Decorating and painting eggs

How to dye eggs with napkins?

How to dye eggs with napkins?
  1. Colorful eggs
  2. Painting using decoupage technique
  3. How to make space patterns?
  4. Creating a marbled color
  5. other methods

Easter is one of the main Christian holidays. And one of the main traditions accompanying it is egg dyeing. According to legend, a red dye should be used, it was in this color that the egg was painted, which the Virgin Mary presented as a gift to the king. But times are changing, and today it is these food products that sometimes become the main decoration of the festive table.

Colorful eggs

Today, many housewives for Easter create real works of art with their own hands, which can be safely sent to the exhibition. Colored eggs can be marbled, rainbow colored, variegated, solid, or spotted. And sometimes it is simply impossible to create two identical samples. To create unique real edible masterpieces at home, use napkins, cotton swabs, leaves and dried flowers, onion peels, food colors and other materials at hand.

You can prepare colorful eggs as follows.

  • Wrap the product in a single layer with a white paper towel.

  • Dip half of it in diluted dye and leave to dry.

  • Then dip the other side of the egg in a different color and leave to dry again.

  • Remove the paper and grease the dye with vegetable oil.

The colors on the sides of the product will blend to create a beautiful wavy transition. You can do it easier - draw vertical or horizontal stripes on a napkin with cotton swabs dipped in dyes of different tones, and leave to dry. Some of the colors will mix, and you get a smooth, unusual transition.

Currently, there are several main ways to paint eggs for Easter at home. The instructions below will guide you through the steps to create a true masterpiece with your own hands.

Painting using decoupage technique

This method is one of the simplest and most affordable. All it takes is an egg white, patterned white napkins, and a thin brush. The process itself can be performed as follows.

  1. Beat the protein.

  2. Grease one side of the egg with the resulting foam.

  3. Gently, but firmly, attach the napkin to the prepared part.

  4. Turn the egg over, brush again with egg white and apply paper applique.

The napkin should be in one layer, and the remaining edges should be carefully removed. You can use other techniques as well. To do this, the selected decor is carefully cut out with scissors, and only then the resulting application is glued to the shell.

How to make space patterns?

This decoration option also involves the use of paper napkins. In this case, it is necessary to use plain paper products, preferably white, but yellow ones are also suitable. And you will also need a liquid food coloring of at least 4 colors, gloves, a pipette and the boiled eggs themselves.

A drawing in the style of "Space" is obtained by randomly mixing paints on a paper surface and then printing them on the shell. It is important to understand that this decoration option implies the creation of completely unique eggs. Even when using the same colors, each product will end up with a unique color.

Boiled eggs must be tightly wrapped with a napkin. The wrapped food is placed on a plate at a distance from each other. Next, pick up one color with a pipette and apply the dye dropwise to the paper.

It is very important that in the end the entire napkin is completely saturated with color. In this form, the wrapped eggs are left to dry completely. After that, carefully remove the napkin.

See the master class below.

Creating a marbled color

It is eggs colored in this way that are considered one of the most beautiful. But many housewives do not even imagine how you can create such a masterpiece with your own hands. The step-by-step master class below will make it easy to master this technique at home. This technique involves the use of the following items:

  • food coloring;

  • cotton buds;

  • gloves;

  • white paper napkins;

  • eggs.

Paints can be either liquid or dry, which must be diluted with water before use. True, in the first case, the result will be more striking. It is also important to remember that only eggs with white shells are suitable for coloring in this technique. The technique itself is performed as follows.

  1. The food should be wrapped tightly with a napkin, but so that there are folds. If they are missing, the marble pattern will not work.

  2. Cotton swabs are dipped into glasses with dyes, after putting on gloves.

  3. Next, densely apply dyes of different colors to the paper, trying not to leave white spots on the surface.

  4. The colored eggs are left to dry completely and then the paper is removed from the surface.

This technique is very similar to getting a space pattern. But only the result is different, but very beautiful in both cases.

other methods

Few of the housewives know that you can paint eggs with gelatin. Of course, it is used not as the main, but as an auxiliary tool. This method involves the use of the following materials:

  • paper napkins with a beautiful pattern;

  • thin brush;

  • gelatin;

  • water;

  • eggs;

  • scissors.

First of all, you need to prepare the gelatinous mass according to the instructions. Water should be taken 30% less than indicated in the recipe. Next, we cut out patterns from napkins, and determine their location on future dyes. Lubricate the selected area with gelatin with a thin brush and apply the prepared application, leveling it.Leave to dry completely. Excess adhesive is gently removed with a cloth dampened in cold water.

In the same way, you can paint eggs for Easter with starch. To do this, one part of it is poured with three parts of water, boiled for about 3 minutes at a low boil, and then used in the same way as gelatin in the above embodiment.

There is another option for creating dye with napkins. This technique requires skill and patience, but the end result is a real masterpiece. For this, dry leaves or flowers are applied to the egg. Then they wrap everything with a white napkin, and then dyes are applied with a pipette in a chaotic manner. After that, leave everything to dry. Before serving, paper and dried flowers are removed, and the shell is oiled.

Coloring eggs for Easter is a very exciting experience. Using any of the above instructions, you can easily decorate your holiday table or please your loved ones with a real edible work of art.

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