Color types

Cold color type of appearance

Cold color type of appearance
  1. How to determine?
  3. What colors are suitable?
  4. Makeup
  5. Images

Every girl at least once, but heard about the color type of appearance. Correctly selected colors for your color type will emphasize your merits. What is it and how to define it correctly?

Appearance color is a combination of some features of a person's appearance, including the color of the eyes, hair and skin.

How to determine?

The generally accepted theory of color types is the division according to the seasons. Accordingly, four seasons are suitable for four color types - winter, summer, spring and autumn. Experts attribute summer and winter to cold color types, and spring and autumn to warm ones.

The leading tones of the color type are cold, and the additional ones are bright. Designers advise using contrasting colors in their looks. It is necessary to exclude warm shades. Subdued outfits won't work for you. For this color type, hair of any shade is suitable, but of a cold color. The main thing in this type is your skin tone, which should be cold for you.

Most often, among Russian girls, there is a cold color type summer. Unlike winter, it has bright colors. Girls can wear things with muted or complex shades. Skin color with this color type is light, olive, pink-beige, porcelain. Often there are capillary nets or just redness. Hair is usually light to medium blond. From dark shades - mouse-chestnut or brown ash. Eye color can be anything from gray-blue to light brown. Light brown eyebrows.


The soft cold color type is characterized by light skin tones, light brown or ash hair colors, gray-blue, blue, gray-green or green eyes, pale lip color. Muted shades of olive, gray, pink and blue colors are suitable for girls of this color type.

Among the dark ones, you can also consider muted burgundy, green, gray-blue, gray or blue. Contrasting shades - red, crimson, pink, burgundy, blue, turquoise, pale purple. In basic colors, give preference to the middle tones of the palette - dirty pink, blue, green, light brown, beige.

For a cold bright color type, pink, porcelain, grayish-beige complexion, blonde hair, gray with shades of blue or green eyes are suitable. Choose bright shades of pink, turquoise, gray, blue, or purple for lighter colors in your clothing. White or olive will also work.

Dark colors - rich gray, green, blue and muted burgundy. Bright crimson, light lilac teal, cyan, coral, purple and blue are your vibrant colors that you can use in your accessories. Basic tones should be neutral: shades of gray, pale pink or blue.

A muted dark suitable for winter and summer. You can use gray, smoky shades as a color palette. In everyday clothes, it is advisable to use charcoal colors of blue, lilac, gray.

Cold contrasting color type suits winter best. Hair at this saturation ashy shade, skin from light to warm with a cool tint. In clothes, it is better to use saturated colors with a cold blue undertones. Among the bright colors, choose blue, pale pink, pink, purple, currant. Light gray, the color of the needles, greenish-turquoise will look more muted.

Light coloring uses low-saturated colors. It is necessary to use light shades with a milky undertone. For contrast, bright, but not too shades are suitable. It is desirable that all colors be slightly diluted with white. The skin of this color is light, the hair is also light, possibly ashy. Any eye color.

What colors are suitable?

The appearance of the winter girl is distinguished by the clarity of lines and brightness. White skin of a matte tone, combined with naturally bright eyes, create a discreet image of an aristocrat.

For a frosty and clear image of winter, contrasting colors are suitable in combination with basic shades. Colors must be clean. Monochromatic smooth fabrics are considered more suitable, large geometry in the form of patterns is possible. Outfits with ruffles, floral or small prints or delicate, milky shades are not suitable for winter.

Winter is the type of appearance that is ideally suited to pure white and black. Classic outfits will look good on you. Feel free to dress in red, blue, green, brown, black, yellow. Avoid warm and pastel colors. The contrast works best for girls with dark hair and light, porcelain faces.

In the colors of the main wardrobe, you should choose rich blue, dark chocolate, dark purple. Burgundy, emerald, coniferous shades that can accentuate the eyes and hair will suit your look.

Light colors include bluish white, sand white, icy pink or blue. Mint or lavender will look good too.

Vivid colors will help you to emphasize your merits. You are recommended to use bright colors of red, fuchsia, lilac, juicy green or yellow.


The femme fatale type is most often seen in winter. The makeup of such girls is distinguished by brightness and contrast. Lipstick of bright color will suit you - red, raspberry. Black eyeliner and mascara will help you accentuate the whiteness of your eyes.

For a spring color type, warm shades are perfect. For daytime makeup, use a pale pink lipstick. An evening look can be paired with hot pink lipstick. Shades of beige are also suitable. You should pay attention to the matte texture of lipsticks.

Fall makeup should contrast with your look.Freckles will be combined with a colorless gloss or pale burgundy lipstick. For this color type, a pale pink shade of gloss or lipstick is also suitable.

Tenderness and softness are dictated by the summer. Shadows can be used in shades of gray or blue. For an evening look, feel free to take red lipstick of any shade, for a day look - pink.


In the photos presented, you can see vivid examples of cold appearance color types:

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