Color types

Color type "Autumn"

Color type Autumn


Autumn color type is considered the brightest among the rest.... This is because, by nature, an autumn woman has golden or red luxurious hair in combination with blue or blue, emerald, brown eyes. The appearance of the "autumn" color type is associated with the warmth and brightness of autumn colors.


Most often, women of the "autumn" color type, the skin has a shade of ivory or champagne, as well as red-brown, peach shades, beige-gold, bronze or olive tones. The main thing is that it does not have a red undertone.

Sometimes the skin tone is similar to the spring color type and is distinguished by the absence of natural blush. Although there are exceptions in the form of a subtle blush shade of peach.

Skin tone is even and firm. Thanks to this, outwardly the skin looks healthy and is not prone to imperfections. An exception will be freckles, which can partially or generously show the face.

Despite the "love" of the sun, such skin quickly "burns out" in direct sunlight. This is especially true for blondes with light pinkish-beige skin. Autumn representatives with darker skin "burn out" less often, and the tan looks even, lays down well and lasts longer.


Mostly the autumn woman has dark eyes with golden splashes. The main colors are brown with an amber sheen, green (from light green to dark green, almost marsh), brown, golden brown, ocher or nut brown. Rarely - these are blue shades, gray, light amber color.

The iris of the eyes is brown in color and, as it were, emits light and radiance. This is probably why photographers love to work with "autumn" women. They are the most photogenic.

Fluffy thick eyelashes and beautifully defined eyebrows, similar to or identical in color with the hair.


In the "autumn" color type, the hair is distinguished by its splendor, volume, elasticity. Sometimes dark brown and always warm gold, honey or brick tint. Basic hair colors are shades of chestnut, red, brown, bronze and red.

When gray hair appears or the hair is given a different shade, it is better for a woman to choose “autumn” paints with red pigments or highlight red strands. But the blue pigment in the paint should be avoided.

By nature, the autumn color type has curly or simply curly hair, but there are exceptions - representatives with straight hair. To help them create hairstyles, curling irons and curlers are suitable. With their help, they will be able to create lush and voluminous hairstyles. It is better to forget about short haircuts and strict hairstyles for this color type.

Types and subtypes

Autumn color type, like others, is divided into subtypes and subspecies. There are two main subspecies:

  • Contrasting. This is fair skin combined with bright eyes.
  • Natural. This subtype does not have bright contrasts and the whole appearance as a whole is sustained in the same colors.

Further about subtypes. There are three of them and each has its own color palette.

Warm autumn

It can be considered a classic or true subtype. It is characterized by warm shades of hair, eyes and skin. It has almost no contrasts. All colors and shades are even, matte, warm and soft.

Ideal colors for a warm fall are orange, yellow with gold, mustard, olive, brown, or khaki. Absolutely not suitable for warm autumn - black, blue, hot pink and gray.

Deep or dark autumn

This subtype is characterized by a bright color scheme of late outgoing autumn, which turns into winter. In most cases, this subtype has a very rich and pronounced pigment in the hair and eyes. The skin is also darker shades of the autumn color type.

It is recommended to choose a bright wardrobe. So, they will fit well into late autumn, emerald, green, dark and deep shades of brown, sometimes almost black. What should be overlooked are clothes in pale, lavender or gray shades.

Mild autumn

Third subtype. It is considered the most moderate due to the mixture of soft summer and autumn palettes.

Soft autumn is about light eyes and dull hair. And the skin is a light beige cold tone. To soften the cold, owners of this subtype are better off choosing a color scheme of neutral shades.: from light yellow to yellow, milky, light gray and mustard shades, khaki, light pink and peach.

Dark shades of blue, black and gray, red or fuchsia are not suitable for the third subtype.

Suitable shades

To decide on the main colors in the wardrobe of the autumn color type, you need to take into account not only subtypes and subspecies. The main criterion for choosing and combining colors will be colors. There are four of them.


Not striking appearance with a lack of contrast. All colors are of the same or similar shade. As an example of natural color, this appearance:

  1. Leather - golden beige tone.
  2. The eyes are brown with an amber tint.
  3. Hair - from light to dark blond in color with a copper tint.


Bright colors and shades that contrast with each other:

  • Ivory leather.
  • The eyes are gray with brown streaks.
  • Hair - brown, closer to a bronze shade.


In this case, there is one element in appearance that stands out against the background of the other two:

  1. Leather - warm beige leather.
  2. Eyes - In this example, the eyes will be the highlight. They should be of a contrasting color to the skin and hair and stand out against their background.
  3. Hair - light brown hair with a dull red tint.


All three basic elements (skin, eyes, hair) in one light range and spectrum.

  1. Skin - light beige with a natural, barely noticeable blush.
  2. The eyes are light brown.
  3. Hair is the color of light copper.

Having figured out a little with all types, subtypes and other things, you can go to the general or basic palette of the autumn color type. First of all, let's figure out which colors are suitable for a given color type, and will look the most advantageous.

The base of the wardrobe is rich brown, brick, copper, and also the color of cinnamon. It is this palette that most successfully sets off the skin. In second place will be shades of green, khaki, kerosene, mouse shades of brown and green.

A bright red color for the autumn color type is completely unsuitable, but its muted and softer shades will be very useful. These include - salmon, tomato, terracotta, cherry.

Do not forget about the violet-blue berry shades - lingonberry, blackberry, plum. Gray colors must be complemented by an admixture of yellow. An example of this color would be camel.

Cold summer and winter shades are absolutely contraindicated in the wardrobe of "autumn" women. And also black and white. When choosing shades, the shade of the hair is taken into account. The darker it is, the darker the colors in clothes.

As a conclusion: brown, green and red shades are suitable for the autumn color type. Depending on the subtype, saturation, contrast and other indicators of colors can vary - pistachio and olive shades of green, golden beige and dark chocolate from brown.

When choosing clothes, you should pay attention to simpler and uncomplicated things. Glamor, shocking, too strict costumes - all this does not suit bright and sunny representatives of the autumn color type at all.

As for the print, the red-haired girls, undoubtedly, will suit the motives of folklore, animal prints (leopard, tiger). In this case, such a drawing will not look vulgar.

We create an image

It is worth highlighting several basic styles of clothing for the autumn color type.

  • Country
  • Ethnic
  • Safari

It is they who represent loose-fitting clothes and are best combined with bright accessories in folk style and low-contrast patterns, square shape, layering, massive decorations, muted colors, rough fabrics. And also they can be combined with each other, which will create a capsule wardrobe.


In the fabrics of the wardrobe of the "autumn" color type, softness and volume should prevail. It is better to give up cold shine and lurex, but lace can be added. The texture of things should be textured, plastic, with a high pile.

To create the right wardrobe, choose suede shoes and bags, tweed, wool, mohair jackets or cardigans. Don't forget to include luxurious velvet, velor or corduroy materials. They must be of very good quality.

For the summer season, choose clothes made from natural and natural fabrics - linen, cotton, silk, cambric.


Shoes should attract attention and highlight accents. It should stand out from the general surroundings, for example, with the help of an unusual shape or pattern.

Ideal materials are suede and nubuck. Not only boots, but also a bag can be made of them. The bags can also be made of woven or perforated leather.

The color palette is based on the already familiar warm shades of brown, red-red, dark beige colors, gold as an admixture to the main coffee shades, as well as cinnamon and khaki.


The color palette of print in “autumn” clothes should be the same warm and deep. Fancy, unusual and somewhere exotic patterns will look actual in the wardrobe of the autumn color type. Pay attention to the leopard, ethical and plant motives, as well as oriental painting.

The cage must necessarily be in the wardrobe of a woman "autumn". It does not matter at all what style the check will be, tartan or Burberry's signature, the main thing is that it should be warm green brown or red.

Small and blurry prints do not fit into the wardrobe of the autumn color type at all.They erase the expressiveness of the "autumn" image. The same effect is produced by drawings of cold shades.

Jewelry and accessories

An "autumn" woman can and has every right to afford large volumetric jewelry or multi-layer beads. High-quality bijouterie made of materials that resemble natural (wood, stones, shells, turtle, leather, straw) is a must for an autumn wardrobe. Do not forget about fabric jewelry - woven bracelets, necklaces, earrings.

It is good if jewelry with precious or semi-precious stones. They can be - amber beads, earrings or headsets with topaz, agate, onyx.

Jewelry metals should be warm without intrusive shine - copper, brass, bronze. But silver and gold jewelry should be excluded, especially if they are made in a romantic style.

Large size shawls and stoles, hats and sunglasses are indispensable accessories for women in the fall. For shawls, the same rules as for other things, but the hat can be not only felt, but also straw.

As for glasses, most of the frames should be dark brown or with leopard print. In addition, frames of camel, green, amber or khaki colors are suitable for the autumn color type. Horn frames have become popular again for a long time.

In terms of the shape of the frame, it is worth stopping the choice on rounded soft forms of large or medium size. The size of the frame of the glasses, like prints, should not be small.

Glasses can be of any shade, including classic black. The main thing is that they harmoniously fit into the frame and the image itself as a whole.


The perfect complement to the look will be the right scent. It can be intense, heavy, and complex. It should contain notes of the east - coriander, cloves, patchouli, musk.


The main rule when choosing a color scheme for makeup and manicure remains - choose warm shades. For eye makeup of the color type "autumn", light green shades, light gray, blue, which can turn into darker tones, are characteristic. The lips must be bright, but warm.

Due to the luxurious and bright hair, which attracts all attention to itself, women of the autumn color type can get by with a minimum of cosmetics. But if you still need makeup, then some rules should be taken into account.

Foundations and blush

As mentioned earlier, the skin tone of the autumn color type itself is dense and even, without any flaws, except for freckles, which means that a dense coating is not needed and you can also do without powder. The foundation should be light and liquid, it should not hide freckles.

If, nevertheless, there is a need to mask imperfections, then choose a concealer with yellow pigment.

For fair skin, choose salmon, peach, apricot blush shades. For darker skin, blush shades of coral, brown, terracotta are suitable. If there is no blush at hand, then powder of bronze tones can replace them.

Eye makeup

Considering that the natural color of eyelashes in the autumn color type is from red to brown, then mascara should be chosen in shades close to natural. Although in some cases, ordinary black mascara with a green or purple tint will be appropriate.

For everyday makeup, mascara and an accentuated eyelash line with a pencil are enough. It should be the same tone as the ink.

For a more intense make-up, the ideal color solutions will be emerald, lilac shades, all shades of greens, shades of peach, bronze, cognac, as well as lavender and gold.


Again, only warm shades. Coral, orange with pink tint, caramel, tomato and chocolate, blackberry and eggplant, crème brulee, carrot shade.

Mother of pearl, deliberately pink, lilac shades are best avoided when choosing lipstick.

Striking examples

Behind a long and detailed description of the color type "autumn". The color scheme is based on warm shades of brown, shades of green, gold, orange. This applies to both clothing and makeup. And now let's look at examples of the "autumn" color type on famous women, dividing them into already familiar subtypes.

Mild autumn

Perhaps the most striking representative of this subtype is the model Gisele Bundchen. She is a manifestation of the attractiveness of "soft autumn". In addition to the luxurious Giselle, this subtype includes the Olsen sisters, Drew Barrymore and Carmen Electra.

Warm autumn

For warm autumn, brown-green or marsh eyes, hair of red shades are characteristic. The most prominent example of this subtype in Hollywood is Vivienne, the heroine of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. Roberts herself has repeatedly changed the image, but always returned to her natural beauty.

Eva Mendes is another bright star representative of this subtype (golden skin, brown hair and cognac-colored eyes).

You cannot ignore the popular, mostly due to her appearance, Lindsay Lohan. She has never hidden the freckles that characterize this subtype.

Jennifer Lopez and Julianne Moore. These actresses prove to everyone that women with an autumn type of appearance look natural and luxurious, regardless of age.

Dark autumn

The dark fall includes Kim Kardashian, Katie Homs and Natalie Portman.

Owners of a bright appearance and dark skin, skillfully emphasize their merits with a correctly selected color scheme of this color type, creating ultra-fashionable images.


Gorgeous article! Thanks! Added to favorites.

Very good article. Thanks! Nothing superfluous, I learned a lot for myself.


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