How many years do Chihuahuas live and what does it depend on?

Chihuahuas are classified as decorative dog breeds, which, according to statistics, are considered centenarians. However, their lifespan varies, and animals require a lot of attention. What affects the lifespan of funny pets and how to extend it, the material of this article will tell.

total stats
As with any breed of dog, the lifespan of a Chihuahua varies based on various factors. Some of them are subject to human control, others are not subject to our influence. According to general data, the physiological characteristics of a particular animal can affect life expectancy.
All Chihuahuas are prone to colds and may suffer from hypothermia.
In addition, the representatives of the breed have a predisposition to diseases of the musculoskeletal system.Babies can stand on their hind legs and lead an active lifestyle, but they often suffer from jumping and can fall under the feet of the owner or family members. You have to walk them with great attention. The life span of dogs is influenced by the sex of the individuals. According to statistics, Chihuahua girls live on average 2-3 years longer than their male counterparts.

Standard chihuahua
Current data show that on average, individuals of this breed live about 15 years. However, among them there are also centenarians, whose age can be up to 20 years. And yet, due to its small size, all processes in the body occur rapidly. Therefore, if the reaction of the breeder to the health problem is not quick, it will shorten the life of the pet.
Representatives of the standard breed are considered to be in demand among breeders. However, the maximum use of the pet's life resource largely depends on the owner himself. Unlike their mini counterparts, these dogs are distinguished by greater endurance. Their predisposition to various diseases is due to genetics. Representatives of this category weigh from 1.5 to 3 kg.

Speaking of miniature dogs, it is worth making a reservation right away: according to official data, the mini-Chihuahua breed does not stand out as a separate species. These dogs include the smallest representatives of the breed. Moreover, in most cases, they have underdeveloped any internal organs. Over time, this can develop into malfunctions of the body's systems, which affects life expectancy.
On average, mini live at home for no more than 5-6 years.
Such dogs weigh very little: often their weight barely reaches 1 kg, other babies weigh 500 g. At the same time, factors such as heredity, conditions of detention, diet and exercise can shorten this period. They are not adapted to stress, they are susceptible to many diseases and injuries. These dogs are weak, although they can be born absolutely healthy (you need to handle them as carefully as possible).

Human age
Dogs have their own age gradation, according to which their age is assessed. For example, the age of a one-year-old baby is comparable to the age of a 15-year-old adolescent. The organism of an individual at 2 years of age is developed in about the same way as that of a person at 21 years of age. In the future, each year of a dog's life will be equal to 4 years of human life. For example, a ten-year-old dog will be considered elderly, because its body will correspond to the body of a 53-year-old person.
If we draw a parallel with human standards, then mini dogs die at a young age, while centenarians reaching their twenties are comparable to retirees who are 93 years old. By their standards, they live longer than humans. Some individuals can boast that they cross the century of humanity. A more detailed comparison can be found in the table, which shows the ratios of each year of the animal's life.

Dog age, years |
Person's age, years |
1 |
15 |
2 |
21 |
3 |
25 |
4 |
29 |
5 |
33 |
6 |
37 |
7 |
41 |
8 |
45 |
9 |
49 |
10 |
53 |
11 |
57 |
12 |
61 |
13 |
65 |
14 |
69 |
15 |
73 |
16 |
77 |
17 |
81 |
18 |
85 |
19 |
89 |
20 |
93 |

Negative factors
One of the most significant problems is choosing an animal from a dubious breeder. It's one thing when dogs are taken from a good breeder who monitors heredity, provides the animal with proper nutrition and proper care. But if mating is not sanctioned, the parents could be unclean. And this is likely to leave an imprint on the physiology of the puppy, which may affect life expectancy.
Chihuahuas are classified as dog breeds subject to various kinds of stress. To extend the life span, the breeder must protect the pet from stress, which will shorten the life span to a greater extent. With regard to diseases that reduce life expectancy, they include such health problems as:
- hypoglycemia;
- urolithiasis disease;
- epilepsy;
- retinal atrophy;
- dysplasia of the mitral valve.
Another negative factor affecting life expectancy is accelerated sexual development. It differs from large breed dogs, and this leads to the fact that chihuahua males have undescended testes by 3-5 years, and females have difficulties with childbirth. Disease reduces the vital resources of small animals. Signs to look out for are not only loss of appetite or high fever, but also enuresis, frequent sneezing and vomiting. All of them, to one degree or another, shorten the life of a dog.

Life Extension Tips
To ensure a pet's long life, the owner must take into account many factors. For example, you need to start by choosing the right dog. When buying it, you must definitely require a pedigree and accompanying documents on vaccinations. The health of the parents is the key to good offspring.
With proper breeding of dogs, the degree of influence of hereditary diseases from generation to generation decreases. You need to buy a dog in a specialized nursery, where breeders carefully monitor the mating and do not allow unsuitable and sick individuals to it, which leads to the degeneration of the breed. When buying, you need to be interested in the health of not only the supervised puppy, but also his parents.

Of course, the level of activity also matters. You need to choose a puppy who will be able to perform a certain amount of exercises per day in order to maintain an active form and health. As for the floor, everything here is individual and depends on the preferences of the buyer.
One cannot but take into account the fact that Chihuahuas do not have a stable psyche. They are sensitive to changes in the atmosphere in the house. They cannot be offended, they cannot stand screaming.
These babies need kindness and care, without contact with the owner, they feel a lack of love, and this also reduces life expectancy.

Inspections and prevention
It is important to have your pet regularly seen by the veterinarian and have daily visual examinations. All vaccinations must be delivered on time, as it is important to ensure timely antihelminthic treatment. Dogs of this breed require routine vaccinations. They are given a vaccine to prevent problems such as rabies, distemper, canine flu, and parvovirus.
Health monitoring should be regular. This will allow you to identify the problem in the early stages of its appearance. In order not to shorten the life of the dog, it is important to ensure that it is not attacked by ticks and fleas. It is necessary to examine the animal for the presence of small parasites every day after walking. The frequency of visits to a specialist depends on the age of the pet: babies are taken to him more often, it is enough to show adult dogs to the doctor 1-2 times a year.

As for the stay of the Chihuahua in the fresh air, it is important to note for yourself: the dog needs daily walks, without them it loses activity and becomes lethargic. They help to strengthen the immune system, maintain muscle tone and acquire socialization skills. Dogs must be physically active, otherwise they are attacked by diseases. However, walks in bad weather are undesirable.
Walking in the fresh air is the prevention of many diseases.
Of course, any extreme is unacceptable, we cannot talk about any strength exercises and exhausting running. However, the animal is capable of some exercises, for example, it can be a short run or an active game. Due to such mobility, it will be possible to ensure the constant burning of excess fat deposits.

It will promote hardening and be a measure for the prevention of ailments. Neglecting to walk will shorten life expectancy. No excuse can dissociate itself from this fact. A litter box is no substitute for walking, nor is airing a room. A dog cannot play by itself, it needs the attention of a breeder.
As for walking in the cold season, there are some nuances here.To keep the animal from freezing, you need to buy special clothes for it. For example, it could be a sweater or jacket. On especially frosty days, you should not go outside, but if the weather is favorable, you can let your pet frolic (provided that it has undergone a routine vaccination course).

Nutrition and weight
Competent feeding is a guarantee of your pet's health and good mood. Chihuahuas need food rich in animal proteins. The diet should not contain fillers, preservatives or artificial colors. Food from the master's table is not suitable for these dogs, it leads to obesity of individuals.
Weight is another indicator of health, and it also affects the lifespan of a Chihuahua.
The dog should not be too thin or, conversely, too obese. In either case, this is considered a violation of the norm, which leads to problems with the work of internal organs and, as a result, a reduction in the life resource.

For example, starving your pet weakens the immune system. These animals need meat (beef, chicken, horse meat and turkey are good). They also need fish (you can give them lean seafood). At least once a week, it is necessary to include liver, heart or kidneys in the nutritional diet of a 4-month-old puppy.
Dogs also need cereals, such as rice or buckwheat. In addition, if the specialist deems it necessary, millet or rolled oats will have to be added to the diet. Eating vegetables cannot be ignored either. The animal should receive in food carrots, pumpkin, vegetable marrow, and in rare cases, cabbage.

You cannot feed puppies with factory food, regardless of its type and brand of the manufacturer. Neither dry nor wet commercial food contributes to the normal growth and development of these dogs. Food for them should be fresh and natural, cooked by hand. As for the choice of a specific product, it is discussed with a specialist based on the weight of the pet and its health.

You can extend the life of a pet by observing all the rules for caring for its coat and oral cavity. By the way, it is the second factor that is its vulnerability. Almost all dogs of this breed suffer from diseases such as tooth decay, calculus and gum disease. A special toothpaste has been developed for the oral hygiene of these babies. It is necessary to clean it every day, removing plaque that forms after eating.

It is important to monitor the condition of your ears and claws. Ears are cleaned with cotton pads, moistening them in warm boiled water. Dogs are brushed and bathed more often than cats. When washing, use zoo shampoos with a mild effect. Dogs should not be bathed in cold weather, left after bathing in open windows or in places of drafts. Wool can be dried with a warm hair dryer.
For combing, special combs are selected that do not injure the skin and correspond to the length of the coat of a particular individual. The claws are cut about 2 times a month. In order to shorten the duration of the procedure, they use a special device - a nail clipper for small animal breeds. At the same time, you need to trim the claws little by little, so as not to injure the soft tissues. The hair between the paw pads is cut.

For the characteristics of the breed, see below.
Thank you, very sensible article! It is short enough, understandable and covers almost all aspects of a Chihuahua's life. My dog is 7 years old, I read a lot of materials about the breed, and still the article was useful!