
Celebrating 16 years birthday: from organization to script

Celebrating 16 years birthday: from organization to script
  1. Birthday organization rules
  2. Preparing the script for the celebration
  3. Cool games and contests
  4. Other entertainment ideas

The sixteenth birthday is a kind of borderline for every adolescent when he enters adulthood. New perspectives open up for the child, and parental care is reduced. This is an important date, so the question of how to celebrate a birthday worries boys and girls especially strongly. Many people dream of turning this event into a fun and emotional day that will leave only the best and brightest memories.

Birthday organization rules

The most important thing is that the decision on how to celebrate the 16th birthday is made jointly by the parents and the birthday man himself. The best option would be a double celebration: the first part in a family atmosphere in a cafe or at home, and the second part with friends in a club, in a disco or outdoors. Preliminary preparation should fall on the shoulders of a teenager: only he knows exactly what he expects from this event.

Adults are responsible for renting premises, purchasing food and drinks, and other financial issues.

The holiday should be planned. However, there should always be a place for a surprise - parents or friends should be responsible for it. Gifts on this day need to be presented valuable, it can be electronics, gadgets or jewelry. It is advisable to ask the child in advance what he wants to receive.

Preparing the script for the celebration

It is very important that the whole birthday is special, not just the official part. At the age of 16, the child is already becoming an adult, so it is worth revising the house rules for your son or daughter. You can organize his birthday in an "adult" place or previously forbidden style.The girl and her friends can be sent to the spa, and the boys to the sauna. The choice of the place and conditions for the holiday largely depends on the budget. We offer several ideas available to make your child's 16th birthday an unforgettable experience.

  • Paintball. A sports tournament can be held between all guests, for example, adults against children, and peer friends. Believe me, the invitees will certainly be delighted with this exciting game. The advantage of such a competition is that it can be organized both in warm and cold seasons.
  • Quest. Nowadays, many quest rooms are open that organize entertainment in any style: horror, detective, adventure and fantasy. Both children and adults can take part in them. After an interesting game, you can order a holiday in a cafe or pizzeria, where you can hold the official part with congratulations, gifts and solemn toasts.
  • Picnic. This option is optimal for children who celebrate their birthday in the warm season. In nature, you can play interesting games and, of course, barbecue.
  • Bowling. In the entertainment center you can always prepare an entertainment program, arrange sports competitions, and at the same time order sushi, pizza and light drinks for young people.
  • Aquapark. Water complexes are a good idea for an autumn-winter birthday. Most of the centers have their own restaurants and cafeterias, where you can enjoy festive treats after active games.

Cool games and contests

The celebration of the 16th anniversary must be organized, otherwise it will be no different from the usual meeting of friends. That is why it is necessary to prepare the event program in advance. Here are some popular contests that can be held both at home and in a restaurant.

  • "Question answer". The simplest entertainment, from 4 to 8 people can participate in such a game, it is desirable that the number of guests is even. It will be especially interesting if you divide the guests according to the principle of "children-adults" or "girls-boys". For the competition, you should prepare in advance cards with humorous questions and answers, and the more cards there are, the more fun.

The fun itself is simple. One player pulls out a card with a question, for example, "Do you like to take a bath?", And the other - with an answer, for example, "Only if with champagne." The question may be, "Do you like romance novels?" And the answer is, "Ask something easier." The most important thing is to approach the compilation of questions and answers with humor, then the success of the fun is guaranteed.

  • "Circle". A good 16th birthday competition, especially if there are a lot of guests. The essence of the game boils down to the fact that the guys have to stand in a tight circle, taking turns raising their thumbs up. They put the ball on them - the player's task is to carry the ball on the finger for a given distance. During the game, it is forbidden to speak, if the rule is violated, the test starts again. This is a very entertaining game that tests the cohesion of the birthday man and his loved ones. If the participants quickly cope with the competition, you can complicate the game a little by replacing the big ball with a tennis one.
  • Sherlock. This is a joke game. They choose a "detective" for her and send him to the next room. While he is absent, the presenter explains to the players the rules: if the question asked by the detective ends in a vowel, you should answer "yes", if the consonant - "no". The detective is invited into the room and told that he needs to guess the hidden word. The game resembles walking in a circle, as the detective struggles to solve the riddle, and the players are simply fooling him. The fun overtakes everyone when the detective realizes that he was simply played out.
  • "Sly Chupa Chups". This is one of the funniest contests for teenagers aged 16. You will need a lot of chupa chups to have fun.Guests need to say "I am a guest", and to the birthday boy "I am a birthday boy" with a lollipop in his mouth. After that, the number of lollipops is gradually increased, and the phrase is made longer. At the end of the game, sentences should become very long, and chupa-chups will not allow players to pronounce words clearly. As testimonials testify, absolutely everyone is filled with laughter, even the subjects themselves.

Other entertainment ideas

And, of course, what a holiday would be without dancing. To celebrate growing up, you need to dance until you drop. The ideal option is if the birthday person is fond of some kind of dance art, then he will have people around him who are fluent in this or that direction to perfection. In this case, a disco in the style of salsa, tango, hip-hop or vogue will take place with a bang.

And if you just want to move to the beat of modern rhythms, you can give the birthday boy and his friends a disco-style holiday. You can send young people to the club, or you can throw the first night party in your life with a music show.

Night, the starry sky overhead, horror stories by the fire and frank conversations until dawn to the accompaniment of night birds and cicadas - believe me, such a holiday will be unforgettable for your children.

In conclusion, let us remind you that alcohol, drugs and sex during a party should be strictly taboo. The birthday boy and his friends should be informed about this even before the holiday. And also you need to think in advance how you will behave if the guys break the rules. It is important that you are always within the reach of the party location. Even if you decide to leave the guys in your circle, don't go far. There is always a risk of unexpected situations. For example, some of the guests may feel bad, or neighbors will start complaining about the noise from your house - adults will solve such problems faster and better than adolescents.

It is necessary to talk with the child in advance that by non-observance of the established rules, he can simply break his future life. At the age of 16, adolescents do not behave like adults, but become them completely and irrevocably. This means that they begin to take responsibility for their actions, both good and bad. And let this day be remembered only for fun, sparkling jokes and positive, open the door for your child to a bright and long life.

See below for how the 16th birthday celebration might take place.

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