What colors are suitable for red-haired girls?

Red hair is always eye-catching. They are quite bright and showy in themselves, so it is very important to choose the right clothes, makeup and hairstyle. The chosen image should favorably emphasize the beauty of your hair, but in no case be flashy, vulgar. Warm red gamut can be completely spoiled by the wrong color, this must not be allowed. Ideally, the image should be uniform, look organic, all the details in it, including the hair color, complement each other.

Choosing clothes for red hair
Many shades go well with red hair, but there are a number of nuances to consider. Hair color is quite vibrant, so clothes shouldn't argue with him. If the hair is a deep saturated color, the wardrobe range can be quite catchy. If the hair is muted red, light, it is better to give preference to pastel colors. Expressive, non-trivial palettes are perfect for dark-haired people. This is the basic rule for choosing a wardrobe. It doesn't matter what you buy: a coat or a dress, what style you prefer, first of all, you need to evaluate the degree of brightness.
The palette of reddish hair is incredibly diverse! The colors that suit one woman may not suit another at all.

In order not to be mistaken in the choice of color, when creating an ensemble, always evaluate what effect you are trying to achieve: contrasting or nuanced. In the first case, these are shades that are directly opposite in color: blue, green, lilac, turquoise. Such scales will elegantly emphasize the depth of the hair color.
The safest option is if the clothes match the eye color. The second case is a gamut that is similar in shades. Here we include terracotta, ocher, beige, which are not so expressive, but still perfectly emphasize the beauty of the hairstyle. Do not forget about the universal colors: gray, black and white. They suit almost everyone.

Color type
This is the second rule for choosing a wardrobe, because even among the red-haired ladies there are those who are of the type spring, summer, autumn, and even winter! Peach skin and light blue eyes - this is a spring type who should choose pastel shades, delicate and sophisticated: peach, pale blue, ocher, lilac. Caramel hair with a touch of henna, olive skin, brown eyes - this is the summer type.
To find the perfect ensemble, they need to pay attention to whiteness, rose, heavenly shade. Autumn is distinguished by deep hair color, freckles on the skin of a light shade and bright eyes. This type should take a closer look at the range of olive, khaki, chocolate brown. Winter is a rarity among the army of redheads. They are light-skinned, while their curls are dark. Cold shades and rich tones of burgundy, greenery, violet will best emphasize their rare beauty.

Particular attention should be paid to your wardrobe for those who are bound by a strict dress code. Bright bright colors are inappropriate here, although turquoise, blue, lilacs are perfect for a blouse. It is better to choose suits either classic black and gray, or brown. The choice of clothes should be based on an unshakable rule: you cannot interrupt, drown out the shade of the strands, otherwise the image will be inharmonious and flashy.

Choice of accessories
In order for the image to be complete and play for real, it must be complemented with accessories. It is very important to choose them correctly, because one wrong accent can ruin the whole impression of the ensemble. When choosing the details of the image for a redhead, you should pay close attention to shades of pale coral, pink caramel, beige-brown options, champagne, gold. It is better to choose natural, warm tones. In a festive look, more catchy details are allowed, for example, fuchsia colors. In a casual look, a great solution is a bronze tint, golden motifs, brown tones. They are especially good in summer to emphasize the tan.

Products with amber and silver-black jewelry are great for redheads. The main rule is to focus on shades of eyes and skin, not just hair. Dark eyes are perfectly emphasized by tourmaline, pomegranate, carnelian, black pearls, onyx. An excellent solution that will suit all goldilocks is the green range: emerald, lime-colored stones, malachite, cat's eye. A win-win option when creating an elegant look is muted accessories in shades of graphite, gray, pastel blue. The casual style looks luxurious with brown leather products. Do not forget that the main fashion trend of the season is comfort and naturalness. Therefore, an overabundance of bright accents will not only overload the image, but also make it obsolete.

Suitable shades in makeup
Another important point is competent fashionable makeup. It is necessary to correctly emphasize the natural brightness, choose shadows, eyebrow color, lipstick, blush that are suitable for the color type. There are universal tones that suit all red-haired ladies. As a rule, these are warm colors. For girls with blue, green, brown eyes, shades of beige and brown, blush of light brick color, lipstick in terracotta shades are suitable. It is very important to be careful when choosing saturated colors. The rule - the darker the hair, the lighter the shades of the make-up - will allow you to stay within the framework. For blue eyes, you can choose cool shades of shadows: bluish, gray, blue, purple. The whole gamut of green is perfect for brown eyes, and for those with green eyes - sandy, brown, olive tones.

Do not forget about mascara, which, of course, can be black, especially if the shadows are chosen in gray. However, a warm shade of brown mascara will always be appropriate. The lipstick is matched to the makeup color palette, but by no means dark. Be careful with pale pink, carrot and gold tones.
What colors are best not to use?
Avoid all colors that argue with the color of the strands and "shout" them. Consider your hairstyle as an important part of the image, which should be harmoniously inscribed in it. Even if your hair is very bright, avoid a lot of different catchy shades in clothes - otherwise you risk turning into a clown. You should be more careful with yellow: it categorically does not suit those with fair skin. In addition, under the conditional prohibition, what by nature is brighter than redhead: red and orange. The most preferred shade is light lemon.

Hairstyles for redheads
Ryzhina should be not only bright, but also sleek, status, elegant. Without leaving, the strands of red tones look very unattractive, therefore, it is recommended for girls-milkheads to maintain a healthy shine of their hair, to do styling and haircuts in a timely manner. Hair color like this looks great on any length; medium, short, and long hair can make a stunning impression when done right. Whether you have bangs or not, it is enough to preserve the natural color or work with fashionable dyeing techniques: ombre, balayage - it's up to you.

For long-haired ladies, curls are the ideal styling solution. It is very feminine, elegant and incredibly attractive. Waves can be of completely different sizes and intensities, they go well with bangs. Stronger and more playful curls are suitable for those who do not wear bangs, broken waves look great on any hair length. A luxurious choice for fine, unmanageable strands of different lengths - the effect of wet hair. Asymmetric haircuts, oblique bangs, torn hairstyles, unevenness, slight negligence, thinning are relevant. Elongated bob, bob, pixie - all these options look great on bright, healthy strands. The main thing to avoid is heavy, bulky hairstyles, too perfect, "sleek" styling.

Despite the fact that the redhead is by nature itself self-sufficient, recently it has become very important to color the red strands. Moreover, ultra-fashionable dyeing techniques allow you to leave part of the hair in its natural form, adding only luxurious touches. Gradient techniques are especially popular this season, when a smooth stretch from one shade to another is performed along the entire length of the hair. The most relevant of them - ombre and balayage - are great for the entire ginger palette. In addition, do not forget about modern highlighting options, when only some strands are emphasized.

Light highlighting of partially selected strands gives volume to the hair. In addition, the image becomes more expressive and interesting. There are many techniques of this method, the clarified strands can be both small, almost invisible, and large. Lightening the strands of the face looks great: the face looks younger, and the image itself is fresh. High-quality modern highlighting does not allow for sharp, conspicuous transitions, because naturalness is in fashion. Ideally, this should be an effect in which natural shades naturally blend to create a consistent range.

This dyeing method is very popular today, stylists do not allow him to leave the fashionable Olympus. In a simplified version, it is a smooth transition from one shade to another within the same range. Ombre looks great in red, very aesthetically pleasing and non-trivial. Tones should not differ by more than a couple of tones, but in general, all shades look like a single whole.The main condition for a red ombre is that it should not be too intrusive in the area of the hair roots and strive as much as possible for a natural transition.

Balayazh and shatush
This technique fully meets the fashion trends of naturalness, because balayage strands look like they are slightly burnt out in the sun. This method is ideal for redheads and is able to transform them beyond recognition, while without cardinal changes. First of all, ideally, the strands should be at least up to the shoulders, although such coloring is performed on the middle square. The advantage of this technique is that it does not act aggressively on the roots, because they remain practically untouched by dyes. If you want to look natural and at the same time very original and modern, then you should contact a good master to choose the shades that emphasize your beauty most favorably.

For information on what kind of hairstyle should be done for red-haired girls, see the next video.