Color types

Color type Cold summer

Color type Cold summer
  1. Characteristic
  2. Color palette in clothes
  3. We create a wardrobe
  4. Makeup
  5. Celebrities and Stars
  6. Stylish looks

Regal and gentle at the same time. Proud and friendly at the same time. Discreet, majestic and showy. Their beauty does not shout to the whole world, but confidently declares itself. In their appearance - the freshness of summer rain, the transparency of the morning dew, the intoxicating smell of clover and honey. All this can be safely said about women, representatives of the "Cold Summer" color type.

All people on our planet are conventionally divided into four main color types. Depending on how their image combines the color of hair, eyes and skin, as well as on the contrast of these three components in relation to each other. The color types have “seasonal” names: “Winter”, “Spring”, “Summer” and “Autumn”. Each color type is divided into three subcategories.

"Summer" girls are "Clean and Light Summer", "Cold, Real Summer" or "Soft Summer". Today we will talk about the subtype "Real, Cold Summer" - the coldest of all "summer" looks.


"Cold Summer" is one of the most common color types in our latitudes. Women with this appearance are found in the north, but still most of them are concentrated in regions with a temperate climate.

"Cold Summer", "Real Summer", "Contrast Summer" - all these are several names for one specific type of appearance. In short, these are light, muted and cold shades of the image. In this subtype there are no sharp contrasts, dark saturated tones. And no hint of warmth, as in women of the "winter" color type.

The "real summer" beauties can have blue, blue, gray, dark gray, gray-green or gray-blue eyes. They are quite expressive, although not too contrasting. Such eyes are characteristic of a Slavic appearance.

The hair color palette of representatives of the Cold Summer subtype is very rich: light blond, light brown, dark blond. Sometimes a slight implicit "ash" or a slight hint of a reddish shade is visible in the hair color. The general tone of hair color for both brunettes and brown-haired women is cold. There are no blondes among this subtype.

The skin tone of "Real Summer" can be different. Options: beige with a bias to pink ("blood and milk"), beige with a shade of gray, milky or classic neutral beige, ivory and dark beige (dark dark complexion).

The lips are light pink or pale, as a rule, well-defined, on a face that is not too contrasting, they stand out perfectly, and therefore are noticeable.

Sometimes "Cold Summer" is confused with "Winter". It is very easy to remember the distinctive features - “Zima” does not have light brown hair and beige skin, and “Summer” does not have such a pronounced contrast as “Zima” does. Although both types of appearance are cold.

Color palette in clothes

You need to know the coloristic type and subtype in order to properly compose your wardrobe, choose accessories and form an approach to makeup. Correctly accentuated dignity of "Cold Summer" and precisely placed accents will refresh the face, add charm and charm to the look.

Stylists and colorists recommend this subtype to choose things for themselves in dull, muted and dark tones. Many shades of brown are ideal. The color of mocha, coffee, coffee with milk, cocoa, dark chocolate will go very well with a "summer cold" appearance.

The "coolness" in the image is perfectly emphasized by the soft dark red ("wine" shade), noble gray with a charcoal tint, muted blue, "emerald". Dark purple, dark aqua, these are all great colors for Real Summer. There is only one condition - all dark colors should be kept exclusively in cold colors.

Among the bright colors, representatives of this subtype should pay attention to the "berry" shades - cherry, raspberry, blackberry. Nice "Real Summer" will look in turquoise and bluish, cold lilac, amethyst and dark purple. Again, all bright colors should be cool.

From light colors, preference is for cold blue and light gray shades, lemon and lavender, even pink, but without warm notes in the palette.

We create a wardrobe

It is not difficult for a woman of the “Cold Summer” subtype to create a basic wardrobe. She has a fairly large selection of acceptable shades that she can combine in her clothes.

For everyday wear, as well as in a business style, this type of woman should rely on her "crown" dark and cold colors. This should be taken into account when choosing skirts, trousers, suits, as well as coats, jackets, windbreakers, raincoats and even handbags.

Bright "berry", gray and turquoise shades are a guideline for choosing evening dresses, light summer dresses. Light cold shades ("lavender", "lemon", blue and light gray, as well as ivory) are the main colors for choosing shirts, blouses, summer suits (including pants), and dresses.

These are the basic requirements for the Cold Summer wardrobe. Further - it all depends on the imagination.

It is better to combine dark “cold” things in one ensemble with light “cold” ones. And bright "cold" ones are best worn separately. That is, a dark gray charcoal business suit for a woman of this color type implies a duet with a shirt or blouse of a light color, for example, lemon.

And a rather bright "blackberry" or cold "raspberry" is best embodied in an evening dress, with which a minimum of dark will be combined - only shoes and a handbag. Light colors should be located closer to the face (blouses, shirts, jackets), dark colors “shift” below. The bright ones are monochrome.

White and black clothes, although they are classics of style, do not suit "Cold Summer". In them, they will look too dull, and natural beauty will not be able to express itself.

Instead of white, it is advisable to use ivory, milky or beige, but with a cool tint. Instead of black - dark brown bitter chocolate or dark gray, with a shade of steel or with a shade of wet asphalt.

"Cold Summer" should not get carried away with floral prints, frills and ruffles. Their style is severity and simplicity, classic cut, intelligence in every detail. “Flying” fabrics can be allowed only in summer outfits, which should be seasoned and not “dazzled”.

Brightness to the muted general tone of the appearance of such ladies can be given with the help of accessories. "Real Summer" can fail itself with only one contrasting detail in the image. It can be a bright and shiny clutch (always kept in cold shades) or a medium-sized piece of jewelry. Jewelry for this subtype is suitable for strict and graceful, with topaz, lapis lazuli, amethysts. The best metals for "Real Summer" are silver and white gold.


If a girl with a Cold Summer appearance uses warm tones in her makeup, she will look tired and haggard. Makeup should emphasize the natural "coldness". Therefore, the main principle in the selection of cosmetics is cold and non-contrasting shades.

The tone and powder are ivory, cool pink, the tone should have a light texture. If the skin is naturally dark, you should give preference to powder and tone with a cold olive tint.

Eyeshadow should match the color of the iris, but other options are acceptable: blue and green metallic, sand, iris, olive, baked milk, steel, sage, dark brown.

Eyeliner shouldn't be black. Ideal shades are graphite, dark brown, dark purple, dark blue, steel. It is better to opt for a mechanical pencil, leaving liquid eyeliner for contrasting "Winter" and bright representatives of "Autumn".

As far as possible, the color of the mascara should match the color of the eyeliner.

Blush can be pink, but not bright or warm, peachy. You should not apply too many of them - the accentuated contrasts will not make the face of the woman - "Cold Summer" expressive. They should be shaded well. Avoid red, copper, and brick blush shades. They are too warm and flashy for "Real Summer".

Lipstick - "cold" palette: raspberry, cherry, fuchsia, and all wine shades.

Choose a lip liner exactly one shade darker than lipstick.

Celebrities and Stars

Some of the brightest representatives of the "Cold Summer" are the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, the American actress Katie Holmes, the American country music singer Miranda Lambert, the British actress Emily Blunt.

Stylish looks

In compliance with all the canons, Kate Middleton forms her wardrobe. If a suit - then cold tones with a light top. If the dress is plain and bright. Shirts and blouses with pinstripes, small peas complement the image of a “Cold Summer” woman in the best possible way.

An interesting approach to evening dress in cold pink tones from Emily Blunt. Strictly observing the rule of all "cold summer" ladies - "bright monochrome", she complemented the dress with a cape in cold tones of adjacent colors.

"Cold Summer" even in jeans and a baggy shirt will look stylish if it maintains the rule of "coldness". Jeans should not be black and deep blue. And the top should always be lighter.

Smooth and glossy fabrics are very suitable for "Cold Summer". Especially if they are kept in the permitted colors. Clothes made from such materials should not be supplemented with a lot of jewelry.

When choosing outerwear, it is better to give preference to coats and raincoats. Jackets are also good, but the noble image of a woman - "Cold Summer" is more classic clothes. Do not forget about the bright details in the image. It can be a hat, a handbag, or a wide leather belt with a buckle.


Everything is very clear and accessible, I intuitively dyed and dressed that way, but still there is something to work on, thank you very much for the article!

Victoria 13.01.2018 22:09

The best and most accessible article! Everything is clear and on the shelves! Thank you very much!

It's a shame the white T-shirt is so unfairly written off. In my opinion, this is just the classic that goes to everyone. A plain white T-shirt made from quality cotton (possibly with a little synthetics added), with normal sleeves (not mini-overlays on the top of the shoulder), fitted or straight, rolled out or tucked in. I just belong to this color type in all respects, and believe me, this kit always evokes compliments, although it does not cost me any effort: black skinny or blue flared jeans, a white T-shirt or shirt tucked into jeans, hot pink or red lipstick, and mascara. Shoes - sneakers or leather boots (I don't wear heels). I am sure who knows how to wear a stiletto heels, and indeed heels, in such an outfit will look even more spectacular. Have a great day everyone!

Thanks a lot! And I always wondered why I look normal in a classic coat, and in a youth coat (at that time I was 20) - like in a sack of potatoes .. and in many other points it came together.

I always thought that I was winter, but apparently I was summer, and in fact the shades are similar in clothes and cosmetics.

Elena P. 07.05.2021 09:02

I also considered myself in winter, a rather strong contrast in the face, but the hair is light-brown and ash and does not go heavy, dark, saturated tones, but rather cold muffled ones, while the black goes perfectly.

I always considered my color type in the fall, but I strongly doubted and could not decide. When I wear classics, tight-fitting monophonic dresses, coats and raincoats, I hear compliments from all sides. True, there is a lot of black and red in the wardrobe. I myself love these colors and they suit me. Even boutique sellers and people around me, when I choose clothes, say that red suits me best. Burgundy, pink, blue, electric blue, brown shades, wet asphalt, some grays ... and the clothes with shine suit me. Even orange came up, although I never allowed it into my wardrobe. I chose the only thing once and it came up, oddly enough. Poisonous pink lipstick doesn't suit me. I use red, pink soft shades, chocolate, coral. Maybe I'm wrong with the color type of appearance? The hair is dark blond (medium brown without reddishness), the eyes are green with a gray tint (chameleon), the skin is pale ivory, without blush. But black suits me, bright colors suit me. Are the tests wrong? Or something else? Or am I a transitional option: a mixture of summer and autumn?


the beauty
