Color types

Color type "Summer"

Color type Summer
  1. Characteristic
  2. Subtypes
  3. Color in clothes
  4. What hair color is right?
  5. What to wear: tips from an image maker
  6. Accessories
  7. Makeup
  8. Stars and celebrities
  9. Examples of

The "summer" color type is considered the most common among girls and women in our country. Most of the Russian beauties portrayed by the artists possessed precisely this type. In order to be imbued with aesthetics and feel the natural beauty of "summer", you can admire the canvases of the masters.

Let's consider, from a practical point of view, what such an appearance is and how it can be effectively decorated - from clothes to makeup.


First of all, you need to pay attention to the skin. The summer type is characterized by gentle, cold shades. For example, pinkish or light olive.

Tanning properties vary. It is common for pinkish, transparent skin to burn quickly. Under it, the vessels are clearly visible, a blush on the face appears noticeably, freckles also have a cold, ashy undertone. Tan lays well on olive-toned skin.

The hair color of the summer type varies from light blond to dark. It appears a little faded due to the presence of gray pigment. The color seems to lack brightness, but this is a deceptive impression.

Eye color can be muted blue, gray, green and hazel. The white of the eyes has a rather milky tint, and the iris is, as it were, covered with a haze. Thanks to this, the look has a special charm, as if it hides some secret behind a veil of fog.

The general impression that a representative of this type creates is fragility and mystery. Refined, refined, delicate and soft beauty.


"Leto" is a unique color type in its complexity, since it has more varieties than other types.

For example, this:

  • Natural "summer".If nothing stands out sharply in appearance - eyes, hair or skin color, then they speak of a natural type. All parameters are kept in approximately the same tone: not very light and not very dark, not too faded, but not particularly bright either.
  • Bright "summer". This subtype is characterized by the presence of a prominent feature in appearance. For example, blue eyes, which are clearly visible against the general background, or a fairly saturated hair color. This type can afford bright spots in the wardrobe, for example, in the form of accessories.
  • Warm summer". Rarely enough, but this type is found. He is characterized by a combination of cold tones in appearance with warm ones. It can also be transferred to the wardrobe, but still do not overdo it with golden tones.
  • Cold summer". He has all three characteristics have a pronounced cold tint. Visually, this is the noblest type of appearance. The cold beauty and the image of the Snow Queen are good guidelines when creating a wardrobe.
  • Light "summer". This type has all three characteristics of light: skin, hair, eyes. In general, such a girl or woman looks like a porcelain doll. Dark colors in clothes are contraindicated for her.
  • Dark or deep "summer" has dark, but muted, soft tones in appearance. For example, dark hair with an ash tint. In this case, it is permissible to add color-rich details to the wardrobe, which will be in harmony with the nature of the appearance.
  • Contrasting "summer". This type has a contrast between the two indicators. For example, fair skin combined with fairly dark hair and deep eye color. The sets of clothes in this case can have a contrast in color combinations.
  • A mixed type is present when the appearance is difficult to relate confidently to one of the subspecies. In this case, it makes sense to resort to small experiments and empirically determine which clothes and makeup are the most suitable. You need to rely on the choice on general recommendations.

Color in clothes

This is the only type who can afford to wear dusty, "faded" shades. It would be prudent to take advantage of this advantage to compose the color palette of your wardrobe. This will help you stand out from the usual "clean" colors.

For the most successful shades, you can define the following characteristics: gentle, calm, muted, restrained, as if cool and matte. For example, if it is brown or beige, then an ocher shade with a grayish undertone.

Green is closer to mint, menthol or khaki. Blue and aquamarine are closer to lavender and periwinkle. A kind of washed-out yellow that looks more like lemon. Smoky lilac and purple. Likewise with other shades.

Monochrome color combinations in clothes look great. In them, things similar in shade, like a gradient, flow into one another.

Some suitable color combinations can also come in handy:

  • gray with beige;
  • white with beige;
  • white with gray;
  • khaki and cappuccino;
  • beige and blue.

It is not advisable to use a bright palette: orange, scarlet, sunny yellow, electric blue. The black color will definitely make the skin pale and painful. It should be replaced with gray or, for example, a brown shade such as cappuccino.

As a general guideline, there are three main points in the selection of colors: mutedness, cold undertone, light shade or closer to light.

What hair color is right?

The main thing to consider when choosing a hair color is that there should not be a so-called redhead in it. Take a closer look at those colors that have the prefix "ash-". Best of all, on the "summer" color type, such natural shades look as:

  1. Cold blond.
  2. Straw.
  3. Wheat.
  4. Platinum or Silver.
  5. Light brown, light or dark.
  6. Alder.
  7. Chestnut.

When coloring, you should pay attention to the option of using several shades - this is very suitable for girls and women of the "summer" type. Highlighting, coloring, new-fashioned volumetric 3D coloring - all this makes the image richer and more luxurious, adds zest to it.

Adhere to the main rule, which is not to use too contrasting shades, but focus on smooth, subtle color transitions. Then, as a result, you will get the effect of gloss and a visual improvement in the appearance of the hair.

Avoid too dark hair color and warm shades, strive for a natural effect, and you will not go wrong. It is worth excluding: black, honey, golden, red, copper and bronze tones.

From hairstyles for a girl and a woman "summer", haircuts for medium hair length and long hair are suitable. It is better to choose soft waves and curls as opposed to a sporty style in order to fully reveal the individuality and emphasize the beauty of the natural flavor.

Boyish short hairstyles do not adorn this type.

What to wear: tips from an image maker

To draw up a wardrobe for a summer type, stylists advise adhering to smooth lines, a romantic style, low-contrast colors and choosing delicate fabrics. All this will emphasize your natural flavor, its nobility and sophistication. Don't rely on geometric shapes and prints. Avoid striped or checked clothing if possible.

Avoid striped or checked clothing if possible.

The basic wardrobe of the “summer” color type is the absence of black. Better to replace it with gray or sand for trousers, skirts, jackets and coats. These are white shirts and blouses, blue or gray jeans. And neat, feminine shoes included.

When choosing warm clothes, it is better to prefer soft cashmere, angora and no texture knit. These things should be pretty easy to drape, as if to lie down in waves.

Capsule and business wardrobe is best done in monochrome combinations, in a restrained, elegant style. In this case, it is better to replace trendy clothing options with classics. The set must include a jacket, classic trousers and a skirt, sheath dress, cardigan, jeans, pumps and, for example, ballet flats or flat loafers. And do not forget about a plain coat with a length just below the knee.

A "summer" woman can afford a dress that is romantic, flying, airy. Such fabrics for a dress as chiffon, crepe, lace will be ideal. A tight-fitting silhouette, a small soft pattern, openwork inserts and draperies are the secret of choosing a successful dress. Defiant, overly sexy models with deep cuts will not work.

Fur coats of the “summer” color type should be selected from coarse fur of medium or short length. Smoky shades of gray or white are ideal. For example, it can be a natural shade of mink such as pastel, silver-blue mink, palomino color, pearls and violet.


Neat, small jewelry, medium and small handbags - these are the best accessories for the summer look. For dark glasses, a translucent glass color and a silver frame are optimal. The shapes of the jewelry are preferably rounded and smooth. Accessories geometrical, sharp, angular in design are not recommended by image makers.

Of the precious metals, it is worth giving preference to silver, white gold and platinum. The most suitable shades of stones are watery, cool. For example, amethyst, milk opal, heavenly lapis lazuli. Noble pearls are also a great choice.

Elegant jewelry in the style of Coco Chanel or romantic floral motifs will adorn the summer girl. But the deep colors of emerald, ruby, sapphire, alas, will have to be abandoned. In rare cases, they may suit more contrasting types.

Matte texture and soft suede are perfect for shoes and bags made of materials.A light chiffon scarf will invariably emphasize the airiness of the image.


A good guide when choosing shadows is your own eye color. The best option would be, as it were, a blurry, slightly dusty color of the shadows, which coincides with the main shade prevailing in the iris. You can call universal: ash blue, smoky gray and gray-green palettes.

Lipstick for the "summer" color type should not be too rich and bright. Coral, carrot, scarlet colors are not suitable. Delicate pink shades with the addition of mother-of-pearl are your choice. A pinkish, translucent lip gloss is also perfect.

For evening make-up, you still need red lipstick. The most successful shades will be: berry, fuchsia, hydrangea, mauvein.

A translucent pink blush with a cool tint is also preferred. Sparkling options will accentuate the beauty of skin color and add radiance. A well-chosen blush can replace the highlighter on the cheekbones.

Daytime makeup for the "summer" color type should emit light. Using a highlighter can be a good rule of thumb for these girls. Pearl, barely noticeable play on the face, turn you into a precious porcelain figurine. This tool gives nobility to the image, be sure to wind it up in your cosmetic bag.

The highlighter is traditionally used on the protruding parts of the face: on the nose, cheekbones, under the eyebrows, above the upper lip, on the forehead and on the chin. Any nude options that look as natural and low-contrast as possible will be an ideal choice for the general style of daytime makeup. As a general guideline, consider buying purple, gray, or silver eyeliner instead of black. Purple mascara may also work for you. For a harmonious look, avoid bronzers and blend without sharp lines.

Evening make-up. It should be more effective by definition. Here you should rely on slightly richer shades of decorative cosmetics. For example, alternatively: apply a translucent foundation, use a silvery blue eyeshadow and smokey ice technique for eye makeup, completing the look with delicate blush and pink lipstick.

Stars and celebrities

Many celebrities can be safely attributed to the type we are considering. For example, actresses Cameron Diaz and Sarah Jessica Parker are representatives of a bright summer. All because of their piercing blue eyes, which effectively stand out against the general background. Both women are considered style icons, and in many ways you can take an example from them.

Natasha Poly is an example of natural "summer" when skin, eyes and hair are colored in similar shades. Model Linda Evangelista and Miranda Kerr have a contrasting summer flavor. Claudia Schiffer - a bright summer. Model has fair skin, eyes and hair. The romantic image of the beauty made a splash in the fashion world at one time.

And also the different summer subtypes include: top model Kara Delvin, singer Taylor Swift, actresses Charlize Theron, Reese Witherspoon and Gwyneth Peltrow.

And, of course, one of the most famous Russian representatives of the “summer” color type in the whole world is the fashion model and public figure Natalya Vodianova, who always gives the impression of a fragile nymph.

Examples of

For clarity, consider a couple of bad examples when choosing makeup and clothes:

  • Reese Witherspoon and a bright lipstick shade do not go well with each other. Only this one detail made the image look old and tired. The bright color highlighted fine wrinkles and all imperfections of the facial skin.
  • Natalia Vodianova in black clothes, despite a dazzling smile, looks pale and expressionless, having lost touching and noble touch in her appearance.

And now let's dwell in more detail on several options for successful images of representatives of this type:

  • In the first example, you can see the "correct" dress for going out on Sarah Jessica Parker.Flowing fabric, delicate color, matching makeup and silver jewelry end up with a noble, very feminine combination. Against a fairly calm background, the interesting, attractive color of the heroine's eyes stands out favorably.
  • In the second example, Linda Evangelista demonstrates items that are suitable for a basic or office wardrobe. Since she represents a contrasting type, the presence of black in combination with a cool beige shade is justified in her image. For less contrasting types, it is enough to change the black trousers and turtleneck to a cool sepia shade. An elegant classic that emphasizes facial features.
  • In the third example, a casual look can be seen on Claudia Schiefer. The image is borrowed from the model's own collection, which has excellent taste. Here, a soft, warm gray cape is matched to the jeans of a cold shade. She has an original, free style. All this is combined with a white, romantic blouse, which softens the image, adding zest to it.

In conclusion, I would like to note the main feature of the "summer" color type - an amazing ability to change. Correcting their hair color, changing makeup and wardrobe, girls and women of this type can look like an exquisite lady, like a femme fatale, or be like a gentle, touching child. This is facilitated by a certain neutrality of the natural appearance, which the hostess can play at her discretion, reincarnating from day to day. Your coloring gives ample opportunities to create diverse images - play!

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