
List of landmarks in Tivat

List of landmarks in Tivat
  1. Description of the city
  2. What can you see in 1 day?
  3. Interesting places within the city
  4. Nearby attractions

A decade ago, Tivat was a completely unremarkable city, but it took a little time, and this area of ​​Montenegro was simply transformed. From a gray dull place, it has become one of the country's tourist centers.

Description of the city

Tivat was named after the famous Illyrian Queen - she ruled Teuta, a small part of Montenegro. In 229 BC. NS. The queen was attacked by Roman troops and fled from the developed fertile lands near Lake Skadar to the lands in the Bay of Kotor. It was there that her summer residence was later built.

The city today is distinguished by high tourist attractiveness, and here's why.

  • There is a major international airport less than 5 km from Tivat.
  • Tivat is very conveniently located - the ancient city of Kotor is only a quarter of an hour away, one of the most popular tourist resorts of Budva is located half an hour away, and it will take no more than 20 minutes to get from Tivat to the sandy beaches of the Lustica peninsula.
  • The city has a well-developed infrastructure - there are many cafes and restaurants with national cuisine, there are large paid and free parking lots, free Wi-Fi.
  • The city is small and compact - if you wish, you can easily get around it on foot, so tourists do not need to rent a car to see all its sights.
  • In Tivat, visitors are offered a lot of opportunities for active recreation, diving is especially common. It is no coincidence that many hotels have their own centers for experienced divers - they can dive into the waters of the Adriatic at any time.In addition, there are several cycling trails in the city, and a mini-cruise along the coastal bay is offered for lovers of sea walks.
  • There are several beaches on the coast of Tivat, recognized as one of the most luxurious and comfortable in Montenegro. In general, there are about 17 of them, and this is not counting private recreation areas and small bays, which are not particularly comfortable, but this does not become less in demand. Perhaps the only drawback of rest in this city is the hum of planes taking off and landing several times a day. The airport is very close, and the planes are clearly visible and audible.

The climate in Tivat is ideal for tourists - mild in autumn and winter, and warm, but not exhausting in summer... June to September air temperature in the daytime it rises to 26-29 degrees, at night it is a little cool - the thermometer is kept at around + 15-17 degrees.

You can swim on the beaches of Tivat until October - at this time, the air temperature is kept at 21-22 degrees, and the water is warmed up to 20 degrees.

In winter, the temperature rarely drops below zero, during the day the sun heats the air up to 13-15 degrees. There is little precipitation, but their maximum peak occurs in November, as well as December and January - therefore, these months are not in great demand among visitors to Montenegro.

What can you see in 1 day?

If you have very little time to visit Tivat, then first of all it is worth paying attention to the most beautiful bays of the town. The most popular among visitors is the modern marina for expensive yachts. Porto Montenegro, the only yacht complex on the Adriatic coast. Initially, it was conceived as a small town, which is why you can find here five-star Regent Hotel & Residences, a sports complex, a large number of museums and good restaurants, in addition, there is everything you need to service yachts: repair shops, small workshops, slipways and, of course, refueling.

The construction of this “city within a city” started in 2006, and a few years later Porto Montenegro became a full-fledged port for small ships. In 2015, he was recognized and awarded by the British Yacht Ports Association by a jury of authority.

On the territory of this mini-city, it relies on well-known throughout the country. Maritime heritage museum, his collections tell about the victorious history of the Adriatic and show all the best traditions of the coastal regions of Montenegro. The exhibition samples include over 30 exhibits, here you can find submarines made in Yugoslavia, Austro-Hungarian steamship equipment, various industrial machines, and even the diary of Princess Xenia of Montenegro.

The walls of the unique complex are decorated with paintings by Salvador Dali, Kulis and Roy Lichtenstein. Near the entrance to the museum, there is a pair of submarines, raised from the bottom and restored.

A cozy promenade leaves through Porto Montenegro, from which tourists have amazing views of Tivat Bay. You can walk along the promenade to the Kalimania Bay, where you can see a huge number of small boats belonging to local fishermen - here you can feel the whole national flavor and originality of this unique land.

By the way, on the way you can look into well-maintained city park, which is located near the marina - this is a cozy place where residents with their children love to walk. People call this park Capitol, it was founded back in 1892. In those years, Montenegro was under the yoke of Austria-Hungary, it was here that the famous General Maximilian von Stern ordered to bring plants from all over the world, where there were only civil and military ships.

That is why there are so many truly unique plants here.

Interesting places within the city

However, the description of the sights of Tivat does not end there. Let us dwell in more detail on an overview of the most popular places for tourists in this small town.

Bucha Palace

This palace in ancient times belonged to the Bucha family - they were famous diplomats at the royal court. The history of the building goes back more than five centuries, at one time it was considered truly luxurious. The architectural ensemble includes a residential building, a defensive tower, a small church, and outbuildings.

The whole area is surrounded by a stone fence. Unfortunately, to this day, the original appearance of the palace could not be preserved - as a result of the earthquake that occurred in Montenegro, it was partially destroyed and underwent subsequent restoration and reconstruction.

Today, it houses an art gallery and classical music lovers gather here to enjoy performances by renowned musicians.

Church of St. Sava

Saint Sava is considered one of the most beloved and revered saints in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Born into the family of Prince Stephen, he was tonsured at a young age. During his long life, Savva traveled a lot, often visiting Russia, as well as Jerusalem. Thanks to his exceptional diplomatic gift, he did a lot to stop the destructive internecine wars in his country.

After the death of Stephen in 1594, the Turkish vizier ordered to burn his relics on the high Mount Vracar, but his fame remained in the hearts of people and was passed on from generation to generation.

Several centuries later, it was decided to build a new temple, where the only remaining part of the relics is kept - the hand, it is she who is considered one of the most important shrines in Montenegro.

House Verona

This building, erected in the Gothic Renaissance style, is a true example of a medieval noble nest. Initially, the house belonged to the famous Bisanti family in Montenegro, but in 1744 it was bought by Antoine Verona. Unfortunately, today the publication is abandoned, but, nevertheless, it does not lose its spirit and historical value.

For tourists, of particular interest are all kinds of carnivals that are held in Tivat. So, in the first decade of February, a traditional in Montenegro masquerade takes place here, in May residents and guests of the city celebrate Youth Day, in late spring a gastronomic festival opens its doors, during which absolutely everyone can taste dishes made from an unusual plant, which is considered one from the edible varieties of dandelion.

At the end of July-first half of August, performances take place at the resort famous Mediterranean theater Purgatori. In addition, on summer days, a mini-olympiad in the national game "bochanyu" is held here - this is a local version of the game in small towns.

In November, Tivat receives visitors as part of the Days of Culture - during the celebration, exhibitions, theatrical performances, all kinds of performances and concerts are held

Nearby attractions

There are many interesting places not far from Tivat, which are definitely worth a visit.

Mount Vrmac is located on a small peninsula, we can say that Tivat lies right at the foot of this rock. The mountain will appeal to lovers of active sports and hiking in the relict pine forest, while walking from the observation platforms, breathtaking views open up. Actually, the entire Vrmac peninsula is an ideal place for hiking and trekking. It is no coincidence that residents call this place a natural paradise on earth, there are more than 20 hiking trails and several steep bike tracks.

Selyanovo - a small resort village, many consider it to be one of the parts of Tivat, however, the locals say the opposite.However, the administrative status does not matter. The only thing that is important for tourists is an unusually beautiful sandy beach stretching on an incredibly beautiful promontory with a high lighthouse.

You can even walk to the beach - the way from Tivat will take no more than 15-20 minutes.

Lower Lastva located immediately behind Selyanovo, there are also several beaches, however, in terms of beauty and livability, they are inferior to the recreation areas in Selyanovo - the fact is that the beaches here are mostly concrete. But on the other hand, visitors can enjoy the view of small Venetian houses and other remnants of the former luxury of the region. In fact, Lower Lastva is considered an open-air monument, and therefore all hiking trails pass through this mountainous area.

Mountain Lastva - another tiny village, located at the very top of Mount Vrmac, 300 m above sea level. From the coast to the village there is a steep path about 3 km long. People have lived in Gornaya Lastva since time immemorial, but in the middle of the last century, almost all of them moved down, so today only a few people who grow grapes and olives live there. Montenegrin ecologists strive to popularize the place, and despite the fact that the village is almost completely abandoned, tourists flock here, as before.

Recently, discussions are underway on the possibility of creating an ecovillage in Lastva.

Kalardovo Is one of the most comfortable beaches in Tivat. The place is located in a cozy bay, the coastline is mostly sandy, the entrance to the water is gentle, so the place is especially popular with guests of the city with children.

Tivat Solila - the famous Montenegrin reserve, which is located just two kilometers from the airport. It is home to the most beautiful and amazing birds - pink flamingos, as well as cormorants and other exotic birds can be found here. The area is rather swampy, therefore, for the convenience of visitors, pedestrian zones and bike paths are equipped, as well as several viewing platforms.

Monastic archipelago consists of three small islets, in previous years they entirely belonged to the church, and all the buildings on them were of an exclusively religious nature. During the construction of socialism, in Yugoslavia, religion was separated from the state, and was considered contrary to communist ideology.

Most of the buildings were destroyed, but, nevertheless, some have survived to this day.

Island of Flowers actually has a much more prosaic name - Prevlaka. Actually, it is difficult to call it an island, since it is connected to the mainland by a small isthmus. In previous years, the area was rich in vegetation, however, over time, the flowers here have diminished, and the composition of the inhabitants has changed significantly - the Yugoslav military came here, who built boarding houses.

A little later, refugees from Bosnia settled here - as a result, nothing remained of the former beauty of the blooming gardens here. Of the historical monuments, only a dilapidated temple and the ruins of a hotel known at one time can be distinguished.

St. Mark's Island is located just behind the Island of Flowers. During the existence of Yugoslavia, there was a large eco-territory with a hotel in the form of a bungalow and a large recreation area. But during the collapse of the country, all environmental projects were forgotten, and the island plunged into devastation. Nowadays, all the property has been bought by one of the largest corporations in the country, and active work is underway to reconstruct the area.

For an overview of the sights of Tivat, see the following video.

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