Decorating and painting eggs

Can eggs be dyed on Good Friday and why?

Can eggs be dyed on Good Friday and why?
  1. Why can't eggs be dyed before Easter?
  2. When is the best time to paint?

The most famous tradition for Easter is the dyeing of eggs. Many people do this on Friday during Holy Week, although completely different days are set aside for painting eggs. First, you need to understand the true purpose of Friday, preceding the holiday of Easter.

Why can't eggs be dyed before Easter?

Every day of Great Week has its own meaning. Friday is called Holy Friday. This is the most mournful of all days, since the execution of Jesus Christ was carried out on Friday. It is not customary for believers to joke or do household chores on the fifth day of the week.

On this day, believers visit temples. At the evening service, a special ritual is held - taking out the Shroud. It is believed that all believers should be within the walls of churches, make a procession with the cross. That is why it is not recommended and is not approved by the church to engage in some kind of household chores, including the coloring of Easter eggs.

It is only permissible to observe strict fasting, as well as fervent and sincere prayer both within the walls of the church and at home. If a person for some reason does not go to church, you can devote time to other useful activities: reading books, communicating with loved ones.

But in no case on Friday do not arrange noisy gatherings with drinking alcoholic beverages. If someone is busy at work, then it is not recommended to give it up. You can work, but periodically set aside time for prayer.

When is the best time to paint?

Clean, or Great, Thursday is most suitable for painting eggs. On this day, it is permissible to carry out preparatory activities for the upcoming holiday:

  • put things in order in the house;
  • paint eggs;
  • bake cakes;
  • put Easter cottage cheese for cooking.

But only non-working people can afford it. The Church is sympathetic to this. If someone, due to their busyness, did not have time to finish all the pre-holiday preparations, then this can be done on Saturday.

On Holy Saturday, believers also try to get into churches. The Holy Fire is brought from Jerusalem. Most of the parishioners are eager to touch the miraculous fire, so they rush to church.

If the eggs have not yet been painted, but you want to attend the evening service on Saturday, then the day can be divided as follows:

  • morning prayer;
  • dyeing eggs and other pre-holiday preparations;
  • going to the temple to attend the evening service.

It is on Saturday that Easter cakes, eggs and other treats can be consecrated. Of course, all this must be done before the night worship. It is best to choose the evening service for consecration.

Thus, only two days are most suitable for dyeing eggs: Thursday and Saturday. All other days of Holy Week are prohibited. It is generally not recommended to do any work on Sunday because of the holiday. On Friday, you need to pray hard and visit temples. Between Monday and Wednesday, it is advisable to do the cleaning, as well as attend services.

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