All about isolation

Different people live on earth. They all have a certain kind of character and a certain kind of temperament. Take introverts, for example. These individuals are uncomfortable communicating with people. They are closed in most cases by nature.
This is difficult to fix, or perhaps not worth it at all. However, there is a category of people who suffer from isolation not of their own free will. Certain circumstances introduced them to such a negative state. In any case, this issue must be carefully understood.
What it is?
If we speak the language of a psychotherapist, then we can say: isolation is a bad personality trait. It manifests itself in communication with other people. Because of this, the withdrawn subject has difficulties in contact with friends, colleagues, or peers. Note: About sixty percent of the people on earth suffer from isolation. Among the closed ones, there are both children and adults. Such a feeling can suddenly arise and just as suddenly disappear. In this case, everything depends on the situational and life directions.
They cause the feeling in question and problems coming from childhood, as well as selfishness. However, other psychological factors can also trigger this mechanism. Do not confuse isolation and shyness.
Closure - it is called that because a person behaves negatively in a society of people. A shy person, having got used to it, immediately begins to communicate with the environment in which he is.

Manifestations of isolation
An introverted person immediately stands out from other people for his behavior. From the very beginning of communication, it is clear that the given subject is in himself. He is immersed in his thoughts and does not let anyone in there. Let's take a closer look at the signs of a destructive state.
- A person is basically uncommunicative. In a society of people, he tries to keep silent all the time and does not show activity. This he does not out of harm, but because of the peculiarities of his psychological system.
- An individual who is within himself will never show his initiative. On the contrary, he will hide behind the backs of others and take a wait and see attitude.
- If a person has chronic fatigue syndrome, then he will also be uncommunicative for understandable reasons.
- Children often suffer from isolation. Due to the restructuring of the nervous system, the adolescent's body cannot quickly respond to external psychological stimuli. Therefore, guys at this age suffer and withdraw into themselves.
- An uncommunicative person has certain body postures. His arms can be crossed over his chest, or he can hold a briefcase or bag in front of him. The head of such a person is usually lowered, but in communication he is restrained. Thus, a person tries to protect himself from the environment.
- There is one more characteristic by which you can define a closed individual. He is betrayed by nervousness. Such a subject does not like to be in a noisy society. As soon as he sees around him fun and a crowd of people, he tries to immediately leave.
However, if we talk about the problem further, then it can be noted that the above list cannot fully convey all the features of an introverted person. Some subjects are adept at masking their true feelings.

Causes of occurrence
In fact, there can be many reasons. Sometimes these reasons complement each other, and then the situation is aggravated to pathology. Let's take a look at this issue.
- Let's start with character. If an individual was withdrawn from early childhood, then such a character was laid down by nature itself. However, there is another side of the coin in this issue. Many factors influence the formation of a child's views. For example, education. A family where there is no love between parents will not be able to give a child a quality upbringing, because such a child will grow up without love and affection. Then, in adulthood, he will transfer all the anger and hatred inherited from his parents to the outside world. After which he will receive a rebuff from the outside world and withdraw into himself.
- A person experiences stress all the time for whatever reason. For example, something worries him very much, and he worries. From this he becomes gloomy and silent.
- The emotional sphere can also have a great influence on the mental state of a person. If the subject is lonely and uncomfortable in the world that surrounds him, then he can become withdrawn.
- Lack of confidence in one's abilities can also lead to isolation. For example, a person has failed in life and now it seems to him that he will continue to fail.
- If an individual suffers from such a flaw as tongue-tied, and is ashamed of it, then he, too, can withdraw into himself.
- Too high intelligence. Sometimes it happens that a person finds himself in a society in which he is not interested and uncomfortable. Then he can become closed. It will quickly pass if the individual gets back into the environment, where there will be worthy interlocutors and partners.
- If a person has something to hide, then he will shun society. For example, if an individual is hiding from someone. In order not to give himself away, he will be careful.
- Physical defects can cause closure.
- Divorce or unsuccessful close relationships can also cause the feelings discussed above. The fact is that some men (women), after an unsuccessful marriage, begin to avoid relationships that can cause trauma.
- The type of temperament also plays a huge role. Melancholic, as well as phlegmatic, are those people who cannot change internally in any way, due to their individual characteristics.
- Self-flagellation can lead to isolation. Some people think that they are doing something wrong all the time.Therefore, they gradually stop taking the initiative and become isolated.
- Great shyness. Usually such people cannot bring themselves to stop being shy. Therefore, they are reserved and taciturn.
To fix the problem, you need to work on yourself, so you will be able to eliminate shyness. After which the isolation will go away by itself.

Separately, it is necessary to talk about such isolation, which is close to pathology. Consider these options.
- Depression. Being in this state, a person loses interest in life. He does not want to do anything and does not want to communicate with anyone. Therefore, he becomes uncommunicative and irritable.
- A more severe pathology is schizoid psychopathy. In this case, the individual becomes isolated in his thoughts and very much concentrates on his experiences.
- An equally severe case is sociopathy. Sociopaths do not accept accepted norms of behavior. They hate people and are prone to aggression. Naturally, such a person does not want to communicate with anyone.
- A person unwittingly seeks distance from people with an anxiety disorder of personality. Then he becomes withdrawn.
- There is such a mental illness as autism. Such subjects do not need to communicate and therefore do not seek to contact people.
- An equally serious illness is delusional disorder. In this case, the individual is absorbed by delusional ideas, and he withdraws into himself.
- Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder. In this case, abnormal thinking leads to a change in personality.

Control methods
If a person realizes that he is closed, then this is already good. Acknowledging the problem is already fifty percent success. Naturally, this is followed by a huge work on yourself. Of course, you can contact a specialist, and he will certainly help to overcome a psychological ailment. However, if you can overcome the problem yourself, then you will be proud of yourself. And this is another plus for the final disposal of the situation that has arisen.
So, you decided to work on yourself. Let's consider strictly the points what needs to be done.
- Find the cause of your problem. To do this, you should carefully work out every moment of your life. Most likely, in the past you have had some kind of destructive experience or were absorbed in problems.
- You can get rid of isolation by analyzing your feelings. Perhaps you are too lost in your thoughts or problems. They prevent you from relaxing, causing you to stop communicating with people.
- You can stop being closed with the help of special techniques. Let's consider them.
Meditation. In order to complete this practice, you need to choose a suitable and comfortable place. Light a candle, play relaxing music and lie down comfortably. Then close your eyes and breathe deeply and evenly. Let thoughts come and go, and you look at them as if from the outside. Next, imagine that you are in a crowded place. You are comfortable and cozy here. Everyone respects and loves you, and you answer people the same. Imagine that you are shining from within and spreading this light. Stay in this state for a few minutes. Then you can leave meditation. Then sit for a while in silence and realize what happened to you.
Affirmations. The principle of operation of this technique is as follows. You impose your desire on the brain, and it, in turn, sends it into Space. The universe fulfills desire. So what to do. Light a candle. Sit in front of a mirror and gaze intently into your own eyes. Then start repeating this phrase: “Everyone needs me (needs me). I communicate with all people easily and freely. " Remember: you can come up with phrases yourself. Only in them you cannot use the "not" particle. The Universe does not perceive such a speech unit. Therefore, if you use it, your meditation may have the opposite effect.

A few tips will help you get rid of the isolation over time.
- People are often pessimistic. It is not right.You must always be positive. How to do it? You need to learn to rearrange your thoughts. As soon as you start thinking destructively, stop yourself immediately! To do this, you can visualize the stop sign in your head and remember it. As soon as bad thoughts begin to creep into your head, present this sign.
- Self-development will also help to become better. For example, you need to help reveal your talent. To do this, you must answer the question: "What type of activity are you most interested in?" Then set a goal and go towards it with perseverance. On the way, you will meet many people with whom you will have to communicate. Your isolation will disappear.
- You can overcome isolation with the help of new acquaintances. To do this, you need to find new friends.
- You can fight your taciturnity with the help of sports. Sign up for a gym. There, you can always chat with people on generally accepted topics without too much commitment. And at the same time improve your health.
- In order to get rid of isolation, you need to understand yourself. Look into your soul. To do this, stay in a quiet room and flip through the moments of your life. Perhaps somewhere inside, in the depths of your consciousness, there is a problem.
- Do not criticize yourself, but rather praise yourself. Write your merit on a piece of paper and hang it in a prominent place. Reread this list carefully, reflecting on each line.
- Love yourself. Until you do it yourself, no one will do it for you.
If you still do not find the strength to overcome the problem on your own, then sign up for a training session with a specialist.