What colors are suitable for brunettes?

Many admire the bright and charismatic brunettes Sandra Bullock, Selena Gomez, Penelope Cruz, Angelina Jolie. In their uniqueness and attractiveness there is a merit of the image, clothes, hairstyles and makeup, the selection of a successful color scheme. Of course, the most famous and highly paid stylists in the world work for them. What should ordinary brunette women do, because everyone wants to look advantageous and attractive? The answer is simple - take the advice of stylists to create a successful finished look.

Color palette in clothes and accessories
There are seven colors in the rainbow, which have an infinite number of shades. The same black color can look good on one person and spoil the appearance of another. It doesn't matter if you choose a coat or a fur coat, a jacket or a dress - the colors should be winning. They should emphasize the features of the appearance in a good angle and divert attention from imperfections.
None of the most fashionable model of a dress will save you from a stylish failure if it is chosen in the wrong shade.

For brunettes, when choosing a palette of clothes, accessories, cosmetics, several important aspects should be considered.
- Skin tone. It can be warm or cold. Warm is characterized by yellowish tints, cold - pink and bluish. The easiest way to determine the type of skin on the inside of the wrist is by the color of the large wreath. This is the main parameter by which it is worth choosing the tone of clothes, since it can give freshness to the face, or vice versa - make it tired and gray.
- Eye color. You can also make them shine in a special way by playing with the right blouse or eye shadow color. Or, on the contrary, you can make the beautiful natural color invisible.

The combination of eye, hair and skin color is called color type. Each person belongs to one of certain color types named after the seasons: summer, autumn, winter, spring. It is they who basically determine what color of clothes, jewelry, accessories, lipstick will successfully emphasize your dignity.
Naturally, other nuances are also important. So, the correspondence of the season, day, event determines the color scheme of the image. Even if white suits you very much, it is inappropriate to use it when choosing a wedding dress (unless you are a bride, of course). Also, a dress made of fabric with imitation of python skin or sequins will be inappropriate in the office.
Determine the color scheme of the costume and the mood, state of health, emotional background.

In a romantic mood, you want to dress in clothes of delicate, powdery colors. Black calls for restraint, asceticism and allows you to concentrate. Lack of energy - choose the right shades of red or yellow. There will be communication with a large number of strangers, then your salvation is an outfit in gray-blue tones.

For dark skin
Brunettes with dark skin and brown or green eyes are the brightest shades and extravagant color combinations. Their preferred choices are yellow, orange, green, scarlet, mint colors. Such girls have a naturally bright appearance, but this does not mean that they should choose neutral tones. On the contrary, luscious shades will help freshen up the look and emphasize a beautiful tan.

All shades of red look especially advantageous on brunettes with olive or peach skin: marsala and burgundy, crimson and scarlet, brick and coral, damask rose and ruby. Interestingly emphasizes the appearance and green in its various variations: khaki, emerald, herbal, broccoli, mint.
To create an evening look, you can try on metallic gold, black or navy blue.

Be very careful with white. It is important to choose the right shade that can refresh your face and body.
Designers do not recommend the following colors for brunettes with tanned skin: gray, pink, blue and purple, nude tones with a dusty gray tint. Also, all cold shades are not a good choice. If you choose pastel colors, then they should be clean, without impurities.

For fair-skinned
A light-skinned brunette with blue or green eyes resembles the image of Snow White from the fairy tale of the same name. The type is rather noble and aristocratic than passionate and dramatic. When choosing a color scheme, you need to be especially attentive to nuances and halftones. Cool blue and light blue, violet, exquisite fuchsia can emphasize this rare beauty. Delicate lavender and pure emerald are also welcome.

Delicate shades and powdery tones will look especially advantageous on such girls. Choose between creamy, cold pink, sandy, peach, creamy, caramel and milky colors, as well as beige and chocolate. Of the options for shiny materials, preference should be given to silver metallic.
What a light-skinned brunette should not use is sheer bright and warm hues.
Yellow, orange, mustard will not work. Light green and olive colors will destroy the natural harmony.

How to match items of clothing with each other in color?
Combining different colors with each other is an art and a useful basic skill for any fashionable girl. It guarantees at least half the success in creating the perfect finished look. Recent trends do not have strict restrictions on color compatibility. These can be both basic classical duos and trios, and bold color combinations.
In this case, the choice should not be made in favor of fashion trends, but to create a unique unique image with color solutions that suit you individually.

For the correct color combination, there are several simple approaches that any woman who dreams of creating a spectacular and stylish bow should know.
- A combination of unusual, intense color and base. The basic ones are white, black, blue, gray. They can be complemented by burgundy, pink, olive, orange and so on.
- Using opposite colors from the shade map in one outfit, for example, red with green, blue with yellow. They do not have to be clean, shades are possible. In this case, it is better if one of the colors is bright, and the second complementary to it.

- It is not difficult to combine similar colors in the spectrum: yellow and orange, blue and violet. Their combination looks very natural and, as a rule, does not raise questions. Getting it wrong or creating a gaudy kit is tricky.
- Combining shades of the same color is not an easy task. It would seem that it is easier to use two or three shades of red or brown in the image. Here it is important not to overdo it and not go over the brink of vulgarity and bad taste. A total red look or any other color in different versions is a delicate thing. The shades must be chosen correctly. When worn in different combinations of dark and light, they can create perfect proportions or ruin the whole experience.

There are also well-established popular color combinations. So, white goes well with everything, but is perfect with blue, red, black, making up classic combinations. Interestingly, he complements the sets with gray, blue or pink. Black is a timeless classic, versatile and mysterious.
It can create different effects depending on the colors with which it is combined.
Green is good with all natural shades of nature and earth: khaki, marsh, gray, brown, sand. Blue gives an effective combination with red and yellow, a fresh solution paired with orange. Gray looks interesting with lilac, lavender, fuchsia, coral. The classic combination of gray and pearl is a pair with blue, yellow and purple.

How to choose accessories?
Accessories are an important part of any woman's wardrobe. Often they are underestimated and not given due attention to them in a hurry or because they do not know how to wear and combine them correctly. Meanwhile, scarves, hats, berets, belts, scarves, gloves and other playful wardrobe items are exactly what makes a woman unique, attractive and flirty. They help create a cohesive look or give it a twist.
Small things like a neckerchief can freshen up an outfit, give it a new sound. One regular black sheath dress can look completely different with three shawls of different colors and tied in different ways. A scarf can also decorate a belt of trousers or a skirt instead of a belt, a hairstyle and even a handbag.

Accessories that complement clothes can be chosen according to the same rule as color combinations in clothes. They can contrast with the main color if you need to highlight an area, for example, a yellow belt with a black dress. Or represent one of the shades of the main color of the entire set. More often, things of lighter colors are chosen, especially those close to the face (hats, scarf), in order to refresh the image.
Against this background, rounded shapes disappear, the face and neck seem slimmer.
If you choose a drawing with a catchy print, then the main elements of the image should be more concise or combined with two colors of the drawing on the accessory. A small repeating pattern looks no less advantageous. If you do not yet understand the peculiarities of color nuances, you should choose a universal companion color, which are powdery, light gray, flesh pink, gray blue, white and black, as well as red.

Suitable shades in makeup
Competently selected and well-applied makeup is an essential attribute of a complete image of any woman. You should choose it not only based on the situation and individual preferences. Facial contours, eye color, hair color and skin tone play an important role. The latest fashion trends in daytime makeup recommend only one accent on the eyes (on the lips only natural gloss or hygienic lipstick) or on the lips (limited to mascara and eyebrow styling gel). In evening make-up, you can afford any bold options. Brunettes with brown eyes are absolutely free in their choice of shades and makeup options. They can afford black eyeliner and mascara. Peach and coral blush tones suit them very much.
You can use melting lip gloss or the now trendy matte lipstick.

Shades range from nude to burgundy, but red lipstick is the perfect choice. It is precisely such burning brunettes that she most suits the face.
To emphasize the depth of the eyes, choose blue, gray or purple eyeshadows. An interesting accent will also turn out with a pale pink or peach color. Dark-haired girls with green or blue eyes should focus on eye makeup. They create an unusual and contrasting look in comparison with the hair color. This dignity can be emphasized in every possible way. At the same time, it is better to paint the lips with lipstick in natural shades. Although light red for special occasions, such brunettes also suit the face.

We use black ink. And the best eyeliner will be gray or dark brown. Beige, peach, light pink blush will help to create a relief of the cheekbones. You can choose the most different shades, for example, to match the color of your clothes, which is very important in the new season.
Gray, gold, champagne, khaki and mocha are best.

They perfectly emphasize the natural color of the eyes. Having determined your color type, you can choose a successful image for any occasion in life. You can look stylish and charming no worse than the stars of the first magnitude. The main thing is to devote enough time to your image, carefully study the features of your appearance and use the professional secrets of clothing designers, makeup specialists and stylists.

Feel free to experiment and create new combinations. Take basic things as a basis, follow the trends and choose from everything exactly what suits you. This way you can create an exclusive style of clothing.
For suitable colors and makeup options for brunettes, see the video below.