Decorating and painting eggs

How to dye eggs with turmeric?

How to dye eggs with turmeric?
  1. Features of painting
  2. Preparation
  3. The ways
  4. Additional decorations

Coloring eggs is always a fun and amazing process for both adults and children. It is usually customary to paint them in Christianity on a bright holiday - Easter. Most housewives are afraid to use artificial colors, as harmful substances can penetrate the shell. Then folk remedies for dyeing eggs come to the rescue - they turn out to be no less beautiful and tasty, but at the same time do not pose any harm.

Features of painting

Since eggs are painted for Easter (one of the most important holidays of Christianity), it is worth considering their choice carefully: they should be as fresh as possible, without roughness.

To make the color brighter, you should choose white eggs.

Before decorating, they must be thoroughly washed with soap and a sponge. This will allow the natural dye to penetrate better and the color will become more colorful.

To prevent the eggs from bursting and cracking during cooking, they must be removed from the refrigerator in advance, left for 2-3 hours in the kitchen at room temperature. In this case, they will never crack and will have a beautiful presentation.

After painting, to make the eggs shine even more, chefs recommend rubbing their surface with any vegetable oil.

Eggs with dye should be boiled for about an hour (if you have free time, then more is possible) so that the pigment has time to penetrate the shell and color it.


After purchasing the eggs, immediately place them in a soapy solution for a few minutes.At this stage, you can identify stale eggs: they will stubbornly float to the surface of the water, so they should be removed immediately, otherwise the holiday may be spoiled by severe poisoning.

To get rid of the stamps on the surface, it is necessary to dilute the soda in water, place the eggs in the resulting solution for 20-30 minutes, then rinse well.

Clean eggs must be left at room temperature for about 15 minutes, then placed in a deep saucepan, add a couple of tablespoons of salt and put on low heat. As mentioned earlier, it takes at least an hour to cook them. Eggs cooked for so long have a completely different taste, which is why people often say "eggs are much tastier on Easter".

When cooking, you can add natural dyes, or you can first boil the eggs, and then dye. The second method will help you achieve lighter shades.

The ways

There are a huge number of recipes for dyeing eggs with natural dyes on the network, all of them are not only interesting, but also simple to perform.


Dyeing eggs with turmeric at home is a very simple and effective method. At the exit, the eggs acquire a beautiful sandy yellow shell. To color them correctly, you need turmeric, acetic acid, and water.

Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan with thick walls and a bottom, place 10 grams of seasoning there, wait for it to boil. After placing clean eggs in this solution, cook for about 10 minutes, after the time has elapsed, add vinegar essence and cook for about 10-15 minutes more. After the appointed time has passed, remove the pan from the stove, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 4 hours. At the end, put the Easter eggs on a napkin, get rid of excess moisture and, if desired, rub with vegetable oil.

Eggs can be dyed without vinegar, in this case they must be boiled and cooled in advance. Turmeric is poured into water and the resulting solution is brought to a boil, wait 3 minutes, removed from the heat and cooled completely. Boiled eggs are placed in the resulting solution for 10-15 hours. After the time has elapsed, wipe dry with a napkin.

Turmeric can be used to stain both chicken and quail eggs. One has only to remember that the latter have a thinner shell, so they should be handled with care.

Important! The seasoning stains the hands and sides of the pot very strongly, so use unnecessary or inexpensive dishes and wear gloves when handling eggs.

With the addition of onion peels

Onion skins must be removed and placed on the bottom of a pot that is not cooking food.

Rinse the husk well under running water to remove all residual dirt.

Pour about half of the pot with clean water (depending on the number of eggs).

Put the pan on the stove, wait until the water with the husk boils, wait about 10 minutes.

Add 1 tablespoon of turmeric to the finished husk. After the time has elapsed, put eggs in the solution and cook over low heat until tender.

At the end, be sure to lower it into cold water, wait until it is completely cooled, and dry it. Add decorative elements if desired.

Parsley and Turmeric Blend

To achieve a bright light green color, it is not necessary to run to the store for dyes. It is enough to have parsley and turmeric in the house. For this recipe, eggs only with white shells are suitable, since the shade is light. 200-300 grams of parsley must be finely chopped. Pour about 1 liter of water into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add parsley, put on the stove and bring to a boil. After 7 minutes, remove from heat and let it brew for about 1 hour. At the same time, add a whole packet of turmeric (the more, the better). After the time has elapsed, put the product in a saucepan, put it on the stove and boil for 6 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave the Easter eggs in the solution for 1–2 hours (the longer, the more intense the color will be).

Using cabbage


  • red cabbage - 1.5 kg;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • turmeric - 1 tbsp l .;
  • water - 1 l.

Let's describe the whole process step by step.

  • The cabbage must be cut into large pieces, placed in a saucepan and covered with water so that it completely covers the pieces. Put on the stove and cook for about 10 minutes after boiling. Add turmeric at the very end. After the time has elapsed, remove from the stove and allow to cool slightly. Strain the solution and remove large pieces of cabbage. Add 1 tbsp to the dye. l. vinegar, after which it will be ready.
  • Eggs must be washed in advance, boiled in salted water for about 10 minutes. Before dipping in the dye, you can decorate them a little. To do this, grease the bottle brush with butter and use it to create chaotic patterns on the surface.
  • All eggs must be placed in the broth at the same time, but taken out at different intervals... This will produce different shades of the desired color, and it will look much more interesting. At the end, be sure to dry the eggs with a napkin and, if desired, rub with sunflower oil to add extra shine and saturation.

With the use of hibiscus

It will be possible to achieve an interesting malachite shade with the help of the simultaneous use of hibiscus tea and turmeric. This is a fairly popular method of dyeing; it is diluted with traditional burgundy dye colors.

For this method you will need: hibiscus - 30 grams, 1 tbsp. l salt, 1 liter of water, 2-3 tbsp. l. turmeric.

Before painting the eggs, it is imperative to boil hard boiled, 20 minutes is enough, but, as mentioned earlier, the more the better. After cooking, be sure to pour cold water, so they will be cleaner, and leave to cool completely.

Pour tea into a saucepan, pour boiling water over it, add seasoning. Mix everything well and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. At the end, the solution can be filtered (this is an optional condition, and does not affect the final result).

At this time, the eggs must be taken out one by one and allowed to dry. They must also be placed in the dye one at a time. In total, keep in the broth for no more than 4-5 minutes, so you can achieve the long-awaited emerald hue.

If you are not satisfied with the color, then the procedure can be repeated. To do this, the egg must be dried again, placed in the composition for 4 minutes. Do this until you are satisfied with the shade.

Additional decorations

Often, when dyeing eggs, you want to add more festive motives, so various decorations will come to the rescue.


Having printed the necessary stencil (or taking the leaves of the plants you like), they need to be attached to the surface of the egg. You can fix it with gauze, nylon stocking or elastic bandage. Place in any natural dye, cook according to the recipe. Finally, remove the fixing material, dry the eggs and rub with sunflower oil. It turns out incredibly beautiful and festive.

Thermal Stickers

Stickers can be purchased at any supermarket and usually feature Easter and painted motifs. Krashenki must be wrapped in a thermal sticker, put on a baking sheet or tray, pour boiling water over it. The stickers will immediately shrink and reshape.

Powdered sugar

Any pattern can be applied to dyes using a thick solution of powdered sugar. To do this, mix several table mixtures with water until the required consistency is formed, place in a pastry bag or plastic bag.

Turn on your imagination and carefully apply any patterns you like to Easter dyes. Be sure to let them dry.


You can achieve a beautiful lace pattern using unnecessary fabric. To do this, the eggs must be wrapped in cloth, fixed with threads and placed in a dye for a few minutes. Then let it dry and rub with any oil. The lace is clearly imprinted on the surface, the eggs become beautiful and festive.

Any of the listed jewelry is unique and beautiful.

It will be especially interesting to do this with growing children. They are always happy to decorate Easter eggs and get a lot of emotions from the process.

You can paint the product with natural dyes. It is not only safe, but also delicious. You can achieve almost any shade, it is only important to know the little tricks and subtleties. It is not so important what the eggs were colored with - on Easter they turn out to be several times tastier.

For information on how to dye eggs with turmeric, see the next video.

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