Features of decorative fountains for home

The water element has long attracted people. You can watch for a long time how the water flows and flows, while feeling the relaxation of thoughts and the onset of peace. Today you can feel the invigorating coolness and get amazing pleasure from contemplating the quietly murmuring water not only in nature or near the city fountain, but also at home. To arrange a small cozy island with a miniature waterfall is quite within the power of every owner of his own home.

What it is?
Decorative home fountains have a beneficial effect on the indoor climate. They fill the air with moisture and purify it. In addition, this type of device is an interesting decor, complementing the home interior, and look great in modern home furnishing styles. Aesthetically appealing products can be purchased ready-made by choosing the appropriate design. Or make it yourself, which is not something difficult. At the same time, you can create a creative and truly unique thing.

A ceramic fountain with a stable base and elements of natural wood and slate will ideally fit into a classic interior. This material makes it possible to make the most original products. Often the basis of a fountain is ceramic vessels - volumetric bowls or figured vases (water containers).
They are complemented by various compositions with floristry, miniature sculptures, and they embody intricate plots. It can be an old castle, natural landscapes.The products have standard equipment from a technical point of view: tanks for liquid and a pump that is selected according to the volume of liquid.
Many decorative compact fountains are equipped with a filter to prevent pump damage.

Description of species
If you want to buy an indoor fountain for your living space, it is recommended that you first figure out what such a structure is. And only then you can choose the best option for each specific interior. With this approach, an artificial mini-fountain will meet all the requirements for its operation.
Products of this type have a variety of designs, depending on their style:
- sculptural;
- abstract;
- imitating a natural corner;
- complemented by textured stones;
- with photocells.

Indoor electric fountains are classified according to categories.
- Waterfalls... One of the most sought after home options. Water flows mesmerizingly from top to bottom.
- Cascade... Water flows in the same direction, but at the same time it overcomes "rapids" along the way.
- Classical... Water jet directed upwards. It is considered not a very good design for a room.
- Structures in the form of a compact reservoir... Models imitating a small lake are ideal for country houses.
- Artificial fountains. They can be supplemented with spectacular options: backlighting, wet smoke, imitating morning fog.
It should be borne in mind that the life of the illumination in home fountains is often short. At the same time, the presence of LEDs in the package increases the cost of an artificial waterfall.
Regardless of the location and design, such devices with water serve as both air humidifiers and decoration of the residential interior.

By location
Indoor fountains are of several types according to their placement.
- Desktop type. A distinctive feature is the small size of the device and affordable cost. There are also models up to 1 meter high. Such structures are usually placed in flowerpots and decorated with stones, artificial vegetation, moss. Often LEDs for illumination are installed in the composition. The pumps are usually virtually silent.

- Floor... Installed on the floor plane. They can be straight, curly or angular in shape and of different dimensions. Products that are placed on the floor are distinguished by a multi-stage system.

- Suspended (wall). Presented as lightweight plastic models, and more massive - stone, copper, cast iron, ceramic. Due to the heavy weight of the structure, before installation, it is necessary to determine whether the wall is able to cope with the load. It is important to select a reliable and high-quality mount. Today, the so-called wet paintings, equipped with a frame with falling jets, are especially popular. For such structures, it is necessary to additionally equip a water intake, as well as perform floor waterproofing.

- Ceiling... These devices are made in the form of rounded shades, through which water jets flow down into the water intake. At the bottom there is usually a sculpture or something else suitable to complete the composition.

By the presence of the pump
A decorative indoor water source needs to be equipped with a special pump. The equipment is simple, but very reliable in operation. After installation, you need to carry out a test run. A step-by-step guide is described in the documented appendix of the device. After checking and successful work, you can start the fountain in full action.
Pumps of different capacities are on sale, which allows you to create any head. It also makes it possible to shape the jets into unusual shapes. The most commonly used pumps are mains powered. Such an acquisition is affordable and more durable. In principle, any brand of submersible pump will do.You just need to correctly install the filter and transformer.
The installation of such structures usually includes the following components:
- a source for creating water;
- a receiver where water flows are directed;
- nozzles for the release and formation of jets.

Decorative home constructions with a humidification function are divided into several groups.
- Circulating... These systems operate in a closed loop of fluid movement. A vessel with water is presented as a source, located much lower than the receiver itself. The receiver is an installed concrete or ceramic bowl, as well as any vessel made of composite. Water under the pressure created by the pump enters the tube, after which it is sprayed through the nozzle. Circulation systems include small-sized outdoor or indoor electric fountains.
They function on the same principle as large - garden - waterfalls, but with the only difference that the receiver is slightly higher, representing one whole with the composition.

- Flow-through version. This is a home outdoor hydroelectric construction. In such garden fountains, clean water circulates, suitable for drinking and any other purpose. Such a group of structures can be connected to the sewerage system, since they do not have reservoirs. A typical example is the so-called Roman fountain.

- Waterfall with purified water. A structure of this type is distinguished by its structure. The latter can be selected in the most original version.

- DIY constructions... In this version, the scope of imagination is unlimited. Various materials and tools at hand can be used here, including buckets, garden watering cans, ceramic dishes, decorative stones.

By material of manufacture
As a material, it is permissible to use whatever the owner wants: noble marble or its artificial analogue, glass, natural stone, bamboo pipes and even details with silver elements.
There are two main types of fountains for home placement:
- plotrepresented by artistic compositions, human figurines, flora, fauna, imitation of various landscapes, various objects and others;
- abstract, which often use a minimalist style due to its visual appeal.
The complete set of the indoor fountain can be simplified or supplemented, if required by the customer. Additional installation of a column or other upper part of the structure is possible.

It is desirable that the artificial waterfall fit into the overall interior in its style:
- in classic style products with copper or gilding look wonderful;
- Asian plots suggest figurines like Buddha, lotus flower and so on;
- in a modern loft look great: a stone bowl, analogies of a mountain stream, a picturesque waterfall and other non-standard configurations.
When buying a humidifying decorative structure, it is imperative to check what is the noise threshold of the pump. This indicator can negatively affect the rest, bothering with its hum and noise.

Designs that involve the movement of water upward are often equipped with additional nozzles. With their help, it turns out to give the jets the desired height and intricate shapes: fish tail, bell and others. Models with a downward flow of water are distinguished by a variety of designs. They are stylized not only as a waterfall.
For example, they may look like a secluded backwater or a picturesque spring. Such a reservoir, complemented by artificial or natural greenery, pebbles, plants, is a charming composition, the decor of which is appropriate in a classic setting and a historical interior style.

Top Models
A fairly large-scale structure that requires room for placement. The design is made in the form of a rock and several conifers. The water source is in the upper tier. The pressure is regulated by a simple switch on the pump itself, equipped with a pump for water circulation. The pressure regulator increases or decreases the strength of the water flow and the noise emanating from the operating pump.
Of the features worth noting:
- natural porcelain is used in the construction;
- parts are cast, painted and assembled by hand;
- high quality glass glaze;
- easily disassembled for cleaning;
- average noise level.

Indoor fountain in the form of a kitten and a waterfall
Polystone decorative structure. A cute plot embodies a rock with a picturesque waterfall and a funny kitten, which bask in the shade of a rock by a stream with cool water. A pump is included with the product. The decorative device looks great in any interior, therefore it is not just an original gift, but also an effective air humidifier. However, it is small and stylish.

Still life
Spectacular little fountain - a copy of natural fresh fruits. Cast from porcelain decorated with bright glaze and golden decor. Water flows from a snow-white jug into a glass vessel, spreading over the dish. The pump operation of this product is practically silent. It is possible to regulate the strength of the water flow.

Floor fountain "Mountain pine"
The water source is located at the top - near the rocky stone. From there, the water flows down into the reservoir. The pump has an adjustable button for switching power and noise of the water flow. The handmade composition uses natural porcelain and has LED lighting.

Model "Emerald City"
A massive floor fountain of non-standard design with a height of 90 cm. The mountain stream begins its way in the upper part of the castle, rolling down the mountain serpentine and gathering in the lower reservoir. Everything is handcrafted from porcelain. The interior fountain can be easily disassembled into parts. Refers to expensive products.

Nuances of choice
The main condition for choosing a fountain for an apartment is that the purchase should be to your liking. And only then match the design of the room, furnishings, and so on. It is necessary to consider whether you just need a mobile mechanism to humidify living quarters or an unusual product in terms of configuration and execution (statue, dragon, Gothic tower, seashell, antique temple or castle).
If you want to combine a humidifier and a night light, a backlight reflected in the water with iridescent tints is desirable. Such a device will fit well into the interior of a modest apartment or bedroom. It is possible to purchase a model with a diffuser that generates a humid mist and saturates the air masses with ozone. If small children live in the house, this option will be especially useful. Humidified air prevents the development of diseases of the nasopharynx.

And also a nozzle for the formation of the force and shape of the jets of a fountain or a special microphone that allows you to give voice commands to adjust the height and pulsation of the jets can also attract attention.
In any case, the appearance of a fountain in the living space will have a positive effect on the well-being of household members. And if you also take into account the recommendations of the practice of feng shui, the fountain will attract material benefits to the house and promise the owners of career growth.

Where to put it?
The installation location directly depends on the design parameters... In large houses and spacious rooms, wall or floor models of fountains and waterfalls are often installed. Although they are quite expensive, they look incredibly impressive and attractive. Before purchasing a waterfall, you need to calculate the load. The heavy weight of the structure can cause certain problems. Residents of apartments often prefer tabletop fountains and mini-waterfalls, which do not require much space.
At the same time, they are easy to move and install wherever you want or correspond to the design intent. Taking into account the fact that the range of desktop variations is extremely wide, choosing a home waterfall in the desired style will not be difficult. If the house has domestic animals or small children, the installation of the fountain should be given special attention. It should not be within their reach.
In addition, structures that increase air humidity should not be placed near furniture.

Decor options
The stores offer a wide selection of indoor decorative fountains of various designs and configurations. It is worth noting that products can be either open or hermetically sealed. In constructions of a closed modification, water is placed in transparent vessels, and moves in a closed space. Water in tightly closed containers is "painted" with the help of backlighting. In open fountains, you can not only contemplate water, but also feel its coolness by dipping your palms into the water.
Using such hydraulic structures at home, one can “design” mini-projects of the same Riviera, picturesque corners of distant Japan, a historical fragment of Ancient Rome, and recreate a miniature eastern oasis. Many models of compact home waterfalls are created artificial stone polystonemade on the basis of acrylic resin. It is a durable material with high temperature resistance and strength, immune to household chemicals and safe for human and pets health.

Care rules
Indoor fountains need to be regularly filled with water, and from time to time, completely change it clean and fresh. Before any manipulation with a home fountain, you need to disconnect it from the network and only then proceed to action. With proper care, operation and timely refilling, a complete water change will only be required once every 3 months. For cleaning components (disassembled) at home, vinegar or citric acid is often used.
Care should be taken to ensure that no cleaning agents touch the paintwork. If atypical noises or any extraneous sounds appear, it is recommended to immediately contact a workshop. Independent attempts to eliminate the causes of the breakdown are strictly prohibited by the warranty periods for the product.
For the duration of a long absence from home or prolonged inactivity of the fountain, it should be disconnected from the network, and also drained of all the water.