How to paint eggs beautifully for Easter?

In many countries there is a tradition of dyeing eggs for Easter. This can be done in different ways: from the classic version, where onion peel is used as a dye, to modern decor. In order for the eggs to turn out really beautiful, it is recommended to use useful tips.

Preparatory stage
Before you start dyeing eggs, it is recommended that you prepare everything you need in advance. This includes the eggs themselves. They need to be carefully examined for chips. If they are, then such copies should be discarded in a timely manner. It is also better to wash the eggs. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the shell.
If village eggs have been prepared, then droppings and other contaminants will be washed off from them. Store eggs contain stamps, which are also better to wash off before staining.
To facilitate the process, you also need to prepare selected dyes, containers, paper towels, rubber or plastic gloves to protect the skin of your hands.

Coloring with natural products
The most popular natural color is onion peel. They began to use it for coloring eggs a very long time ago. This method of staining has a lot of undeniable advantages:
- the speed of the process and its simplicity;
- dye safety;
- beautiful shell color.
The staining process consists of several successive stages.
- Onion skins should be placed on the bottom of the pot so that it covers the bottom.
- Then you should lay out a row of eggs, sprinkle them with husks again.If necessary, repeat the procedure as many times as necessary.
- Pour water into a saucepan, and put 1-2 tbsp. l. table salt. It is needed in order to prevent cracking of the eggshell during the cooking process.
- Put on fire, bring to a boil, cook for at least 40 minutes.
- After that, turn off the fire, gently catch the eggs with a spoon, dry, and grease with a little sunflower oil.

This method is considered as simple and classic as possible. If you want to add a little variety, then you can decorate the eggs. The most interesting option is the natural application of the pattern during dyeing. To do this, you need to use a decoction of onion peel. Further, the process of creating a picture is as follows.
- You need to prepare paper stencils, for example, flowers, butterflies, patterns.
- Moisten the egg a little with water, glue the selected stencil, wrap it with threads, and tie a small piece of gauze on top.
- In this state, the egg must be dipped in a decoction of onion peel for 15-20 minutes. The egg should be colored, and the stencil should remain white.
After staining, the gauze and stencil must be removed, the egg must be greased with a small amount of vegetable oil.

And also potassium permanganate can be used as a paint. With its help, you can get a red or pink color of the shell. The staining process is pretty straightforward.
- At the tip of the knife, you need to get a few crystals of potassium permanganate, and dissolve them in a small container with water.
- Put eggs in a saucepan, put on fire. After boiling, add 1-2 tbsp. l. salt, a little apple cider vinegar, and pour in a solution of potassium permanganate.
- Cook for 30-40 minutes. After that, remove the colored eggs, rub with vegetable oil.
Another natural food coloring that you can use is coffee. With its help, the shell can be painted brown or beige. For this, it is recommended to use natural ground coffee. It is necessary to add a small amount of water to it to make a gruel. Dip the egg into the mixture for 15-20 minutes. Then take it out, wipe it with a paper towel, grease with a little sunflower oil.

How to paint with food coloring?
Special food colors can be purchased at the store. They are sold separately or in sets. The step-by-step scheme for coloring eggs in this case consists of the following steps.
- Eggs need to be boiled, cooled in cold water.
- In plastic cups, dilute the dye correctly in accordance with the attached instructions. Most of the time you need water, the dye itself, and apple cider vinegar.
- The egg is dipped in this solution for several minutes, then laid out on a paper napkin.
- Finishes the process with sunflower oil treatment.
This technique is considered to be the simplest. Painting takes a minimum amount of time.

New ideas
If you have free time and desire, then the design can be made more original and interesting. There are many modern ideas for decorating Easter eggs. You can creatively decorate eggs using purchased plastic eyes for crafts, as well as markers in red and black.

The process for creating emoji eggs is pretty straightforward.
- Eyes must be glued to double-sided tape.
- Then, using felt-tip pens, draw ruddy cheeks and a mouth.
- You can add other decorative elements such as painted hair, teeth, mustaches, and more.
Eggs can be unusually painted using special food colors and a brush. First you need to paint them in the selected shade. After that, you should arm yourself with a thin brush and a dye of a contrasting shade. You should paint the shell with polka dots or small specks. It's going to be a lot of fun.
Important advice! If you want to get smoother polka dots, then the circles must first be drawn on the shell with a simple pencil. Then you can paint them in the chosen color.

Another option for creating baby eggs is to turn them into mischievous little dragons. To do this, you need to prepare the following materials:
- green food coloring;
- artificial eyes;
- Double-sided tape;
- felt-tip pens;
- paper blanks, pre-dyed green, in the form of dragon combs.
Eggs need to be painted, eyes glue, mouth drawn. Glue paper combs on the back. You will get funny green dragons. To create dragon eggs, you must first make scales from polymer clay, glue it to the shell. Then paint with any chosen dye. The finished version is shown in the photo.

Useful Tips
In order to paint Easter eggs beautifully and safely at home with your own hands, it is recommended to pay attention to useful tips.
- If you plan to paint in light shades, for example, pink, yellow, light green, then for this it is best to buy eggs with white shells.
- For dark shades, as well as amber or gold, yellow eggs are fine. They can be used if staining will be made in green, black or any dark shade.
- If you want to get pearlescent shades, then it is recommended to purchase special dyes for this. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the paint does not need to be diluted in water. It is squeezed out of the bag and rubbed on the shell with your hands. The result should be unusual colored and shiny eggs.
- Use special plastic gloves to protect your hands. If you work without them, then the skin of the hands will also be colored. Of course, food coloring is completely harmless, but still it turns out not particularly attractive.
- It is best to paint on a flat surface, for example, on a table, previously covered with an old tablecloth or polyethylene.
- If you plan to stick stickers or other decor on the shell, then this must be done even before processing with sunflower oil. Otherwise, the decor will not adhere well.
- Dyes adhere better to cold shells. If you decide to use special thermal stickers, then it is better to put them on freshly boiled eggs. They need a hot surface for a secure hold.

Before placing the eggs on a plate, it is necessary that all the decor made is dry. To do this, they must not touch each other. You can dry it both on paper napkins and on special cardboard or plastic supports, which can also be purchased at the store.
If you follow all of the above rules, tips, and recommendations, then for Easter you can make a sufficient number of eggs with different interesting decor. They will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

For information on how to paint eggs for Easter with natural dyes, see the next video.