
Celebrating a girl's 16th birthday: from organization to script

Celebrating a girl's 16th birthday: from organization to script
  1. Birthday organization rules
  2. Cool games and contests
  3. Script ideas

16 years - for many, it is this age that is considered the start of adolescence, the transition from a teenager to a girl (if we are talking about girls). And of course, the holiday in honor of the 16th anniversary needs a special decoration, a script that will be remembered for a long time.

Birthday organization rules

Children's name days with lush visual design, animators, numerous gifts in beautiful packages are a thing of the past. Growing up children increasingly want a holiday in their company, in the extreme case, the separation of family and friendly celebrations.

How to celebrate a girl's 16th birthday - options:

  • really organize two evenings: the first for the family circle, the second for friends;
  • unite family and company in a place where everyone will definitely be comfortable (outside the city, in the country, in a cafe, etc.);
  • arrange an unusual and very romantic morning meeting of the New Year - literally meet your festive sunrise, and your loved ones will try to make it start with a delicious cake and good wishes.

In fact, there are many options. But the controversial point is almost always one - how to combine family and friends. Even if the relationship is excellent with everyone, the girl may worry that the two parties will be ashamed of each other, will not be able to relax and communicate calmly. This is really possible, but if the holiday is spontaneous, at least it does not have a clear script. But if there is one, there is nothing to worry about - you can always reconcile different generations at a holiday.

A compromise option is a common holiday starting early (for example, at 16.00) with the opportunity to leave young people with each other after 18.00. So, attention will be paid to everyone, there will be no offense, there will be no jealousy, etc.

Cool games and contests

Games, contests, quests, entertainment are appropriate for any birthday, be it a company or a close family circle.

In the family

Naturally, several contests need to be dedicated to the birthday girl herself, to beat the holiday.

Let's describe what it can be.

  • "Remember all". You need to prepare a slideshow of children's photos in advance. They will be shown on the screen one at a time. The guests' task is to guess how old the birthday girl is in the photo. If the girl has a sister, you can "mix" baby pictures of the sister into the slideshow and confuse the guests a little.
  • "16 facts about me." The birthday girl prepares 16 interesting facts about herself. They should not be akin to those "lying on the surface", it is desirable to surprise guests or remind them of something unobvious. These 16 facts must include 2 fakes. The guests' task is to guess which of the above is fake. The smartest and fastest get small prizes.
  • Name Day Clues. The competition is prepared by the guests in advance (more often by the parents). A box, chest, basket or hat is taken out - whatever, there are some important things for the birthday girl or just objects with which some interesting story is connected. The birthday girl's task is to remember and tell this story. You can hold a competition the other way around: the girl herself prepares the items, and the guests speculate on the stories - it turns out very funny.

All of these targeted contests can be held at home.

At a party with friends

All guests are given the same paper and pens. They have to answer 3 questions about the birthday girl. Questions are numbered. Then the guests throw the twisted leaves into the basket. The party organizer analyzes the responses and reads them out later. It turns out who knows the birthday girl better. Questions should be humorous or with some kind of detective overtones. And the birthday girl must guess who gave this or that answer.

The coolest parties take place in the fresh air, for example: on a summer cottage terrace or veranda outside the city. There is an opportunity to sing songs with a guitar, arrange a disco, enjoy the evening landscape, and a street photo shoot is always brighter. But if the birthday is in early spring, late autumn or winter, this is not always possible. Therefore, you have to make the scenario of a home holiday interesting.

How else to entertain guests:

  • arrange a tasting of drinks with your eyes closed (since the guests are still children - no alcohol, but even without it there are many interesting options);
  • make a video clip from cuts of friendly videos from different years, overlay your favorite company music;
  • leave all wishes for the 18th birthday, glue them in beautiful envelopes and seal them in one large envelope, and the birthday girl herself must write what she wants to achieve in the next 2 years;
  • fortune telling from books is always interesting and symbolic;
  • play "Recognition or Desire";
  • make a bully doll - prepare in advance paper, felt-tip pens, some decorative details from scrapbooking, ribbons, ribbons and buttons, and with the whole company make a doll-pendant for the birthday girl, which will decorate the room and become a good amulet for the girl.

A detailed script always helps out - then no one will definitely have to be sad.

Script ideas

If you act according to plan, there will be no awkward pauses and moments when everyone breaks up into small companies.

What the script might look like:

  • meeting with guests - you can negotiate a dress code in advance, for example, all guests come in socks from different pairs (it will be funny already on the doorstep);
  • photo zone - you can take pictures right away, especially if you have a cool photo zone, you can even order a photographer for this case;
  • treat - you should not torment the guests, they want something tasty, and having fed them, you can start contests;
  • competition program - it is appropriate to alternate “2 contests - a pause for communication / dancing”, contests should change, the mobile ones replace the intellectual (for their wit), and then the lyrical ones associated with the romance of the holiday;
  • climax - it can be either taking out a cake or launching Chinese lanterns, paper boats, or going to the favorite place of the whole company to hug and send all the vibes to fulfill the birthday girl's main wish.

You can prescribe time codes in advance: this will make it easier for the girl to track the dynamics of the evening and not drag out, for example, the competition program. Guests (and especially their parents) should also know in advance about what time the evening ends. It will be calmer for everyone.

How to celebrate the girl's 16th birthday, see the video below.

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