All about the color "eggplant"

It is difficult to dispute the fact that the color palette that surrounds a person throughout his life, in one way or another, affects the mood, well-being, can change his attitude towards life, help to achieve success in certain areas. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand the nature of the color that you use in your wardrobe or use in your home interior. I would like to pay attention to such a popular shade as eggplant. It is not the first season that it has won the hearts of true connoisseurs of style.

It is obvious that the color "eggplant" got its name due to the bright and healthy vegetable. In everyday language, it is called a deep shade of cherry or a kind of purple., which gives an inaccurate color description. In fact, it is important to remember about its cold nature and as close as possible to the shade of a vegetable.
The color "eggplant" is a complex element of the palette that can be obtained by mixing dark purple and brownish tones. It is dark purple or reddish purple, it can also be called a tandem of two opposites.
Eggplant looks noble, gives the resulting image a share of mystery and unambiguously refers to aristocracy.

Most often, eggplant dominates among the surrounding flowers, therefore it attracts attention. Moreover, it can be perceived as mystical, therefore, not many people risk using it in the interior of their home, because it will not be able to bring connoisseurs of restraint and poise to the long-awaited calmness.

As for the psychological recommendations attributed to this color, among them one can single out the ability to calm overly emotional people. Most often, the use of this shade is resorted to by mysterious people, keenly feeling the world, constantly faced with creative impulses. Since dark shades are usually associated with an endless night sky, eggplant also refers to the colors of magic, witchcraft.
Experts say that the color "eggplant" has a positive effect on the mental health of the individual, acts as a stimulus for action for creative people, serves as a source of cheerful mood and can make a person's day tired of anything much better.

Palette of shades
All shades that refer to the color "eggplant" must be conditionally divided according to the level of their saturation: light, dark and medium. Dark tones are distinguished by a certain rudeness, heaviness. For example, "black eggplant" is a kind of dirty color, it must be diluted with lighter paints.

The medium contrast level of the eggplant hue is characterized as lilac... It is easier to use, but experts believe it indicates a certain amount of inexperience.

The lightest of the "family of eggplant" is lilac, which is usually used as a base for playing with other colors. It certainly has a positive effect on the human psyche.

What colors does it match?
To begin with, it's worth noting what combinations you can create with eggplant to highlight the beauty of this deep color. The most successful are combinations with soft and stable shades, although tandems with bright tones are also possible, the combination with which initially causes a storm of emotions. For example, a duet with bright green or burgundy will favorably emphasize an eggplant in a suit on the way out.

It has already been said that the “eggplant” color acts as a powerful dominant, therefore, in order to wear it during the day, it is important to choose shades that can “calm” it: this can be obtained in white, light beige and other colors similar to these.
If we talk about combinations in the interior, then the base of a pistachio shade will look ideal, which will simultaneously both emphasize the depth of the "eggplant" and reduce its excessive saturation. If you add white, then the space of your room will increase from a visual point of view and, roughly speaking, will be cleared.
The same way out of the situation can be found in the case of solving the question of the gloom of the interior: if your goal is a lighter, airy style, then give preference to light shades.

Among the numerous elements of the color palette, there is a whole list of shades that, according to experts, are ideal for eggplant. Let's consider these options.
- Classic duo of black and white... As a contrasting unit, the "eggplant" color will favorably emphasize two opposites and will not remain in the shade itself.

- White, pale pink, cream. These colors will enter into a kind of battle with the "eggplant" and at the same time will become a full-fledged basis for its full disclosure.

- Gray... Depending on the saturation of this color, it can act as an equal ally, fending off on a par with eggplant, or it can become a muted foundation for the second.

- Herbaceous green or natural pistachio. Light shades of green will be a wonderful backdrop for a rich eggplant and will reliably highlight all the strengths of the latter.

- Pale yellow. The most successful basis for the eggplant to open up to its fullest, showed itself as a real dominant.

- Aquamarine, blue, soft blue or dark blue. You need to be extremely careful with these tones, as they can compete with the powerful eggplant.

- Brown... The color itself is quite saturated, so you need to turn to its more muted shades so that the color "eggplant" takes a leading position.

- Black... You need to be very careful with him, since both colors - both black and eggplant - are as strong as possible in their saturation and energy. A person's face can simply "get lost" behind such rich fabrics, and an interior made in these colors without observing the correct proportions will eventually create a depressing atmosphere.

From season to season, avid women of fashion listen to the recommendations of experienced experts and strive to have the latest shades in their wardrobe. The color "eggplant" has remained and continues to be present on the fashionable podium more than once, since it acts as a truly thoughtful, subtle, aristocratic solution.

The correctly chosen fabric of the color "eggplant" suits almost everyone, however, it is worth considering a couple of nuances so as not to miscalculate with the choice of a dress for a celebration or a suit for everyday wear.
- For owners of fair skin a slightly colder tone would be an excellent option, which will not allow them to "get lost" in color saturation.
- Girls with dark skin both bright and warm varieties of eggplant are suitable.
- Blondes, happy owners of light blond hair can opt for pastel pink, a little closer to the "eggplant" frame. So they can emphasize the beauty of their strands, adding saturation to them. In the case of choosing bright purple, snow-white skin risks getting an unhealthy look.

Consider the options for using the color "eggplant" in various areas of life.
In clothes and accessories
Observing the recommendations related to the color type, you can afford to roam around and choose the color "eggplant", in fact, for any look: everyday, evening, business. It will be quite flamboyant to be used in a dressing-out and at the same time it will be discreet for creating a suit for important negotiations.
Of course, using only the eggplant color in the image will not be a problem, because this is a rich and powerful color in its energy. This option is ideal for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity with red, brown or copper-brown hair.

However, do not forget about the compatibility of the color "eggplant" with other shades and the resulting opportunity to dilute its brightness. For example, you can choose a skirt or trousers of any style, made of eggplant-colored fabric, then the blouse, shirt, jumper should be of a different shade (for example, cream or blue). On the contrary, with a combination of eggplant top and light bottom, you will also be able to collect the most successful onion.

Also a winning option would be the decision to focus on shoes, a bag, a belt or a shawl in eggplant color. A bright spot can give your image that very zest, and wearing such a combination will become even more pleasant.

An eggplant-colored coat deserves special attention. It acts as an excellent opportunity to create a good mood in fading autumn or just starting to revive everything around in spring. You will definitely not merge with the gray crowd and emphasize your individual style.

An interesting wedding photo session can turn out if the bride chooses a classic white dress for herself, and the groom prefers a suit made of deep eggplant-colored fabric... Moreover, bridesmaids can also dress up in purple and thus emphasize the beauty of a girl.

Eggplant color can be safely ranked as universal (of course, subject to certain rules regarding the use of this shade).
The fashion industry is confident that "Eggplant" will be appropriate in styles such as casual, vintage, evibel, gothic, urban chic, business, sports. It will be unsuccessful in a romantic direction, where it is necessary to give preference to light and soft shades.

In the interior
As mentioned above, the color "eggplant" is considered heavy, but this does not mean that with it it will not be possible to create a pleasant atmosphere in the interior of your home. The main thing here is to follow the rules of combination and think over everything to the smallest detail, I focus on my attitude to this shade.
One of the most popular directions to which the color in question is suitable is the vintage style. Luxurious accessories, made in all shades of yellow, perfectly accentuate the richness of the "eggplant" and create a pleasant, warm atmosphere in the kitchen, living room or bedroom.

Don't forget about the accent details. For example, the interior of one of the rooms in your house can be done in calm colors, and the only detail will attract the attention of guests due to its bright color - eggplant. These can be curtains or pillows on a muted sofa.

In cosmetics and hair coloring
Among professionals in the beauty industry, there is a widespread opinion about dyeing hair in the color "eggplant", since the level of their safety is questionable. Nevertheless, there are a large number of girls and women around us who prefer the "eggplant" paint.
The paint of this color will look best on persons with brown or green eyes, on owners of a slightly pale skin tone. Many are of the opinion that the colder the complexion, the better the accent on the hair will be. But if we talk about representatives of a warm skin tone, then eggplant hair color in most cases will give the image a couple of extra years.

If your hair is naturally dark, then using an eggplant color dye, you can give it more natural volume. You can also consider the popular highlighting technique, using which you can create a truly unique look with strands shimmering in the sun.
Before deciding to dye your hair in the color "eggplant", it is important to consider your preferences in makeup, wardrobe items, lifestyle.

Bright, saturated colors will undoubtedly set you apart from the crowd, but there is a need to carefully consider all the nuances. When it comes to wardrobe items or hair color choices, it should look appropriate and fit well with your industry. If we touch upon the issue of home interior, then you need to make every effort so that over time you do not get tired of certain elements of the “eggplant” color.