
List of nicknames for chihuahua boys

List of nicknames for chihuahua boys
  1. Features of choice
  2. Popular nicknames
  3. Funny names
  4. Graceful and beautiful options

Finding a name for your pet is not always easy. The nickname will accompany the animal all its life, so the choice should be taken seriously. The nickname can depend on the external data of the dog: a fancy tail, large eyes, or on the character traits of the pet. The lists below will help you quickly find a beautiful name for your pet.

(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Need for care
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Maintenance cost
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Above the average
(Rated 4 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
(Rated 3 out of 5)
Attitude towards loneliness
Short periods
(Rated 2 out of 5)
Security qualities
(Rated 1 out of 5)
* Characteristics of the breed "Chihuahua" based on the assessment of the site's experts and feedback from the dog's owners.

Features of choice

To choose a nickname for a Chihuahua dog, you need to consider several features of the choice. Chihuahua-boy is a small breed, so all nicknames are associated in a certain way with the small growth of the pet.

  • Color - an important criterion for selecting a nickname for a dog. An animal with a white or cream color does not need to be called Blackie, but Snowball is fine. Before choosing a name, it's important to just look at the puppy and think if its appearance will contradict the name.
  • Convenient pronunciation of the name equally important because if the name is too long or difficult to pronounce, it will be difficult to call the animal. And there is no guarantee that it will respond.To check the nickname, you can conduct a test: say the future name of the pet out loud many times. If it turns out to be clear and easy to pronounce a word several times, the nickname will probably suit your pet.
  • Popularity should be sidelined. Often during interesting events, people name their pets after the hero of the film, an athlete, a singer or other famous person. After a while, everyone forgets about the event, but the dog's name remains for life. It is necessary to take into account the fact of the popularity of the name and understand which nicknames in a month will become simply meaningless.
  • Human names - not the best option for a dog, although people often call pets Arseniy and Grigoriy. You do not need to do this, since during a walk, people around you may mistakenly respond to the name with which the owner calls the dog. And this will surely put the owner in an awkward situation.

Popular nicknames

There are a number of names that dogs are most commonly referred to. The list below is just compiled from the most popular nicknames for Chihuahuas. The list also includes Russian nicknames that differ from foreign ones in their pronunciation. Despite the small size of the Chihuahua, dogs of this breed are often given "battle" nicknames:

  • Rimbaud;
  • Archie;
  • Arnold;
  • Tyson;
  • Hunter;
  • Dexter;
  • Richard;
  • Gauguin;
  • Sharik is perhaps the most popular name among yard dogs, one would assume that Chihuahua owners do not call their four-legged friends that way, but such cases also occur;
  • Rex - the naming of fighting dogs, this fact does not prevent a male Chihuahua from being called Rex;
  • Hercules - it is unlikely that a Chihuahua puppy has a muscular body, but it is the contrast of the name with the design of the pet that makes the nickname original;
  • Mars, Jupiter, Neptune - the variants of the names of planets and stars simply cannot be counted;
  • Bobik is seemingly simple, ordinary and boring, but the nickname is quickly remembered by the dog, so there are also pluses in such nicknames.

Funny names

The list below offers options that will amuse owners and others. You should be careful in the matter of humor: if laughter is constantly heard around the dog, it may feel prejudiced, because pets feel great when they are laughed at. It is advisable to choose a slightly humorous nickname that will cause a slight smile:

  • Pixel;
  • Brulik;
  • Dodger;
  • Bug;
  • Driver;
  • Colombo;
  • Socrates;
  • Papitto;
  • Ninja;
  • Funtik;
  • Buttercup;
  • Tiger;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Broom;
  • Bagel;
  • Zyuzya;
  • Dobby, Harry - fans of the Harry Potter universe will love the nickname with a reference to their favorite films;
  • Cactus - for males whose temper is distinguished by violent actions;
  • Kipish - if a pet often makes a noise, it is appropriate to call him such a nickname;
  • Splinter - if a pet loves to stick its nose in everything, this name is just for him;
  • A muddler - if an animal constantly drops something and eats inaccurately, it is logical to call it a muddler;
  • Buka - in the case of touchy dogs, you can use this nickname;
  • Shustrik - such a nickname is perfect for a fast, sneaky Chihuahua;
  • Scooby - the dog will resemble a dog from the cartoon of the same name, which will greatly amuse everyone who has heard the funny nickname;
  • Cupcake, cake, candy - "edible" names have won their popularity for a long time;
  • Gucci, Chanel, Tiffany, Coco - famous names from the fashion world, glamorous girls often name their animals with the names of their favorite clothing or cosmetics manufacturer;
  • Flash drive, Simka - the name of small equipment has migrated to the names of dogs, such nicknames are easily remembered by the pet;
  • Bucks, Dollar, Ruble - currency designations, and among pet owners there are also options for nicknames, although the situation is a little comical when the owner loudly calls the Chihuahua Ruble on a walk;
  • Skoda, Beha, Ferrari, Lada - for lovers of Chihuahua cars it may be called one of the brands of famous cars, the female half of the population is unlikely to appreciate such an idea, but it is quite suitable as an original nickname.

Graceful and beautiful options

Among the variety of dog names, there are beautiful options that are suitable for elegant Chihuahua dogs. It is important not to overdo it and remember that the nickname is needed first of all in order to call out to the pet, and only then to meet the aesthetic needs of the owner. The list also contains Mexican nicknames for Chihuahuas, because this country is the birthplace of these four-legged animals. Mexican, Japanese and English nicknames include a translation into Russian so that you can navigate the meaning of the name:

  • Bruno;
  • Leo;
  • Ozzy;
  • Lucky;
  • Amigo;
  • Tyler;
  • Tony;
  • Teran;
  • Teddy;
  • Tobias;
  • Twist;
  • Terry;
  • Tell;
  • Oscar;
  • Max;
  • Colin;
  • Tottem;
  • Hugh;
  • Lenny;
  • Tornado;
  • Hank;
  • Henry;
  • Barney;
  • Tristan;
  • Ramon;
  • Jeff;
  • Bonaparte;
  • Tibet;
  • Tito;
  • Jasper;
  • Mickey;
  • Casper;
  • Robin;
  • Jerry;
  • Dani;
  • Tarantino;
  • Thomas;
  • Theodore;
  • Chris;
  • Cosmo;
  • Maurice;
  • Louis;
  • Greg;
  • Tarzan;
  • Pablo;
  • Ricky;
  • Richie.
  • Caesar;
  • Viscount;
  • Timmy;
  • Tiglio;
  • Archie;
  • Tim;
  • Thins;
  • Duke;
  • Graph;
  • Simon;
  • Frankie;
  • Junior;
  • Gray;
  • Larry;
  • My lord;
  • Signor;
  • Marquis;
  • Tiger;
  • Antoine;
  • Chiro - translated as "sun";
  • Ol - heart;
  • Mario is a man;
  • Pablo is small;
  • Hiro is generous;
  • Hoshi is a star;
  • Kayo - joy;
  • Kokoro - sincere;
  • Haruki - effulgence;
  • Aiko is the beloved;
  • Takara is a treasure;
  • Daiti - wise;
  • Thanos - Chihuahua is actually called Thanos, which is the main anti-hero in popular Marvel films;
  • Joker - the nickname will symbolize the great villain from the comics, it is advisable to make sure that the pet has similar character traits with the Joker, or rather, causeless joy or anger;
  • Bonaparte - even if not Napoleon, but the surname of the famous French Chihuahua can be worn without problems;
  • Prince - royal dog manners can betray ancestors in her with a pedigree, so why not call the puppy Prince;
  • King - sounds different from the King, but the meaning is the same, the nickname will take root in dogs with exaggerated requirements;
  • Blackie - for dogs with dark colors;
  • Coffee - it is an original idea to name a dog after the drink, but it is better to use such a nickname with coffee-colored dogs;
  • White, fog, snow - names for white Chihuahuas;
  • Lord - a stately, serious dog may well wear such an aristocratic nickname.

For how to name a Chihuahua, see the next video.

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