Feelings and emotions

Why does the feeling of uselessness arise and what to do?

Why does the feeling of uselessness arise and what to do?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Reasons for the formation
  3. How to get rid of the feeling of uselessness?
  4. Psychologist's advice

Man is a social being. Therefore, when he has a feeling of uselessness, he panics. This strongest negative psychological factor brings pain that can easily be compared to physical pain. This means that a person suffers in two directions at once, and from this his life turns into hell. And if the time has come when you felt complete loneliness, do not panic. We need to act! How? Let's try to figure it out.


Subjects choose loneliness either consciously or unconsciously. It also happens that a person becomes not only lonely, but also completely unnecessary. Then this feeling causes resentment towards everything and everyone. An offense that does not leave for a minute brings very great suffering. The man asks himself why everyone turned away from him. He does not find an answer to this question from the outside, since there is no one nearby. It means that you need to figure out your own thoughts and feelings... Only then will there be hope for a way out of this situation. This can only be prevented by a feeling of self-alienation.

In modern psychology, it is generally accepted that people of our time are trying to live apart. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the emergence of many other interests that can replace communication. While a person is very young, he is not able to fully understand his emotions. He is also poorly oriented in relations with other persons, both female and male. Therefore, he easily converges and easily part with people: partners, friends.But when a person lives to old age, he begins to fear loneliness and uselessness. The person who was left "alone" is often to blame for this. Sometimes such a person does not think about his actions. He treats others in a consumer way: he often swears with them, leads a proud lifestyle.

Thus, he wants to build his personal life in such a way as to emphasize his "I". This concept is very much at odds with the concept of human society, which requires constant communication between people, networking and "fouling" with relatives. The result is this: as long as a person is strong and healthy, he is in an advantageous position. Therefore, such a subject does not feel emptiness around him. But one day, when forces leave him or force majeure circumstances come, he realizes that he was left completely alone. Then such a person begins to experience an inferiority complex.

The syndrome of self-uselessness leads such a person to depression. Further, he will surely be seized by an attack of fear for his future.

Reasons for the formation

The feeling of uselessness in a person can form at any age. Naturally, there must be very good reasons for this. Let's consider them.

Mother's absence

If a child at an early age for some reason lost his mother and he does not have very close relatives (grandmother, aunt and others), then such a child may develop a feeling of rejection. Why it happens? When the bond between the baby and the mother is broken, the baby falls into a vacuum. It seems to him that he was abandoned. Nobody needs him in this world. A lonely little person cannot tell anyone about his feelings, because he does not know how to do it.

Therefore, he begins to gradually withdraw into himself. Further, this condition is only aggravated. Subsequently, when the child grows up, becomes an adult, his feeling dulls, but does not pass. Therefore, he is always looking for protection from strangers. It is good if on the way there is a decent person who will share sorrows and joys with him. Thanks to a sensitive attitude, the affected subject will be able to get out of a difficult situation that was formed in childhood.

Children who have lost their parents need to be treated with care. If unnatural things happen to them, for example, they withdraw into themselves, then it is necessary to contact a specialist. He will be able to identify the problem and find a way out of it.

Emotionally cold mother

When a child is raised by parents who do not show any warm feelings for him, this state of affairs is psychologically killing the child. If relatives are indifferent to the aspirations and desires of their baby, then gradually such a child begins to withdraw into himself. At first, he develops a latent depression. As a result of its development, he finally withdraws into himself.

Over time, he will begin to perceive his relatives as completely strangers to him. Having matured, such an individual will also keep away from those around him. The feeling of uselessness will not allow him to develop correctly. If the situation is not corrected in time, then a person who was not loved by loved ones in childhood will grow up to be a selfish and evil subject. He will never pity anyone, because in childhood he was also not spared. Feelings such as love, compassion, affection will be alien to him.


Feelings of abandonment in adults arise for a variety of reasons. It also happens like this: a person loses his family due to a tragic incident. He suffers greatly for his dead relatives. This incident completely unsettles him. Strong attachment prevents such a person from developing and moving on. He is fixated on his grief, he loses his job, colleagues, friends.

Loneliness manifests itself in different ways in men and women. A woman is an energy store. She is happy only when she can give this energy to her loved ones: her husband, children. If this is taken away from her, then the woman will feel worthless and fall from this feeling into a depressed state.

Men often deliberately choose a lonely lifestyle.... They believe that in this way they will easily begin to climb the career ladder, and will also be free of obligations. Therefore, for the time being, many of them do not experience suffering from the fact that they were left alone. They go through life easily, as long as they have the strength to do it. And only when such individuals become people of old age, they begin to realize that they have made an irreparable mistake by embarking on the path of loneliness.

How to get rid of the feeling of uselessness?

You can cope with such an unpleasant feeling if you really want it. So, let's take a look at what needs to be done. First of all, you need to accept your misfortune and start fighting for a happier existence. When all grievances against fate will be "wept out", come to terms with the situation. Just accept it as a fact that has happened in your life. Tell yourself: it happened and there is nothing you can do about it... Denying a problem is not a way out of this situation. You can only overcome your feelings of uselessness when you admit that you are a completely lonely person.

If you are surrounded only by such people who will never come to your aid, then you need to understand and accept this. Then you need to think: maybe it is worth giving up such a relationship? For example, a woman lives with a man who enjoys the benefits that she provides to him. As soon as she cannot do this, he will leave her for another, more successful woman. Keep in mind that when you put an end to a toxic relationship, they will definitely be replaced by others, most likely more productive and enjoyable for you.

Participation in various clubs of interest will help to overcome the state of emptiness. If you do not know how to sew, then enroll in sewing and sewing courses. So you will master a new profession and start creating beautiful things. While you study, you will be able to meet other people. Perhaps this is how you will find your like-minded people.

Some kind of good activity can help you overcome loneliness. For example, become a volunteer. Such people help sick people or animals free of charge. Someone's life depends on their activities.

By performing these functions, you will feel very much needed and will make close friends. People who do charity work are almost all very decent people. They are capable of sincere friendship. If you do not work anywhere for any reason, then try by all means to find a job as you can. This way you can feel important and make friends. Do not withdraw into yourself. Every person needs a second half. Look for her, and then fate will smile at you. Perhaps your loved one is somewhere near you, but you do not notice him yet.

Develop positive thinking... It is clear that a lonely person is almost always out of sorts. He subconsciously feels his uselessness and therefore thinks about it all the time. Stop doing that.

Learn to cope with anxiety attacks and bad moods. This will help you special classes on the development of positive thinking. You can eliminate the feeling of being unnecessary with the help of various practices, such as meditation or affirmation. With the help of meditation, you will find a common language with your “I” and attract good luck into your life. Practices such as speaking affirmations can help you instill a positive attitude in yourself. For example, before going to bed, repeat the following phrase for half an hour: "I have close people." Thus, you will also "attract" into your life those people who will become your family.

Psychologist's advice

The feeling of being unnecessary is just your attitude. It is worth getting rid of it, and you will no longer feel like a worthless subject.Therefore, follow the advice of a specialist. Make contact with your neighbors, unless you live in a deep forest. Remember that on the upper or lower floor there is sure to be such a person who will make contact. He may need your help. Do not refuse him and help. So you will get even closer to your neighbor or neighbor and feel that someone needs it.

Stop thinking that you are an unnecessary person and therefore no one wants to communicate with you. To prove yourself otherwise, try making friends. Just don't look for friends over the Internet. And if you nevertheless decided to take such a step, then at the first meeting, be careful and careful. If your intuition tells you that there is a good person in front of you, keep communicating.

Get a pet. So you will know for sure that they are waiting for you and love you at home. Go to bed in a good mood. Then you will wake up in a good mood. To enhance the effect, watch a comedy or life-affirming movie before bed. When you have breakfast or lunch, play light music. So you can overcome the silence, and your home will be filled with pleasant sounds.

Do not withdraw into yourself. Otherwise, you will become an unattractive person with whom no one wants to communicate. Therefore, always smile at people and go towards them.

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