
Suitcase handles

Suitcase handles
  1. Characteristic
  3. Causes of breakdowns
  4. Repair and replacement

One of the essential accessories for travelers is a suitcase. All the things necessary for the trip are put into it, the essentials. Often the weight of such luggage becomes too heavy. Excessive overloading of the suitcase or other reasons can lead to breakage of parts, including the handle. What causes breakdowns, repair and replacement of handles in a suitcase will be discussed.


When transporting baggage, situations arise that lead to breakdowns. Most often, the handle for the suitcase can fail. If such a nuisance happened on the road, do not panic. You need to contact a master who will fix the breakdown. But if this is not possible, you will have to eliminate the cause yourself.... To carry out such repairs, no special knowledge and skills are required. It should be understood that such work will be of a temporary nature, and after the trip, it is necessary to make better repairs by taking the suitcase to the workshop or doing the work yourself.

Modern models of suitcases are often equipped with three handles, one of them is telescopic, and the other two are made of fabric or plastic, depending on the model. For convenience and additional fixation, the side handles are stitched with a fishing line and reinforced with rivets. The side handles are very handy in the event that the retractable structure breaks. In a horizontal position, carrying a suitcase is much easier and more convenient if it is not possible to roll it.

The material used for the side options is of no small importance, because it is this part that has the greatest load when moving. To strengthen this structure, metal rivets are used.

The main one is a telescopic (retractable) adjustable handle. Many consider more practical models with a handle that fits completely into the body and closes with a zippered valve. Such a handle, which extends, will allow you to completely secure your luggage from sudden breakage.


Suitcase handles can be categorized into specific types.

  • Consignment note handle designed for models with different sizes and shapes. Such products can be made of plastic or leather, have various types of metal fasteners.

  • Telescopic suitcase handle with a button at the top, designed for sliding systems made of metal or plastic. Telescopic handles have special requirements. It is desirable that the product is metal, not plastic, and tightly attached to the suitcase. The handle should be easily and quickly extended, be of sufficient length, and adjustable in height.

  • Fittings in the form of a loop.

It is very important to use each option for its intended purpose. Overhead options are used when lifting and carrying luggage. The retractable models are suitable for moving a camping accessory, while the loop model is suitable for carrying in cases where luggage cannot be rolled.

It is not recommended to use a retractable (telescopic) handle for carrying luggage, as this often leads to its breakage. This option is not designed for lifting large loads. The handle, located on top or on the side, is used for carrying. In this case, a loop model is also used.

Experienced travelers are advised to choose models with multiple handles. In the event of a breakdown of one of them, there will always be a backup option for transporting luggage. Strong, sturdy and high-quality products, used for their intended purpose, will serve for a long time and will not let you down during the trip.

Causes of breakdowns

Overloading of luggage is a common cause of hardware breakdowns. Those who travel by plane know that there are certain restrictions on the weight of luggage. When traveling in a car or by train, most try to load their suitcase to capacity.

In the production process, fittings for a specific model are selected taking into account the optimal load. That is why overloading can lead to breakage of the handle and other accessories.

Often, a breakdown is preceded by certain symptoms that can be seen in advance:

  • the handle, in the process of carrying luggage, began to deform more;

  • there is a feeling of loosening at the fastener;

  • threads appear at the attachment point, and the fabric begins to deform;

  • a gap is formed in the place of the fastening rivet;

  • when lifting the suitcase from its place, a metallic sound is heard;

  • the arc of the handle is stretched, which leads to the elongation of part of the fasteners.

Having noticed the indicated signs, you should contact the master to restore or replace the fittings.

Repair and replacement

There are situations when the handle of a suitcase breaks during the transportation of luggage. In this case, urgent repair of the product is required.

It is not so important how the suitcase will look after repair - the main thing is to protect the luggage from penetration. Most often, you have to make repairs yourself.

In the event that a breakdown occurs during movement, you can be smart and use the materials at hand for an impromptu pen. In this case, you can use two straps or a rope.

  • Drag accessory... It is better to do this on both sides.

  • After the constriction, a new handle should be made... For this, any elongated object that is threaded through the belts is suitable.

If no straps are available, a rope can be used. The system of such a repair will be similar to the previous version. As a handle, both an oblong object and the rope itself from which the ring is made is suitable.

Scotch tape is a good option. Thanks to him, many managed to fix a wide variety of things.As for the suitcase handle, the use of scotch tape can quickly solve the problem. Having rewound the suitcase with adhesive tape in several places, and having built a reliable handle at the top, you can safely continue your journey. To make the handle more comfortable, it is recommended to place a piece of heavy paper or a flat object under the tape. Instead of scotch tape, you can also successfully use electrical tape, cling film.

As for the breakdown of a telescopic or retractable handle, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make repairs quickly on your own. If possible, it is advisable to buy a new part and replace it.

Temporary measures will allow you to continue the journey further, but after arriving home, you will need to make a replacement or more major repairs.

Consider the progress of the work.

  • The broken part must be removed. To get to the fastening mechanism, you will need to open the zipper on the lining or cut the lining if there is no zipper.

  • At the bottom of the product, you need to find fasteners that must be unscrewed.

  • Unscrew the screws from above.

  • Pull out the handle. If the upper part of it is fixed with latches, they are disconnected with a screwdriver.

  • The broken fittings are replaced with a new part. It is desirable that the mounting holes of this part match. Otherwise, it will be necessary to tighten the bolts in new places.

  • Fasten or hem the lining.

At this stage, the work can be considered complete.


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