure of hair and the shape of the face, the master will select the very haircut that will make you stand out favorably. Making a decision on your own can be reckless.After that, you will have to wait a long time until the milled length is equal, and not experiment for a long time.

It is important to realize that torn bangs can successfully change the image, but it can also drastically worsen it. With pronounced features of the face, such as a high forehead, clear cheekbones, a sharp or heavy chin, and the like, the help of a stylist will be undeniable.
Beautiful examples
Recently, most girls have chosen a torn bob with milled bangs. This hairstyle looks atypical at different lengths of curls. Based on this parameter, an option is selected that is most suitable for the image by the type of face and taking into account its shape.

Such a square will be quite voluminous even on hair of a thin structure and loose hair. A bang of any length is suitable for him: both straight and oblique. The advantage of side bangs is its elegance and femininity. It gives the look a great "playfulness". The hairstyle is easily styled with a hairdryer, and individual strands are emphasized with mousse or gel.
When a woman wants to impress with a haircut and stand out favorably against the background of others, she will definitely like straight bangs with thinning. This option looks impressive on hair of any volume and shade.
A bob with milled bangs looks great on most girls. The torn structure gives volume and expressiveness to the hairstyle. The bob can be designed with a "high" back of the head. So the neck will appear visually longer, and the silhouette will be even more feminine. Long bangs with pronounced thinning in the "company" of haircuts bob without problems fit to one side. Torn bangs of a short length will have to be combed and dried with a hairdryer or straightened with an iron.

A successful combination of graduated bangs with straightened, collapsed hair with minimal shoulder length. It can be combined with all kinds of hairstyles.
A bob with oblique "torn" ends and identical bangs (cascade) is one of the most trendy trends in recent years. Its peculiarity is that it looks good on hair of natural shades and curls with bright tint.

Particular attention should be paid to elongated bangs with asymmetrical edges and an oblique cut in combination with a shortened haircut. This is the most stylish trendy version of a woman's hairstyle. The choice of an independent personality with a bright personality and charisma.
Another bold variation is an asymmetrical bob and oblique bangs. Installation takes a minimum of time. A small portion of mousse and a couple of hand movements - the formation of a casual image of urban chic is ready. As if a light wind of change straightened the curls in a chaotic mess.

Oblique bangs can be perfectly combined with the classic "bun". The traditional severity of the classic hairstyle will be softened by the torn strands framing the face. The look will be playful and graceful.
Bangs with unequal tips will also revive a clear geometric square - even or with a lengthening forward. The combination of perfection and eccentricity is a special hit for those who strive to look stylish, timeless and ageless.
For information on how to trim torn bangs, see the next video.