How to control your thoughts?

Human thoughts are a miracle of nature. With the help of thoughts, any of us can either finally get rid of the problem, or irrevocably plunge into it. And the sages also say that thoughts are material. Therefore, it is necessary to more carefully approach your thoughts on this or that topic. Otherwise, you can significantly ruin your life.

The power of thought in the head
There are certain images. When a person imagines them, he radiates energy directed into the external environment. This substance creates some vibrations that can sometimes even be felt. In most cases, some thoughts need to be concentrated in order to turn into a certain substance, which then materializes. To do this, you need to connect emotions. For example, when a person strongly wants something, he puts emotions into his thoughts, and those, in turn, strengthen the thought. As a result, it concentrates and then comes out.
Remember the times when your subconscious mind gave you different pictures. For example, if you really wanted to eat something tasty. That's when you started imagining cake or candy. And what was your surprise when you soon got what you wanted. There is nothing surprising. It's just that your formed thoughts have gradually accumulated, reinforced by your desires and emotions. As a result, there was a "release" of your thoughts into the external environment. Then the Universe accepted your desire and sent you a “gift”.
Remember, physical matter and mental energy have a strong bond with each other. Therefore, never think bad. Otherwise, this bad thing can materialize.

Control techniques
A normal person is always thinking about something. However, some thoughts are unnecessary. This is especially true of destructive thoughts.They infuriate the personality and harm. In order to avoid such bad situations, you need to learn how to control your mental activity. First you need to pacify her. Thoughts, like a whirlwind, arise suddenly and just disappear. Therefore, learn to filter their stream, as if through a sieve. Please note that the easiest way to clear thoughts is for people who do not give in to panic, have normal self-esteem, and are prone to self-criticism.
Now let's look at methods to help you learn how to manage your thoughts and achieve success.
- In a person's head annoying thoughts simply "swarm". We think all the time about how to survive and not get trapped. Therefore, you need to learn how to switch to different associations. For example, imagine your thoughts as caterpillars, and then imagine how the caterpillars transform into beautiful butterflies. Thus, bad thoughts, thanks to the imposed good image, will disappear into oblivion.
- Use concentration. It is best to use a candle for this. Take it and place it in front of you. Imagine how bad thoughts are burned into flames without a trace. At first it will be difficult for you to perform such a technique, but gradually you will adapt and be able to cope with the task. Thus, you will learn to pacify your consciousness. Do this task for 30 minutes a day.
- Start rebuilding your thoughts to be positive. Try to look for the good in everything. For example, suppose you thought that you cannot buy a new apartment. At this point, think also that your current apartment is not as bad as it seems. For example, in this place you are used to living. You like everything here. The area is in the center. And having moved to a new building, you will have a long drive to work.
- Try the suggestion technique. Self-hypnosis often helps with stress. In the morning or evening, when bad thoughts start to overwhelm you, say to yourself, "It's okay."
- If melancholy and bad thoughts overwhelm, then do something necessary and useful around the house: wash the windows, clean up the balcony, and so on.
- Treat troubles with humor. Think of them as an annoying caterpillar snagging on your clothes. Eliminate the problem by defiantly sweeping the problem track off yourself onto the floor. Gradually, you will learn to take the challenges that arise less seriously than you do now.
All exercises must be done with "soul" and a good mood. Then you will succeed. Please note: if you start working on yourself, then you will push your self-development only forward. This will give you extra strength to deal with bad thoughts.

Expert advice
Psychology is a very wise science. Experts have long come up with many methods that help fight negative thoughts. The main thing is to listen to their advice and keep yourself under control. So let's start with the simplest tips.
- Don't watch TV programs that make you think badly. Understand that watching such programs puts you in a destructive state that you do not need at all.
- Listen to pleasant music. For example, listen to meditation music more often. It soothes and charges with good energy.
- If you have bad thoughts, eat something tasty. Just don't use this method too often.
- Play sports. You shouldn't take this activity too seriously if you don't feel like it. In this case, you can go jogging in the morning or in the evening. Your brain will be saturated with oxygen and you will get a good mood.
- Get in the habit of walking in the evenings. This activity calms you down, gives you the opportunity to relax after a busy day.
- Perform a rite of passage to remove negative thoughts. What to do for this? As soon as such thoughts appear in your head, imagine them in the form of black paper. Next, mentally crumple them into a ball. He should be at a distance from you. Now try to escape from this dark substance in your thoughts.
- Decide on the source that pushes you to think badly. Find out what drives you - fear or hate. If you are driven by fear, then try to analyze the cause of the fear. Perhaps your fear is unfounded. If you are driven by hatred, then get rid of it (before it engulfs you completely).
- Focus more on the momentary moments and don't get ahead of yourself. If you think about your future life every time, you will stop living in the present time. You will run ahead and not be able to keep up with anything. So you better stop and look around. Perhaps you are taking this whole thing too seriously. Stop doing this and you will feel relieved.
- Do not be rude to people and do not swear. Any unpleasant moment that happens in your life leaves a bad imprint on it. Those people who live positively and communicate positively attract good luck into their lives.
- If you have bad thoughts, find someone to talk to. It can be both a psychologist and a loved one. Tell us about your problems, speak out. This method often helps because the other person will look at your problem from a different angle. Therefore, he will definitely give good advice.
- Try to learn body language. This activity will distract you and direct your thoughts in a positive direction. For example, watch your posture, walk evenly, do not hunch over. By the way, when you start to monitor your posture, you will feel better not only mentally, but also physically.
- Learn to be grateful. If you say “thank you” to someone for the service rendered, you will cheer up both yourself and the other person. Life is made up of little things. These little things should be enjoyable.
- Build self-confidence. Yes, this is difficult to do. However, if you stop being distracted by bad thoughts, you will succeed. For example, you decide to move to another city. Just do it.
If there are difficulties on the way, overcome them. As a result, you will learn to rely on yourself. And such a factor minimizes destructive thoughts.