
How is birthday celebrated on February 29?

How is birthday celebrated on February 29?
  1. How to determine the date of the celebration?
  2. Is it possible to celebrate once every 4 years?
  3. Holiday options

February 29 happens only once every 4 years. This is due to the discrepancy between the solar system and the Gregorian calendar. The complete revolution of the planet around the Sun is 365.2422 days, while there are only 365 days in the Gregorian calendar! Seconds collect, become a whole day, and for the synchronization of the calendar and the rotation of the Earth, one of four years has to be made a leap year. The chance to be born on this "additional" day is 1: 1461. About 4.1 million earthlings have the date of February 29 in their birth certificates.

How to determine the date of the celebration?

Usually such people have only 2 options for when to celebrate their birthday: February 28 or March 1. It would seem that the choice is obvious: the next day after the 28th is March 1, technically everything is correct, which means that it is on the first day of spring that the birthday should be celebrated. But not everyone agrees with this decision. Many birthday people are sure that since they were born in February, in winter, then their birthday should be strictly winter. And they decide to celebrate the name day on the last day of February.

There is also such an opinion: those who were born on the morning of February 29 should celebrate a personal holiday on the 28th, and those on the second - on March 1. But there are no strict rules, everyone decides for himself when to celebrate this day. Quite often you can find this option: exactly at 00:00, between February 28 and March 1, literally at these "zero coordinates" and you need to congratulate the birthday man.

Needless to say, rarely does anyone manage to make a whole holiday in 1 minute ?! But many people even like to receive maximum congratulations at midnight, as well as to feel their own uniqueness.

By the way, there are celebrities among those with a special birthday. For example, Tony Robinson is a well-known motivator coach.Italian composer Gioacchino Rossini was also born on an unusual day. And the Summer Olympics always fall on a leap year, like the presidential election in the United States.

Is it possible to celebrate once every 4 years?

So many do. It is believed that since they were born on February 29th, it means that it is necessary to celebrate on this day, without any transfers. Someone, due to their own superstition, does not want to celebrate a day earlier, someone believes that February 29 and March 1 are not just different months, but also different seasons, so what kind of birthday can be on this day? ! But even if they celebrate once every 4 years, then it is stormy, on a grand scale and a sea of ​​congratulations. People admit that it's even romantic. Every year at 00:00 they raise a glass of champagne, having time to drink it in a minute, make a wish and receive a sea of ​​messages and congratulations. And already in a leap year itself, after waiting for a real birthday, they come off to the fullest.

German scientist Heinrich Hemme believes that you need to focus on the time of birth. If you were born before 6 in the morning, then the day has not yet begun, and you can easily count yourself among those born on February 28, that is, celebrate on this number. And those who were born after 6 pm should be calm - they can celebrate their birthday on March 1 and do it every year.

Those who were born on February 29 and do not tolerate compromises really decide to celebrate once every 4 years. And many are sure that there is no other way. Since they are so unique, everything should be fair: once every four years, that means, once every four years!

But no quiet and routine formats - just a real loud holiday, which can be remembered until next February 29th.

Holiday options

A holiday for those who managed to be born on such a rare day may be no different from other birthdays. But there are birthday people who definitely want to focus on their zest. And they have every right to do so.

How to celebrate your birthday.

  • Celebrate it every 4 years, trying to stick to the same line-up. It will be great to see how everyone changes, what's new for each of the companies. It will not be just a name day, but a special holiday with its own traditions and, if possible, unchanged composition.
  • Do the opposite. For example, arrange gifts for guests. Let them be symbolic, but still. Or, for example, celebrate not in the evening, as it happens more often, but in the morning. A birthday breakfast for friends and family in a restaurant is a great scenario.
  • Celebrate your birthday in unusual places. As unusual as the date of birth. In every city or region there is such a place - it can be a restaurant where everything is different, or some unique natural place.
  • Make a birthday photo session. Every year it can give it to oneself too often (although many girls will not agree), but once every 4 years is a worthy way to beautifully and creatively track your growing up. And capturing all your birthdays in a photo is a cool tradition.
  • Come up with 29 tasks for this day and carry them out according to the list. It just seems that the day will not be enough. Some things can be prepared in advance, but here it is on February 29th. For example, buy a dress that will be worn for the first time that day. Order or make new dishes (each is counted separately).
  • Make a wish list containing 29 gifts. Usually, there are a lot of guests on birthdays, which happen every 4 years, so the number 29 is not something outrageous. People do not forget to congratulate a special birthday person, which means that you can safely make a list of holiday requests.
  • Get a tattoo with your date of birth. Of course, this option is not for everyone, but some may find it interesting.
  • Gather 29 people at the party. Again, if you celebrate the name day every 4 years, this number is not so high, and the scale of the celebration is quite consistent with the occasion.

But not everyone, in principle, likes to celebrate their birthday, even if it is so exclusive.More precisely, they do not like traditional celebration: with guests, a decorated table and a standard program. And this is normal, there are people who really like to devote this date only to themselves.

For such birthday people, you can plan a visit to some beautiful, interesting place for a unique date (a trip to another city, a museum excursion, etc.)... It makes sense to keep the "evidence" of this day: tickets to the museum or travel tickets, receipts from cafes, etc. They will be a pleasant memory of the day that happens every 4 years.

For both men and women born on such a unique day, it can also be celebrated in an unusual way. You can agree to meet with friends in the most beautiful place in the city and so, next to loved ones, meet the dawn of the fourth anniversary. And if you take with you a thermos with delicious tea and a cake, it will only get better. Or you can, for example, agree that the loved ones themselves organize the holiday, and it will be a complete surprise for the birthday person. Once every 4 years, they will definitely agree to such troubles.

An excellent tradition of celebration can also become a union with the same birthday people, who can be found on social networks.

Celebrating the name day online with people from the "unique club" is a very modern solution.

February 29 is an "extra" day, and if a person happens to be born in it, this is a reason to think about the peculiarities of celebrating such a day. A reason to make it unusual not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. And you certainly do not need to regret being born on such a date - perhaps this is a happy sign.

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