SOSU socks

In the modern world, a huge number of responsibilities fall on the shoulders of a woman. Working, caring for the family, chores around the house - all this is very time-consuming. Often, most women simply do not have enough time to go to beauty salons, cosmetology procedures are too expensive for someone. But you really want to pay attention to yourself, take care of your appearance and preserve freshness and youth for as long as possible.

Following modern trends, cosmetic companies are trying to produce products that can help girls take care of themselves at home, but get the same effect as in a beauty salon. One of the first to help women came the Japanese company Sosu, which released a series of products for foot skin care. The most popular are socks for a pedicure, which allow you to fight rough skin of your feet without leaving your home.

Causes of coarsening of the skin of the legs
Our legs experience great stress throughout life, and with age, the skin on our feet can coarse, flake, and crack. All this spoils the aesthetic appearance and causes painful sensations, greatly disrupting the quality of life.

This is facilitated by the following reasons:
- poor hygiene;
- the use of unsuitable cosmetics for the feet (creams, deodorants);
- prolonged walking without shoes or in too open shoes;
- lack of vitamins;
- fungal diseases of the feet;
- uncomfortable and oversized shoes;
- diabetes;
- hormonal disorders.

Any reason makes you treat your heels with care. However, the daily use of scrubs and pumice stones takes both time and effort.

And the use of Japanese Sosu socks makes home pedicure pleasant, quick and convenient.

What are they?
This modern invention from Japan is two tight covers made of dense polyethylene on the feet, which contain a special solution of lactic acid with the addition of plant components.

It penetrates deeply into the upper layer of keratinized skin, nourishes the epidermis and makes the skin of the heels soft and tender. Thanks to it, there is a rapid exfoliation of the smallest particles of rough skin, which cannot be removed by simple mechanical action of a pumice stone or a foot file.

Lactic acid transforms the action of socks into a real acid peel, similar to that performed in beauty salons. However, herbal ingredients enhance the functions of this product and have various additional therapeutic effects on the skin of the feet.

Properties of herbal extracts and additional components
- Castor oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin;

- Ivy has an excellent regenerating effect, heals microtraumas and enriches the skin with vitamin E, has a tonic effect;
- Zherukha has a protective function, has an antimicrobial effect;
- Burdock has moisturizing and healing properties;

- Sage prevents the release of excess sweat, has a deodorant effect, plays the role of an antibacterial barrier;
- Soapy water protects against dermatitis;
- Hyaluronic acid retains moisture and gives the skin a well-groomed appearance;
- Lemon enriches the epidermis with vitamins and makes the skin smoother and softer;

- Squalane improves the nutrition of the lower layers of the skin, promoting their deeper penetration;
- Lecithin creates a protective barrier and prevents excessive evaporation of moisture;
- Ceramides improve tissue immunity;
- Soy has anti-aging properties.

Such a rich composition of perfectly balanced components in combination with lactic acid has a beneficial effect on the superficial and deeper layers of the skin. Exfoliation is very gentle, there is no possibility of getting burned. All this makes the process of foot care very pleasant and not difficult.

- Convenient to use, no help of strangers is required during use;
- Even old calluses and tough corns are removed;
- The positive effect lasts for a long period of time (from 3 to 6 months);
- Lactic acid promotes tissue regeneration, so the process of skin coarsening slows down;
- The socks are sterile, so infection is impossible;
- Due to the absence of aggressive substances, they are absolutely safe;

- An excellent assistant for those suffering from obesity and diabetes mellitus, since such patients are contraindicated in trauma to the skin, which is possible with mechanical manicure;
- They have a triple effect: they eliminate the old epidermis, heal microcracks and provide additional skin care;
- More cost effective compared to visiting a pedicure specialist;
- Various scents to choose from (rose, lavender or mint);
- They do not take time for the pedicure procedure and do not distract from household chores.

Since there are no aggressive components in the composition, and the use does not require special skills, there are practically no contraindications. But it is better to refrain from using Sosu socks for people suffering from allergies, since the composition contains a large amount of herbs. Or, before use, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition and make sure that there is no allergenic component.

The effect of the cosmetic composition on the body of pregnant and lactating women has not been clinically studied. Therefore, due to the sensitivity of the woman and the baby during this period, it is better to refrain from using these products.

It is also not recommended to use Japanese socks for skin injuries in the area of application, open wounds, scratches, deep cracks.

Instructions for use
The use of Sosu pedicure socks is extremely convenient and does not require any special training.The stages of the procedure are quite simple and each girl will be able to independently make herself a stunning pedicure.

1. It is recommended to steam your feet a little in a hot bath before use, so that the effect comes faster. If your nails are painted, be sure to wipe off the varnish before the procedure. There is no need to additionally rub your feet with a pumice stone, trying to remove the top coarse layer of skin.

2. Cut the package with the socks and take them out very carefully. It is important not to damage the packaging so that the cosmetic solution does not spill out.

3. Place a plastic sock on each foot and gently spread the solution over the entire foot until it touches the entire surface to be treated. Fix each sock on top with the tape that comes with the product.

4. Put on your regular cotton socks on top. This will make you feel more comfortable and move around. You can additionally insulate the legs with woolen socks, since in a warm environment the active components will work faster.

5. Stay in pedicure socks for at least an hour. You can increase the procedure time up to 2 hours. The exposure time depends on the condition of the skin of the feet.

6. After removing the socks, rinse your feet with warm water and soap.

7. Immediately after use, socks must be thrown away, since the active ingredients have already lost their properties and the product is not sterile.

8. After 3-5 days old skin exfoliation begins. Initially, thin surface layers of the epidermis will peel off, and then deeper and thicker ones. In no case should they be torn off on purpose if they do not immediately leave, as it is possible to damage young living skin and infect an infection.

Exfoliation can be accelerated with hot trays and a soft file or foot scrub.

9. After about a week, all the skin will be renewed, and the feet will acquire a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.

Price policy
On average, original Japanese Sosu socks can be purchased at a price of 790 rubles per pair, or sets of two pairs at a price of 1290 rubles.

At first glance, the price seems overpriced, but given the cosmetic effect, duration of the procedure, ease of use, it is more than affordable. In addition, a trip to beauty salons is often much more expensive, but there is no guarantee of the professionalism of the master, the sterility of the instruments. And the effect lasts much less.

Repeating the Sosu exfoliation is required every few months, which is a more profitable solution than a classic pedicure in the salon.

Reviews on the use of pedicure socks are mostly extremely enthusiastic. Naturally, this only applies to original products. But since there are many fake analogues on the market, you should be very careful when buying. Then your legs will always delight you with their natural beauty.