
Popular and interesting names for chihuahua girls

Popular and interesting names for chihuahua girls
  1. Selection Tips
  2. Popular nicknames
  3. Funny names
  4. Unusual and beautiful options
  5. How not to name a dog?

Choosing a nickname for your new pet is a very responsible and difficult task. Especially when it comes to such unusual dogs as Chihuahuas. Despite their diminutive size, these animals have great courage and a very fighting character. It is because of these characteristics that the owners of Chihuahua girls have difficulties in choosing a suitable nickname. The tips below will help to solve this problem, in addition, you can choose from the proposed list your favorite nickname, depending on the color, character or temperament of your beloved puppy.

(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Need for care
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Maintenance cost
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Attitude towards loneliness
Short periods
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Security qualities
(Rated 1 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed "Chihuahua" based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the dog's owners.

Selection Tips

Professional breeders of this breed strongly recommend that you take your time choosing a nickname for your pet. They advise you to carefully observe the animal, study its character, manners, color and, on the basis of the information received, make a selection.

Sometimes you often want to call a dog of a small breed some cute and affectionate name, and here you should remember that the nickname should not be too funny and unusual.Otherwise, in public places, when pronouncing it, everyone will pay attention to the dog, and she will experience severe stress from this.

There are a number of special recommendations for choosing nicknames for Chihuahua girls.

  • The presence of a pedigree. If the puppy belongs to an eminent genus, then the initial letter of his nickname is strictly regulated by the kennel itself, and this is indicated in the relevant documents. Therefore, the first thing to do is to study the puppy's passport, if there is one, of course.
  • Sonority. The pet's nickname should be bright, sonorous and different from most nicknames.
  • The correct combination of sounds. Contrary to popular belief, girls of this breed are best suited for voiced and even growling nicknames with sounds such as "r", "g", "g" and so on.
  • Easy memorization of the nickname. This factor is important both for the pet itself and for its owner. It is better to choose nicknames consisting of 1-2 syllables. If the name is more complex, it is necessary to use its abbreviation in everyday life.
  • The Chihuahua's nickname must match the sex of the dog itself.... So, males called female nicknames, or, conversely, bitches called male nicknames, look stupid and ridiculous, and not funny, as their owners sometimes think.
  • The name for the pet should be original, bright, and not only the owner of the animal should like it, but also himself. This makes it possible to emphasize the individuality of the Chihuahua girl and to accustom her to a new nickname easier and faster.

In addition, when choosing a nickname for your new pet, you should take into account the nature of the animal. So, for restless and nimble girls of this breed, sonorous, short, but bright names are suitable. But quiet, calm and affectionate pets, on the contrary, have more gentle and affectionate nicknames.

Choosing a nickname according to your pet's color is the simplest and most obvious option. A white puppy can be called simply by the name of this very shade in any foreign language.

But if, for example, his wool has a chocolate hue, then the name of the popular coffee - cappuccino - can be used as a nickname.

And the last thing - when choosing a nickname in any foreign language, it is very important to know exactly its meaning. Firstly, it still affects the character and further behavior of the pet, and secondly, not knowing the translation of the chosen nickname, you can inadvertently call your pet a very offensive or even stupid name.

Popular nicknames

Professional breeders know that Chihuahuas are the descendants of dogs that lived in Mayan times and were considered almost sacred. That is why nicknames borrowed from the Indian dictionary are very popular:

  • Ananda - happiness;
  • Amrita is immortal;
  • Ayasha is small;
  • Jita is a song;
  • Coco - night;
  • Maugham is sweet;
  • Naira - big eyes;
  • Una is the helper;
  • Erica is useful to everyone.

You can often see dogs wearing these nicknames:

  • Adele;
  • Aurora;
  • Bonya;
  • Jesse;
  • Ilona;
  • Nancy;
  • Elsa;
  • Yusi.

Such nicknames are not only popular, but also beautiful and sonorous.

Funny names

Recently, there has been a tendency to give chihuahua girls funny and unusual nicknames for dogs. The most striking examples of such nicknames are:

  • Crash;
  • Adjika;
  • Bagel;
  • Basya;
  • Bun;
  • Wang;
  • Vanilla;
  • Cherry;
  • Hiccups;
  • Cabbage;
  • Krupka;
  • Gouache;
  • Peppa;
  • Bun;
  • Blizzard;
  • Simka;
  • Pistachio;
  • Yaska.

Moreover, all these nicknames are not only unusual for a Chihuahua, but also fully meet all the requirements. They are short, sonorous, original and in no way demean the dog's dignity. But still, do not forget that this breed is noble, and its representatives, despite their small size and not at all formidable appearance, are worthy of real respect and, in some way, reverence. Therefore, they should choose the appropriate nicknames, especially when it comes to a pet with a pedigree.

Unusual and beautiful options

If you don't want to give the dog a common nickname, and funny options are not suitable, then you should pay attention to rare, unusual, but noble nicknames for your pet:

  • Alameda is a grove;
  • Yoki - rain;
  • Raen is a flower;
  • Sinopa is a fox;
  • Gutierra is a cutie;
  • Sonora - sonorous;
  • Estrellita is an asterisk.

Simpler nicknames sound no less noble and beautiful:

  • Alisinya;
  • Amanda;
  • Bonita;
  • Anabel;
  • Athena;
  • Beatrice;
  • Buffy;
  • Virsa;
  • Violanta;
  • Dauphin;
  • Casey;
  • Infanta;
  • Magie;
  • Ulfrida;
  • Rowenna;
  • Ceres.

If a Chihuahua girl has a rich pedigree or is her ancestor, then it is quite possible to choose a more beautiful, noble and sonorous double or even more complex name for her. But it should be borne in mind that such a nickname should have a short version for daily use:

  • Vivienne Westwood - Vivi;
  • Wild Orchid - Orhi;
  • Donna Karan is just Donna;
  • Crazy Gel - Crazy;
  • Queen Elizabeth - Queenie or Lizzie;
  • Lacey Hazy Days of Summer - Heesy;
  • Trezha Island.

If none of the above is to the liking of either the owner or his pet, then it's time to turn on your imagination and come up with a unique nickname on your own.

How not to name a dog?

We all know that the owner of the dog is free to give it absolutely any nickname that comes to mind. But still, in order to maintain the normal mental health of the pet itself and all the people around it, it should be remembered that some nicknames are highly discouraged for use and it is best to avoid them.

  • Negative words, such as swearing or insults. In such situations, the surrounding people will experience severe discomfort because of what they have to hear, and the owner of the dog himself is unlikely to be able to hide the shame from such a dissonant animal name.
  • Unusual cool or just human names. Such nicknames are not suitable for dogs in principle, and even more so for representatives of this breed. In the first case, they quickly become boring, and in the second, a dog with a human name, especially one of the family members, is already too much.
  • Religious nicknames - these can be the names of saints or certain individual words. Such nicknames of pets can cause a feeling of insult among believers, and it is still incorrect to call animals that way.
  • The same goes for nicknames that repeat the names of some famous villains. This is both unpleasant, and still has a negative impact on the psyche of the animal and its behavior.

Before opting for a specific nickname for a Chihuahua girl, you need to think carefully and weigh the pros and cons. Indeed, over the next few years, this name will have to be pronounced several times a day and in front of strangers. Therefore, it should be bright, sonorous, memorable, but by no means demeaning or too pretentious.

For popular nicknames for small breeds, see below.

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