How to match colors in gray clothes?

What does it mean?
Gray color in clothes is a fairly common phenomenon. By itself, this color is the result of a mixture of black and white, and depending on the proportions, there are different shades of it. It is gray that is considered one of the basic colors in the office style. Strict skirts, trousers and jackets in shades of this color are the best fit for the everyday work of business people.

However, such associations are by no means a reason to consider gray shades in clothes a sign of boredom and routine. With the right ensemble, this color comes alive and makes the chosen look modern and stylish.

Although until recently, gray clothing was associated with poverty, the lower classes of society could not afford other clothing than plain and bag-like. Today, with the advent of new ultra-fashionable shades of this color, which are successfully shown on catwalks around the world, gray is gaining popularity and is popular with women and men of all ages.

Many people are so fond of this color for one of its features - neutrality. It is this property of gray that allows you to easily combine it with many other colors. Therefore, gray things in every girl's wardrobe are quite versatile and practical. Unlike stricter and darker blacks and smart white, which are also considered neutral colors, grays look softer and more intelligent.

If we talk about the meaning of gray, then it bears a rather negative color. Boring people, monotonous everyday life are called gray. At all times, the gray color depersonalized people, mixed them with the crowd, did not allow them to stand out.But thanks to Coco Chanel, who began to use this color in her collections, the attitude towards gray has changed. Although today gray itself is a bit boring, but in combination with fashionable colors and shades, it is simply gorgeous and is able, if necessary, to muffle the excessive brightness and saturation of other colors in the image.

Talking about the gray color in clothes, everyone has their own associations and images. The fact is that everyone represents their own shade of this color, which they like or are more familiar with. In fact, gray has many shades, thanks to which things acquire a stylistic orientation. Some colors are more suitable for a sports or casual style, stylish and sophisticated gray evening dresses are sewn from fabrics of other colors.

So, the most common shades of gray are:
- Pearl gray is perfect for people who have warm shades in their appearance: peach-colored skin or warm hair color. The pearl shade evokes associations of expensive, status things. This shade of gray looks very noble and makes you admire it like a real gem.

A steel or metallic shade of gray, in contrast to the first shade, has a cold color. However, he does not lack nobility. Clothes in steel shades have been firmly at the top of the fashion trend for a long time.

- The silvery color resembles the color of gray hair and is associated with wisdom. This turquoise-tinted light gray is a cool color scheme.

- A shade of gray called a thundercloud is more of a dark gray. This color is independent and does not require any additions. However, this shade of gray will look good with a different color from the same color scheme. The dark shade of gray is quite heavy, so it is better to save things of this color for the cold season.

- Another dark gray shade is called Harbor Gray. This shade is quite strict and official, therefore things of a dark gray shade "gray harbor" are perfect for important meetings with business partners. The choice of this shade speaks to others about the seriousness of intentions and business spirit.

- A shade of gray called taupe is a gray-brown color that looks like road dust. The choice of clothes of this shade indicates the presence of a delicate taste. Taupe color has been appearing on the catwalks in different interpretations for more than one year. However, not all people perceive this color positively. For many, a dusty shade of gray is associated with poverty and worthlessness, since this color used to be typical of the poor.

- The color of volcanic rock is a cold shade of gray, which attracts, but at the same time removes from everyone the owner of an outfit in such a color scheme.

Who is it for?
Despite its versatility and neutrality, gray is still not for everyone. When choosing clothes in shades of gray, it is important to pay attention to the color in order to choose the right thing.

In order to determine which shade of gray is best to choose, you need to focus on your color type.
Color type is a combination of colors in a person's appearance, more precisely, his face: the color of his eyes, hair and skin. This concept has three indicators by which the color type is identified: warm-cold, clean-muted and light-dark. Based on these indicators, four color types are distinguished, which are called the seasons.

- Winter is a dark, cold and pure color type. People of this color type have dark hair of cold shades, snow-white or dark skin and brown, black, bright green or cold blue eyes. Of the shades of gray for the winter color type, the most successful can be called silver or silvery shades of gray, as well as a gray-beige shade in the chosen image.

- Spring is a clean, warm and light color type.People of this color type tend to have hair of a golden, honey-brown or red color, a light skin tone with a blush on the face and eyes of turquoise, light brown or blue. This color type is quite rare in life. Any shades of gray are absolutely not suitable for people who belong to the spring color type, the same can be said about black. They should be preferred in pastel shades and warm colors. But if you still want to choose gray for your wardrobe, then it can only be silver gray.

- Summer is a muted, light and cold color type. This color type also includes blondes, but cold ashy and even white shades, unlike spring warm tones, as well as brown-haired without a single hint of golden tint in the hair. Eye color can be any, but always with a grayish tint. The skin is cold and pale in color, possibly with porcelain sheen. It is for the summer color type that gray is the most successful. It can be any shades of gray, but still it is worth giving more preference to cold varieties, since the color type is also cold. Therefore, you should not choose taupe or gray-beige clothes.

- Autumn is a warm, muted and dark color type. People of the autumn color type have golden or red hair, the skin is similar to the spring color type, but without blush, freckles are also characteristic. The eyes can be golden, green, or brown. As in the case of the spring color type, not a single shade of gray is unacceptable for people of this color type, but rather gold and brown are suitable. However, for people whose color type is difficult to determine between summer and autumn, you can choose clothes in blue-gray, gray-blue, pearl gray shades.

How to combine?
Gray color in clothes goes well with most other colors, no worse than white or black. But with each color it will look different and perform different functions.

The combination of gray with shades of red or burgundy will add solemnity and nobility to the image. Red looks especially impressive as a complement to the dominant gray. These can be accessories, manicure or red lipstick, as well as shoes.

Clothes in gray and yellow colors can never be boring. A calmer cool yellow looks elegant in combination with gray. At the same time, bright shades of yellow with muffling gray will allow you to stand out from the crowd in a slightly unusual way.

Blue in an ensemble with gray is often used in business style, as well as to design uniforms for workers or office workers. Therefore, if the outfit is not chosen for everyday trips to work, you should choose other shades of blue and gray that will not wear a business color.

Instead of blue, you can choose the color ultramarine, and from the gray shades, choose pearl or metallic. Also, with the help of translucent silver fabrics or sequins, you can diversify the combination of these two colors.

Neutral colors like gray, white and black always go well together. However, devoid of bright colors, such a combination of colors looks rather dull and formal, therefore it is the best suited for a business style.

But a black and gray check on a jacket in combination with a dress in bright colors will look completely different. Therefore, when creating exit looks, it is worth diluting classic colors with bright elements of clothing or accessories.

Brown and gray in tandem are again reminiscent of business style. So black and white working days can be diluted with a combination of shades of dark brown and dark gray. Light shades of brown and beige in combination with any tones of gray look noble and stylish. By the way, in the Armani collections, gray and beige are a corporate color combination.

Be careful to combine green with gray.Since green itself has a calm and boring emotional color, it is necessary to select shades of this color close to turquoise or blue-green to gray, the color of fresh greens, or choose green metallic.

What to wear with?
Gray is versatile and will suit everyone. Due to the fact that it is combined with many other colors, it is easy to pick up clothes for it in any wardrobe. For many men, gray predominates, especially if he has to constantly wear suits on duty.

Gray will be an excellent option for business and casual looks, but for special and special occasions, you should save clothes in other colors. At such events, gray is acceptable only for elegant looks designed to emphasize good forms, but it is better to give preference to outfits that allow you to stand out and shine.

In order to figure out what looks can be made with gray clothes, consider the details of the wardrobe in gray tones.
The gray sweater will be a great universal item in any wardrobe. It can be combined with a strict business style, and with everyday. So a great combination for going to work will be a gray, not long sweater with a discreet cut and classic trousers or a pencil skirt. For everyday walks, a gray sweater of an unusual shape or with an original large knit is suitable. Bright accessories in the form of a scarf and light blue jeans or colored pants will complete your casual look.

If you find gray boots in your wardrobe, you can use them to create various looks for any occasion. For a date, you can go for a romantic look by wearing gray suede boots and a dress in a lighter shade of gray. Unlike black shoes, gray boots look quite light, so they will look good with a silk dress in pastel colors. The combination of classic clothes and gray boots looks quite elegant.

A gray cardigan in a girl's wardrobe gives her freedom of imagination in choosing an image. In an office style with white blouses, trousers and tailored skirts, the gray cardigan fits very well. But if you add bright massive accessories or red shoes to this look, then in this form you can go for a walk or a meeting with friends.

A slip dress or a light floral chiffon dress paired with a gray cardigan is a great option for meeting your loved one. Having a gray dress in your wardrobe is an opportunity to look stylish at work, and on a walk, and on a date. It is versatile and looks very elegant. Depending on the texture and style, you can choose the perfect image for any occasion: a satin dress is suitable for special occasions, a gray sheath dress for business meetings.

To add originality and style to the image, you can complement the gray dress with bright accessories that are perfectly combined with this color. If we talk about jewelry, then you can choose mother-of-pearl products, as well as sets of white gold or turquoise. When choosing bright contrasting shoes, you can combine jewelry with the color of the shoes.

These are just some of the wardrobe items that clearly show that with the help of accessories and the play of colors, you can choose a set with gray clothes or shoes for absolutely any event in life.

Stylish looks
A great look for everyday style in the winter season. A gray sweater with a textured knit and a large collar in a lighter shade of gray is combined with shoes and a bag, which are slightly darker. A bright accent in the form of a short pink down jacket, leggings and gloves adds color and at the same time does not look wild and flashy due to the presence of gray.

Business style in gray will not look boring now. It includes bright stylish red accessories in the form of jewelry and a handbag, which are matched in color to a pair of shoes.A formal white blouse and a gray midi skirt, complemented by a short sleeve trench coat, is the perfect ensemble for business women.

A romantic style with shades of gray looks very subtle. A gray summer skirt with a floral print echoes the color scheme with a bag of the same tone. A pale pink jumper, chosen as a pair to gray, matched with shoes of a more saturated color. This whole romantic ensemble is perfectly complemented by mother-of-pearl jewelry that emphasizes the femininity and sophistication of the romantic nature.

And some more stylish looks.