Feeling alienated

Some people feel uncomfortable in society. A person can experience this condition for various reasons. Some lack courage, others are too insecure, and still others cannot cope with their past mistakes. In any case, it is necessary to approach this issue more carefully and understand the problem.

What it is?
In psychology, this word has its own meaning. It is generally accepted to consider alienation as a feeling of lack of trust in someone or coldness in relation to a person or group of people.
In simple words, then an alienated person tries to avoid experiences of various orientations. From this he withdraws into himself. This condition extends to all spheres of human life - from everyday interactions to very close relationships. Aloofness is a pathology, since its essence lies in indifference, remoteness and coldness, etc.
With alienation, the personality has practically no emotions for everything that happens. He is not interested and bored in society and at work. This subject tries to escape both from work and from his thoughts. Instead, he chooses the wrong directions for his pastime. For example, he immerses himself in a computer game or sleeps all the time.

When a person tries to keep his distance from society, he feels loneliness and a feeling of lack of freedom. In this case, there comes a feeling of loss of their belonging to their own "I".
In this case, the outside world is perceived by such a person as hostile. It is very dangerous. A destructive feeling causes rejection in all areas of life. It's no secret that alienation can easily be equated with hatred.This feeling violates the integrity and harmony of the individual.
In this case, the subject has a feeling of powerlessness in front of the difficulties that have arisen and a sense of the meaninglessness of existence.

Aloofness in relationships invariably creates distance between people.... If nothing is done, then the relationship will break. For example, a husband and wife will become strangers to each other if they stop talking to each other on frank topics.
In most cases, alienation leads to rejection at the soul level. And if such a bad feeling is allowed to develop, then the situation can get out of control and lead to large losses.

Causes of occurrence
If a person is in conflict with himself, then he may have a feeling of alienation to the whole world around him. For existentialists, alienation arises when a conflict situation arises between intuitive and rational consciousness. It seems to them that, having gained freedom, they will be able to overcome internal contradictions.
In principle, many people have such a feeling at least once in their lives. And this led to some psychological problems. For example, you feel alienated in your family or at work. And immediately there was a feeling that something bad was happening in your life.
If you do not overcome the destructive state, you will be stuck in place and stop moving on.

Now let's look at some of the common reasons for feelings of alienation.
- Perhaps there were conflicts in your family. Maybe you were an unloved child and were often punished by your parents. Then the feeling of alienation could become a habit in you, which remained for a long time. However, school may also influence the development of alienation in the future. If other children in class have offended you or if teachers have treated you in the wrong way, then you too may have problems.
- You may have thoughts that are significantly different from the thoughts of other people.... For example, you have your own purely personal opinion in relation to someone or to something.
- You are smart... It is very difficult for a person with high intelligence to communicate with those people who cannot understand him because of their shortsightedness. And the point here is not at all arrogance, but in a barrier that you cannot overcome.
- Your appearance and manner of dress may be causing conflicts.... It makes you feel alienated.
- Too much ambition pushes you into rash actions.... Therefore, you feel hostility from the outside world. As a result, you gradually begin to distance yourself from society.
- Isolation - this is another reason for the emergence of alienation.
- You are a calm, balanced person. You cannot quickly adapt to a rapidly changing environment and become isolated. This is especially true for introverts.
- Shyness - this is another reason why alienation to other people arises.

Forms of manifestation
Aloofness manifests itself in cooling and breaking with the immediate environment. Then there is a drop out of social ties. Powerlessness arises in front of difficult tasks. The meaninglessness of what is happening leads to apathy.
Consider the forms in which alienation manifests itself.
- Interpersonal estrangement. In this case, one person is fenced off from the other. For example, if there was a conflict between friends, and the parties subsequently did not find understanding.
- Social alienation. A very complex view. In this case, a person closes in on himself due to any growing conflicts with the surrounding society. He is fenced off from this society and from society as a whole.
- Emotional detachment. In this case, the person does not experience any emotions and feelings for the other person. Usually this kind of alienation comes on gradually. She appears in relationships between loved ones. For example, between spouses.It's just that the husband or wife gradually moves away from their marriage partner due to any omissions.
- Severe alienation. In this case, a person tries to isolate himself from himself and at the same time isolates himself from people and from the world that surrounds him.

How to deal with this?
You have to deal with a bad feeling like alienation. Consider what to do if you or your loved one suddenly falls into this state.
- Start chatting. If you feel alienated from everything that surrounds you, then do not withdraw into yourself. On the contrary, try to be more in public and peer at the world around you. Enter into dialogue with people and look around. Perhaps thanks to such actions, you will see many positive aspects both in communication and in the world around you. Then your life will not seem so gray to you.
- Do some introspection. You may be a selfishly directed person. And if this is so, then the people around and the world, defending themselves, show you resistance. If you stop paying attention only to your desires and thoughts, things may work out.
- Start thinking positively. Just don't think bad.
- Stop being embarrassed... Start working on yourself. To do this, you can use the following game. Go to a store with expensive goods and review them with the air of a connoisseur. Then ask the salesperson something and behave independently. When you get your answer, leave the store as if you were thinking.
- Overcome all your fears. In any society there are very good and very bad people. Look for and find good people. Communicate with them with pleasure and get positive emotions. Don't notice bad people.
- Love yourself. Then all your environment will begin to treat you with respect. This will increase self-esteem, and the feeling of alienation from the world will disappear.
- And the last... Talk to all the people around you. Be sure to tell people if you don't like something about them. Also listen to the opposite opinion. As a result of communication, you will come to the truth and stop feeling alienated.