Orange dress - for a bright look

In most cases, our wardrobe consists of a set of basic items. These things are often not very diverse in their colors. This approach makes women's wardrobe somewhat boring and even dull. In such a situation, the only recommendation from eminent stylists is to immediately dilute your wardrobe with bright colors. To begin with, try to slightly change your own prevailing stereotypes in search of another novelty. For example, when buying a new dress for a festive event, opt for a juicy orange color, rather than the usual black or gray. In addition, psychologists unanimously argue that orange raises self-esteem and gives self-confidence.

Color features
Let's take a closer look at what features the orange color has. According to Itten's color wheel (all designers use it for the correct combination of colors) orange is a secondary color, a kind of symbiosis of two primary colors - yellow and red. From each he absorbs something useful. As a result, we get from a drop of orange color - a charge of vivacity and good mood, from a beautiful and correctly selected orange dress - a powerful portion of an antidepressant! Down with boredom and despondency, and long live energy and creativity.

Your choice has settled on an orange dress, which means that you are an active, open to everything new, optimistic person. Among other things, orange helps to unleash creativity. But do not forget about the sense of proportion. An energetic, saturated color also requires some effort when choosing accessories and choosing color combinations.

Who is it suitable for?
Orange and its shades are warm colors. It is ideal for spring and autumn color types. Girls and women with freckled skin can safely choose an orange dress. Also, this color will favorably emphasize all the advantages of the owners of an even golden tan.

There is a stereotype that orange should not be worn by women with fair skin. Eminent designers have long denied this fact. For several years now, beautiful owners of snow-white leather have been exquisitely paced along the catwalk, demonstrating the most diverse shades of orange. At the same time, they look stunning.

Choose the length of the dress based on the distinctive features of your figure. Mistresses of an asthenic physique can safely purchase a long orange dress. It will favorably emphasize the graceful sophisticated silhouette. An unrivaled choice for social events and the red carpet.

If the dress code at work, in addition to black and white options, allows other colors, feel free to choose an orange dress with a fitted silhouette of medium length. This option looks especially good on women with hourglass figures. The combination of an orange midi dress with a white or black jacket will give the look a business look. At the same time, those around you intuitively recognize in you an optimistic personality, full of enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

A short orange dress is perfect for women who want to get it all at once. Initially, the color itself already expresses your desire to be visible. The deliberately short length confirms this once again. Lace will add femininity to the look.

Mini straight cut is a great option for girls with a rectangular figure. It will successfully accentuate women's legs and will not allow them to catch the lack of a waist. But it will provide an opportunity to shine at a party and be the center of everyone's attention. Combine orange favorably with complementary colors, and then you are guaranteed success in the ranks of the male audience.

Spectacular combinations
The orange color is very bright. Color combinations help create an effective brace. Let's consider the most popular options.

With white
Orange, like any other secondary color, goes well with any achromatic color: black, white and gray. An example of a successful color collaboration is the orange dress with white polka dots, made in a retro style. A small white scarf or kerchief tied around the neck or arm will help to support the image. On a "juicy" dress, a white border and some other decorative elements (for example, a white collar) look quite laconic. White symbolizes purity and innocence, and, even in small doses, adds a touch of romance to the image.

Dresses with a gradient that smoothly transition from orange to white look spectacular.

Additional accessories in the form of a wide-brimmed white hat and several bracelets of the same color will add charm to any woman, once again emphasizing the impeccability of her taste.

With black
Blotches of black color on a bright orange dress can appear (with a light hand of designers) in the form of fashionable geometric shapes, various intricate patterns, asymmetric elements. It is almost impossible to overdo it with black, and its versatility is known to every fashionista.

Black is loved by many women for its slimming figure. The mystical qualities of this color have been known to people since ancient times. With black splashes, the image adds some mystery and mystery. Shades of this color are referred to as gray. In a fun ensemble, they will also go well with the main orange tone.

With gray
Gray, although a neutral color, is still better if there is a small amount of it on the dress.

Gray is ideal, for example, in the form of light lace that frames the collar. Separate elements of the fashionable ensemble in the form of a gray jacket, vest or shoes slightly neutralize and soothe the flashy basic shade.So, if you are afraid to overdo it with brightness, dilute the image with an additional thing of gray. A similar color combination is suitable for both work and publication.

With blue
It has been proven that one of the most successful and harmonious combinations is the combination of orange and blue. Apparently, therefore, designers often use such a mixture in their collections: an orange dress with a blue wrap, a belt, a print, sleeves, a border and other elements of this shade.

Such a merger is a win-win option for both designers and customers of these products. The popularity of this combination is due to the fact that both colors favorably set off each other.

Triple color combinations
The most daring designers and stylists consider complex combinations of three or more colors in clothes. The triad of shades, consisting of orange, "green apple" and bright blue, is intended for the most fearless and extraordinary personalities. Match bright green shoes and summer sky accessories against a flashy orange dress.
Attention, such variations are successful for a young, creative girl, capable of little madness!

A similar trio, but still calmer and more balanced in color saturation, a combination of light brown, "dark chocolate" against a background of juicy tangerine. Remember how delicious tangerine looks in chocolate, and feel free to choose this complex combination. Put on shoes in an expensive chocolate shade in combination with a light brown summer coat or cardigan, and you are completely ready for an evening romantic walk with your beloved man.

What to wear with: picking up accessories
The orange dress goes well with gold jewelry, as the color of gold also has a similar warm hue. Silver will be superfluous here. In summer it is possible to combine gold-plated watches and white bracelets. The image instantly becomes unique.

Hollywood divas love to combine juicy shades of orange with accessories that are brown, turquoise or beige, they love to play with leopard prints. And rightly so, because this option looks very glamorous.

What shoes are right for you?
Correctly selected footwear completes the look quite logically. But the wrong shoes will easily destroy all your efforts. One of the first requirements for a shoe is its appropriateness. It makes no sense to put on 12-centimeter heels in the office, and then waddle in them between tables. The walk should be light, casual, just like your orange dress.

If you know that you have to spend the whole day "on your feet", choose comfortable and high-quality shoes made of soft leather with small heels. Going to a club or a party, platform and high heels will come in handy like never before. It makes no sense to match tone-on-tone shoes to an orange dress, otherwise we will get an edible fruit instead of a floating diva. If you find it difficult to decide on your options, opt for flesh-colored shoes that suit all occasions. Another advantage of these shoes is that they visually lengthen the legs, making them endless.

Makeup Tips
Accentuate your lips by matching lipstick in the same shade as the tone of your dress. Eyes should not be loaded with shadows. It is enough to paint over the eyelashes well with voluminous dark brown mascara. Two approaches will achieve the effect of false eyelashes.

Now that the image is one hundred percent complete, the feeling of your own uniqueness will not leave you throughout the day. Moreover, an orange dress can share a charge of cheerfulness and good mood with others, and you no longer have to peer into frowning faces.

Dress like an orange! Very uplifting. Of course, this color is appropriate only in summer.