Color types

Color type Soft summer

Color type Soft summer
  1. Appearance description
  2. Color palette
  3. Makeup
  4. We create a wardrobe
  5. Kits
  6. Examples of celebrities

There are as many as twelve color types of appearance. One of the most complex and mysterious is the Mild Summer, it intrigues and attracts attention.

Appearance description

The Soft Summer color type got its name due to the soft transition of colors, and is considered the most difficult to recognize among all summer color types. It is in between light and cold summers.

Soft and complex shades of gray and olive have the advantage here. That is, the main characteristics are softness, middle tones between dark and light and a smooth shift from warm to cold, with a slight superiority of the latter.

In such an appearance there are no contrasts, here both hair color, eyes, and skin tone are harmoniously combined and give off a soft coolness.

The eyes of the owners of mild summer are gray, gray-blue, gray-green, green and hazel. Lashes and eyebrows are dark or light gray shades.

Skin color ranges from milky to neutral beige. As a rule, a tan lays well on such skin, and looks very beneficial and beautiful in summer.

Hair color

Hair - from light ashy to light blond and brown-haired, with cold strands. This color is also called mouse color.

In the sun, it can take on golden hues from burnout. In combination with dark skin, this color type can be confused with autumn. But do not forget about your natural color with cold tones.

If you strive to avoid ash shades, then make them original by adding bright strands. If you choose the colors red and copper, there is a risk of aging yourself and showing all your flaws. An interesting solution is highlighting and coloring.

Color palette

  • The most important shades of the soft summer color type are fresh gray and turquoise.The palette resembles twilight, fog, that is, something mysterious, with drag.
  • White black. The colors of mild summer are closest to white - cold gray-white and delicate milky. The transition to a black shade goes through neutral colors - gray, bluish gray, charcoal.
  • Beige - brown. Here, neutral beige turns into gray-beige shades, imparting softness and elegance. Further, there are already gray-brown colors turning into dark chocolate.
  • Pink - ashy. The palette goes from soft and delicate pink to cold pink with ash pink, juicy watermelon, delicious berry red and ends on a cold burgundy.
  • Yellow green. Pale softened shades of yellow with a transition from pale to olive to green, neutral and cool. Blue-green close to the sea wave completes the palette of greens.
  • Blue is lilac. Blues have greens and grays similar to denim. From dark blue they flow into light lilac, lilac with a haze and dark lilac.
  • Dark colors for mild summer: purple, green, dark blue. Colors for winter.
  • Bright colors: cold red, pink, coffee. They will brighten up the cold autumn and add warmth to the spring.
  • Light colors: beige, turquoise, gray. A great option for a summer wardrobe.

All these colors are combined with each other due to the common cold gray undertone.... Therefore, you can experiment with them and choose interesting color combinations. For ease of mixing colors, there is a special color wheel.

For each color it has its own. So for Mild Summer there is a circle represented by a range of colors from gray-white and beige to dark burgundy and purple.


The makeup combines cool tones with a slight haze and drag. Skin color is delicate, with smooth transitions. The naturalness of the image is only welcomed here. The gray-pink palette is the leading one.

In this option, you should not use delicate and soft colors in order to avoid a tired and tortured look.

Eyes: gray, blue, gray-green, light walnut. Eyeliner can be either traditional black or blue-black, dark purple, dark blue, steel. Ink can be black or pencil color. The eyeshadow should ideally match the color of the eyes. You can choose from shades of gray and steel to olive. Draw the eyebrows close to the natural color with a pencil - blond, light blond.

Lips: pink, berry red, watermelon, creamy with a metallic shade. Lip gloss will accentuate the coolness of flowers. The pencil can be chosen a shade darker if you need to highlight the lips and emphasize.

Skin: cold pink, beige. If you are tanned and dark-skinned, then use an olive tonal foundation. Mother of pearl is perfect for an evening out.

Do not use a lot of blush, otherwise your face will look sickly, give preference to a cold pink, easily shaded, with an after-rain effect.

We create a wardrobe

For owners of green and light hazel eyes, complex khakis and emerald, olive, chocolate and brown colors are perfect.

For grays and blues, a cold gamut is inherent: sea wave, turquoise, different shades of gray, gray.

Flying and flowing fabrics are suitable for soft summer. The fabric is medium in texture, delicate and not bulky. Linen, silk, cotton, chiffon are an excellent base.

For outerwear, use tweed, flannel, velvet, crepe. Rough and stiff fabric will add awkwardness and sloppiness, so you should not experiment with it.

As for the pattern and decor, in summer the elegance of openwork and lace, discreet colors, with smooth lines to match the base will do. Geometric prints and stripes are not suitable for this color type - too strict and angular for such a soft appearance. An exception for business suits - here you can afford a thin line to create an active image.

Basic wardrobe: outerwear + skirts, trousers, blouses, dresses + shoes. Base colors range from light beige and gray to vibrant lingonberry, chocolate and purple.

Beige and pale pink can be a wardrobe staple by replacing plain white.

For outerwear, smoky blue, graphite and grape colors are suitable. It can also be a denim option.

Lilac, shades of gray, lavender are suitable for dresses and suits. Brown, “cappuccino” with dark shades of gray look rich. These colors look elegant in shoes too.


For the top - tops, blouses, shirts, T-shirts, sundresses, summer light dresses, light lavender, pale pink, mint colors are well suited. That is, the closer the clothes are to the face, the lighter the shades: light gray, pale blue, pale yellow, turquoise, vanilla.

The bottom can be rich in shades: blue, gray-green, emerald, olive, watermelon pulp, blue-green.

Dark and bright colors are perfect for accents. Delicate beige dress with a blue belt and sandals. Calmly gray dress and burgundy ankle boots, with a bag to match.

Just black or white clothes will not work, as they will emphasize all the imperfections of the face. Inappropriately bright brick, rusty, orange will add age and make you pale and, as a result, the skin will look painful.

Accessories will be a striking addition: jewelry, belts, bags, shoes.

When creating a kit, you should adhere to the following principles:

  • Monochrome. The colors are combined here, but it is important not to overdo it with the shades. Accessories help to brighten the look. Makeup should be light if the outfit is dark, and vice versa - dark if the image is light.
  • Contrast. Combining opposing colors will help you stand out and balance the look. Gray top - blue bottom. Accessories should be in the same color as the bottom. Makeup in cold tones: gray, cold pink.
  • Pastel. Calm colors are suitable both for every day and for a romantic look. Makeup should also be calm. The emphasis can be on shoes or a bag.
  • Naturalness. Here the kit can be matched to the color of the eyes. This option looks advantageous for owners of green, blue and hazel eyes. Makeup in this version should not match the color of the eyes, because then everything will merge. You can choose gray tones.
  • Brightness. A violet dress and an emerald-colored coat are perfectly combined with each other and make their owner stand out. Accessories here should be of modest colors, so as not to tire and overload. Makeup matte shades.

For jewelry, the rule of color matching applies, as well as for clothes - cold and light - silver jewelry, white gold, noble platinum, pearl jewelry. Jewelry that combines bright blue and red accents also looks great. From stones, emerald, ruby, sapphire of mild summer shades are suitable. When combining, the main thing is not to overdo it with metallic colors and shine.

As for shoes, belts and bags, matte materials are suitable: leatherette, suede. Colors, respectively, anthracite, graphite, asphalt, blue-green. Shoes should be graceful, not weighing down the image.

Glasses for this color type should not be black. Otherwise, the face will be lost behind a black mask. It is better to choose color options: blue, lilac, smoky shades of glass and frames.

The fragrances that suit summer girls are sweet and delicate, light, combining rose and sweet vanilla.

If soft colors are not suitable for a mild summer in makeup, then the clothes should be chosen just like that. The softness of the color will not allow this color type to be lost, and will not allow it to be made pale and inconspicuous. And in the summer, on tanned skin, you can pick up options brighter.

Examples of celebrities

Bright representatives of this color type are Jennifer Aniston, Sarah Jessica Parker, Natalia Vodianova, Miranda Kerr, Britney Spears.

Men of the soft summer color type - Brad Pitt, Robert Pattinson, Michael Ealy.

Their appearance is fresh and attractive, the romance of the image and the mysteriousness attract and interest those around them.

Color type Soft summer brings freshness and coolness. With the right combination of shades, you can create a memorable and vivid image, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and not to overdo it, balancing the brightness with calm materials.

Mild summer 26.03.2019 22:05


Thanks for such a complete article! I learned a lot!

I always thought that I was "warm autumn", but now I understand that "mild summer" or something neutral: both warm and cold shades are coming. The eyebrows are still without reddishness, and the hair is light brown with golden tints, the eyes at the pupil: a warm green "rim", along the edges, gray, "cold". Both warm green and gray go the same way. The only indicator - from bright yellow "warm" to "yellow" - it means, after all, "cold".

Thank you for the article. Everything is described in detail.

Gorgeous article, everything is written correctly and clearly.


the beauty
