Pros and cons of Chihuahua breed

Any potential dog breeder knows that before bringing a puppy into the house, it is necessary to analyze in detail the merits and demerits of a particular breed. It is especially important to have an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of decorative dogs, which will allow you to understand what the difficulties of grooming and breeding may be. The material in this article will tell readers about the pros and cons of Chihuahua dogs.

Characteristics of the breed
Chihuahuas are among the smallest breeds of decorative dogs. The weight of many representatives of this breed often does not exceed 1 kg. Based on the variety, it can be half a kilogram. Large individuals can weigh up to 3 kg, with an average height of 20 cm. The standard highlights the following key characteristics:
- the body of the body in dogs is lean and neat, the belly is muscular, the back is short and straight, the croup is strong, spreading out in width;
- the build of decorative dogs is average, the chest is voluminous, has rounded ribs;
- the tail of babies is thick and long, located high, slightly bent towards the lower back and tapering towards the end; depending on the type of breed, a brush may be observed at the tip (typical for individuals with long hair);
- the skull is small but wide, tapering to a short upward nose;
- eyes are large and dark;
- bite can be straight or scissor;
- Chihuahua ears are large, set up, wide at the base and tapering towards the ends; in a relaxed state, they can be slightly lowered;
- dogs have small shoulders, long front legs and elbows tightly pressed to the body, which allows babies to move relatively quickly;
- the hind legs are more developed, the toes of the dogs are protruding, they have sensitive pads.

Important! Despite their small size and decorativeness, Chihuahuas are energetic dogs.
Chihuahua babies have many virtues. Let's note the most significant of them.
Appearance and character
The Chihuahua has a good-looking appearance. These dogs have a cute face, big eyes, an interested look that leaves no one indifferent. They are always on a positive wave, easily cheer up all family members. At the same time, they are not hysterical or choleric like other dogs.

Dimensions and food consumption
One of the advantages of dog breeders is always the compact size. It is generally accepted that the smaller the size, the better, the higher the dog is valued. Such a baby is not only adorable: he also eats little. And this means that buying even an expensive feed will not make a hole in the family budget. The same can be said about natural food: such feeding will not cause any difficulties.

Life resource and placement in the house
These babies do not need a lot of space for accommodation and a comfortable existence. Even in a small apartment, there is always a place for arranging a bed for sneezes, a small house or a mattress. Moreover, even in a small apartment, the dog will not be limited in movement. Its average life expectancy is 15 years - these are long-lived dogs.

Chihuahuas are quite brave: despite their size, they are not afraid of opponents that exceed them in size. Dogs quite staunchly defend not only the owner, but also their territory, despite the fact that the chance of their victory is small. Sneezes bark loudly and loudly, so they always notify the owners of the presence of strangers.

Low need for physical activity
Chihuahua does not need much physical activity. To fully develop and maintain their shape, it is quite enough for them to run around the house and jump on a low sofa and back several times. In addition, there are no problems with the dogs when traveling. The owner will not be detained where people with dogs are usually not allowed.

Both puppies and adults of the decorative breed do not create problems when moving. They are positive about various changes. They do not get sick when they change their place of residence, do not suffer when they are taken on trips. The main condition for their well-being is to be near the owner, everything else is not so important.

Chihuahuas are easy to train, with the right approach to their upbringing, they are able to learn even a complex training program. Kids not only remember the information they have received, but they literally absorb it, which is why they understand a half-word of their master. The period when the owner is not in the mood or he is angry, the dogs are understandingly waiting on the sidelines. At this time, they do not impose themselves and do not ask for attention.

Attitude towards household members and other pets
It is believed that Chihuahuas single out one owner from the whole family and show their devotion to him. However, as practice shows, kids do not deprive all household members of the attention. They are not only active and funny, but they understand with whom and how to play.In this case, the child who teaches and feeds him often becomes the main authority for the dog. Dogs of this breed non-aggressive, although some individuals of the breed are not averse to taking a leadership position.

Grooming and litter training
Chihuahua caring is not that difficult, it involves all the standard procedures, including cleaning the ears, eyes, mouth, clipping the nails and combing the fur. Due to the small size, bathing of dogs is quite fast. Pocket dog breed quickly learns to litter box, which is considered unnatural for regular dogs.... The owner does not have to worry that the baby will spoil in the house.

Besides the merits, the Chihuahua has its drawbacks. Having decided to have such an animal, it is necessary to have an idea about the disadvantages of pocket dogs.
Dimensions (edit)
What is an advantage of dogs on the one hand turns into a disadvantage on the other. It is the small size of animals that plays against them, which is why individuals with tiny parameters are often born with underdeveloped organs. In general, Chihuahuas are vulnerable to larger dogs: they must be protected from literally any potential danger. You can accidentally step on your pet if it turns up under your feet. He can be pinned down by the door, and besides, despite his courage, he must not be allowed to walk alone.

Not all dogs of this breed follow the owner's commands, and indeed the training in general. And the point is not that the dog is stupid: it often ponders the commands, wondering whether it needs it. Some kids go so far in their thoughts that they are cunning, trying to manipulate the owner. They can be called first-class actors, sneezes can play the right emotions, trying to seize the initiative in parenting.
They quickly understand the boundaries that are set, but quite often they literally "sit on their heads."

Alas, the dog's courageous nature does not allow her to understand that she has no chance in the event of a fight with another dog or even a large cat. Chihs rarely think about the size of other animals, they rush into battle, protecting the owner.
It is important to ensure that they are not harmed in the event of a conflict, which means that the owner must be especially careful when walking the pet.

Toilet nuances
Even a trained dog can create a problem over time. After she starts to walk on the street more and more often, accuracy in fulfilling natural needs often disappears. Not only does the animal throw out the filler at the same time, it also often does not look at all to see if it gets into the tray. In addition, some individuals stubbornly keep "all their" on the street, believing that it is better to get rid of excrement and urine in a tray.

Socialization problems
Depending on the size of the dog she may not succumb to any training at all... This is especially true for representatives of the breed with a weight below 1 kg. Some kids, left alone, succumb to panic, others begin to openly become impudent, spoil things, and still others bring neighbors with prolonged and unreasonable barking. There are those who will begin to be jealous of other pets towards the owner, showing aggression towards them.

Alas, here the Chihuahua has its own nuances. Dogs are susceptible to many genetic diseases, despite careful selection that reduces the likelihood of passing on mutating genes. Due to the indiscriminate selection of partners, sneezes with pathologies of the heart and digestive organs can be born. In addition, dogs are prone to problems such as soft bones (including teeth), epilepsy, food allergies, hydrocephalus, and eye diseases.

The development of sneezes takes place in different ways. There is a soft spot on their crown, which usually heals up when the puppies are six months old. However, often in dogs, the so-called fontanelle does not overgrow at all. They must be handled very carefully so as not to injure pets.... In addition, dogs are prone to dislocation of the kneecaps, the patella can be straightened, but the discomfort when moving in sneezes remains.

Cold attitude
Most likely, breeders paid attention to the fact that sneezes are constantly trembling. These dogs need a warm climate; winter clothes for walking do not always warm them in winter. In addition, outdoor walks have to be shortened in winter. However, the lack of fresh air cannot be compensated for by airing the room; the dog weakens without walks. If a sneeze stays outside for a long time in bad weather, he will catch a cold, which is especially important for short-haired representatives of the breed.

Demanding attention
Some members of the breed do not understand when the owner is busy. They can be intrusive and demanding, because they naturally lack caring. And if he really dislikes someone, he can afford to use his teeth. Feeliness can develop into weakness, excessive severity - into the division into "loved" household members and "unloved".

Which one is better to choose: a boy or a girl?
Before getting a pet, the future owner is often interested in the sex of the dog. And this question is justified, because both males and females have their own nuances. One of the important factors is the radical type of character in individuals of different sexes. In addition, it may be due to physiological features in adult dogs.
For example, breeders often do not acquire females because of estrus, which occurs twice a year and causes certain inconveniences. At this time, you have to acquire diapers for dogs or close the female in a separate enclosure. In addition, females have difficulties with childbirth and pregnancy. Delivery takes place with the participation of a veterinarian, and the mating must be carefully controlled.
It is also worth noting that estrus interferes with the participation of dogs in exhibitions. In general, the exterior of females is inferior to males, although the activity of females is higher. As for the males, they constantly mark the territory, need longer walks, and are distinguished by their disobedient character. They may have cryptorchidism.

Owner reviews
The Chihuahua is considered a beautiful decorative dog that is well worth becoming a favorite pet in the home. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of the owners of dogs of this breed, left on the forums of information portals on the Internet. Breeders call these dogs tiny friends, pets and even family members. They are sure what kind of dogs they will become is completely up to the owners. They point out that kids are quite active and are interested in literally everything, but if you do not follow their upbringing in time, the rudiments of merits will quickly evaporate, as a result, the dog will acquire many bad character traits.
The owners of sneezes write in reviews that dogs of this decorative breed should not be offended, since they really understand even the intonation of the voice.
They can literally "sit on their necks" if they understand that the owners will do everything for them, so in education you have to be extremely attentive and even cunning.

For information on whether to start a Chihuahua, see the next video.
What protective qualities and the desire to protect the owner can a Chihuahua have?