
Chihuahua mestizo review

Chihuahua mestizo review
  1. General about mestizo
  2. Toy terrier and chihuahua
  3. Jack Russell Terrier and Chihuahua
  4. York and chihuahua
  5. Pinscher and chihuahua
  6. Pekingese and Chihuahua
  7. Spitz and Chihuahua
  8. Dachshund and chihuahua
  9. Pug and chihuahua
  10. Poodle and chihuahua
  11. Lapdog and chihuahua
  12. Retriever and Chihuahua
  13. Chinese crested and chihuahua

In the world of dogs, mestizo are animals obtained by mixing two breeds. The article will focus on mestizo, produced from the smallest decorative dogs - Chihuahua. These animals are so cute that they seem like living toys. But in fact, babies have a wayward character. Mixing them with other breeds, you get not just a dog with an original appearance, but also more stable, balanced animals.

General about mestizo

Mestizos do not belong to purebred dogs, they are rarely created on purpose, more often puppies are obtained when the breeder has not followed the animals. Mestiz supporters believe that they inherit all the best qualities from pedigree parents, but at the same time you never know what kind of surprise will come from such a union. A pair of Chihuahuas can be made up of both small and medium-sized dogs, for example, a Chinese crested, a husky, a lapdog, a Shih Tzu, and even a mongrel.

Especially cute animals are obtained from a mixture of Chihuahua and Papillon butterfly.

Mestizos weigh from 1 to 4 kilograms. There are unusually beautiful specimens, but, unfortunately, hybrids do not live long, and often inherit diseases of both breeds. Most often they are sterilized so as not to create non-viable offspring in the future. Mestizos are acquired by people who want to have a small cute dog for little money.

But by and large, such puppies should be handed over to good hands completely free of charge, there is no need to pay for the breeder's marriage.

Toy terrier and chihuahua

Until the age of one year, it is impossible to understand which of the parents the baby will look like: he will remain the same tiny or grow up to 3 kilograms. Most often, pets turn out to be short-haired, the color can be any - black, red, white. Mestizos from these breeds look slender, with thin legs and expressive eyes.

Puppies can inherit personality traits from both parents. But fearlessness from Chihuahuas is rarely transmitted, more often mestizos are cautious and frightened. They are playful, cheerful and very affectionate to the owner. They love attention and are zealously fighting for it, therefore they are not suitable for families with small children. The animals are calm enough, but if the child pulls the tail or steps, they can respond with aggression.

Dogs love walks, but they often catch colds, they need clothes for walking. These babies can be good companions, always able to cheer up the owner.

Jack Russell Terrier and Chihuahua

The hybrid is called jack-chi and weighs from 2.5 to 3.5 kilograms. Thin, strong, hardy, with a small triangular head, beautiful eyes and strong paws. The coat is short, molt takes place in summer.

The character of the dog is energetic, cheerful and very affectionate. Sometimes he shuns other dogs, can show independence. Very loyal, but only attached to one master.

York and chihuahua

The mixture is called chorks, it is believed that they have more genes from Yorkies. Dogs weigh from two to 4 kilograms, have a small body, small head. In most cases, their coats are long and straight, but sometimes puppies are born bald with sparse fragments of fur on the ears, tail and paws.

The dog is jealous, affectionate and cannot stand loneliness. In order not to injure the animal, you have to carry it everywhere you go, so this mestizo is not suitable for busy people. Families with small children should also not have a chorka, he can always stand up for himself in response to children's pranks.

The kid has a cocky personality and often provokes big dogs. He is fearless and difficult to train, so it will be difficult to wean him from wrong behavior.

Pinscher and chihuahua

A cross between these breeds is extremely rare, as it is not very popular. Outwardly, the dogs are larger than the Chihuahua, they have huge ears, surprisingly graceful legs, and a small tail. The coat is short, red or black in color, sometimes with tan markings, there is practically no molting.

Such a dog is suitable for a bachelor with leadership qualities. The pet will subjugate the weak owner, the pinscher has authority from him. From the Chihuahua, the mestizo received courage and quarrelsomeness with everyone except the owner.

Pekingese and Chihuahua

Such dogs are called bakers. They have absorbed the genes of both parents, in approximately equal proportions. They are compact hybrids with a round head and large hanging ears. They got their thick, dense coat from the Pekingese. Bakers are decorative lap dogs that need care and attention. Short paws and a flat muzzle inherited from the Pekingese can provoke diseases of the joints and respiratory organs.

On a walk, the dog behaves confidently and actively, can attack yard animals or bark at a car. Like most small dogs, bakers are attached to their owner, but do not like children.

This type of mestizo is trainable, and its cocky nature can be corrected over time.

Spitz and Chihuahua

They are called rushes. This is a small dog with thin legs, up to 20 centimeters in height and weighing from 2 to 4 kilograms. She has a triangular head with a pointed muzzle and rounded ears. Metis, although small, has a muscular strong body. The rush has beautiful eyes and a small tail, rolled into a donut. The coat is of different colors, more often it is long, requiring care.

Pomch is a loyal and devoted friend, an excellent companion, but only for one owner.He does not get along with children, he is jealous of other family members, he cannot stand strangers, he does not get along with animals. Walking down the street reminds of the fable "The Elephant and the Pug" - barking all large dogs. This breed is well trained, the animal can become obedient, follow commands. The dog is active, loves to play with the owner.

Dachshund and chihuahua

The children of the dachshund and chihuahua union are called chivinis. The dominant line in these animals is from the dachshund. They are endowed with a long body, small paws, a thin tail, short hair and large ears, which are raised up in some, and hanging down in others.

This dog took the best from two breeds. An energetic, groovy dog, but at the same time kind and affectionate. He loves his master and is tolerant of children.

Pug and chihuahua

Mestizos from these two breeds are called Chagi. The hybrid is very young, but already loved by many. There are obvious similarities with pugs - a flattened muzzle, a rounded tail, short hair and an overweight body, like a pug.

The character can take from any parent - either it will love one owner, like a Chihuahua, or it will turn out to be with an easy-going, kind-hearted disposition, like a pug.

Poodle and chihuahua

They are called Chipu, they look more like Chihuahuas. The mixing result may be unexpected. The fur can be curly or just a wave, sometimes straight or mixed - curls with an even coat. Color, too, cannot be predicted in advance, as well as character. In any case, these are intelligent and wayward animals, and qualities such as kindness and aggressiveness will depend on the dominant breed.

Lapdog and chihuahua

Chihuahuas are crossed with different types of lapdogs. The mixture with Havana Bichon is called Cheenese, and with Bichon Frize - Chi-Chon. Dogs are obtained with abundant fur, large shaggy ears, moreover, they stand near a cross with a Havanese, and hang from a frieze.

Retriever and Chihuahua

From this union, dogs of moderate size are born. They have a smooth, golden coat, beautiful large eyes and large ears. Sometimes elongated muzzles are obtained.

Chinese crested and chihuahua

Such dogs are called kitsch. Their appearance can be unpredictable and not always cute. Mostly these are hairless animals with fragmented islets of wool, which most often grow on the muzzle and limbs, sometimes on the nape.

Mestizos are dogs for pleasure, you cannot build an exhibition career with them, and you can buy a devoted nimble companion.

An overview of the Chihuahua mestizo puppy, see below.

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