Children's birthday

How to celebrate the birthday of a child of 11 years old?

How to celebrate the birthday of a child of 11 years old?
  1. Features of the
  2. Holiday ideas
  3. Overview of contests and games
  4. Script examples

Birthday is a long-awaited holiday for every child. And celebrating your 11th birthday shouldn't be complete without a party. What it will be depends on both the parents and the hero of the occasion. It is worthwhile to approach the organization of the holiday responsibly. The entertainment program with funny contests and prizes is not for nothing that remains the most popular holiday format, because it is an exciting activity for children and simple preparation for parents.

Features of the

To organize a birthday party for children of 11 years old, it is imperative to provide for every detail. We advise you to pay attention to several points during the preparation of the celebration.

Safety engineering

Active contests and outdoor games are often extremely traumatic, so ensure safety at the children's party. If the party is taking place indoors, provide a soft floor covering to avoid injury from a fall. When choosing contests, prioritize which is appropriate for the size of the room to avoid collisions. And it is also worth providing children with protective equipment during especially active contests.

For example, if the competition involves jumping, running, or kneeling, knee pads won't interfere with movement and fun, but will help prevent injury.


Active recreation requires high energy costs. Consider a balanced, satisfying meal for your guests. The menu should include snacks, hot dishes, vegetables, fruits and, of course, sweets. You should not choose exclusively dietary dishes, because this is a children's holiday. At the holiday, you can allow children to choose their own dishes, even if their choice is pizza and cola.Parents can add whatever they see fit to unhealthy dishes. Do not forget about the birthday cake with candles, because this is the treat that the birthday person is waiting for the whole year.

Age features

The age of 11 is the so-called borderline: we are no longer a child, but not yet an adult. The very beginning of adolescence forces us to adapt to its characteristics. The program of the entire event should be built taking into account these features. You should not choose the same program as for children of primary school age. Choose modern, trendy, interesting entertainment. The birthday boy should feel that he is getting older.

Clear scenario of the holiday

For each event, its structure and sequence of actions are important. Each action has its own time, and then parents will be relieved of fuss and unnecessary stress. Think over every detail of the holiday: from the time of gathering guests to the last song at the disco. Consistency, regular change of activity is also important.

Do not forget that this is a children's holiday, and do not interfere with it unnecessarily, let the birthday boy have fun with friends.

Holiday ideas

The format of a home party should be chosen in advance, as well as its theme. Plan the holiday in advance with your child, taking into account his wishes. The party should be fun, and its program should be eventful. Birthday is an important holiday for both a boy and a girl, but for each of them it is important in its own way, and the holiday program may differ.

For boy

Consider the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bholding a holiday at home for a boy.

"Pirate Party"

Boys are delighted with pirates: the sea, ships, the spirit of adventurism. This theme of the party assumes the presence of marine attributes, elements of costumes.

Superhero Party

The superhero party will make the boys feel like one of them. Each of the guests can independently choose their own image: Superman, Spider-Man, Thor, Batman and many others. Competitions at such a party should test the heroes: their strength, courage, ingenuity.

"Party at the zoo"

Boys love to take on the role of wild animals, so why not give them that opportunity. The images of wild animals will allow you to have fun and fool around like they are predatory lions on the hunt.

"Soccer game"

Following the example of their dads, boys from an early age are football fans. A birthday can be a match for the largest and strongest teams: guests are divided into two teams and compete for the title of the holiday champion throughout the holiday.


Boys from childhood are brave, risky, they do not know fear, and a party is an occasion to test them. Throw a party with horror elements: scary attributes, masks, pictures, dark room, music.

Boys will like such a party very much, because it least of all looks like a children's party.

Party based on your favorite TV series / movie

If the boy is a fan of the series or is amazed by some hero, the party can be dedicated to him: each element of such a holiday will remind of his favorite heroes.

For girl

And here are some ideas for a little princess's birthday.

"Glamorous party"

Arrange a real social reception for your daughter: make her feel like a real lady, duchess or even a princess. At a "secular" reception, everything should be like an adult's (with the exception of filling glasses): evening dresses and jewelry, exquisite treats, music. Entertainment should be chosen appropriate: creative and intellectual contests, dance lessons, playing musical instruments.

Party based on your favorite TV series / movie

If the girl has a favorite artist, musical group, dedicate the holiday to this character. Hang posters on the walls, include songs performed by him or soundtracks for a TV series or film, and from entertainment you can choose an intellectual quiz on knowing the facts about this character, TV series.

Barbie Party

Regardless of age, Barbie dolls for girls have a special meaning. Undoubtedly, Not everyone loves them, but if your daughter is a lover of Barbie dolls, she will absolutely love the party that is dedicated to them. A party in pink with rhinestones and beautiful dresses is the dream of many girls at the age of 11. At such a party, every girl will feel like a beautiful princess.

Tik-Tok Party

In the era of social networks and technology, children, although celebrating their holiday in a modern way, according to new trends and trends. Invite the birthday girl to celebrate her birthday as if they are the heroes of popular videos. Shoot everything on video, take pictures. As entertainment, invite the children to prepare to shoot a funny video or clip, prepare a script, costumes, scenery for it, and everything is necessary on their own.

Karaoke party

Many girls dream of becoming a popular singer; you can give them such an opportunity at their birthday parties. Let everyone sing: favorite songs, congratulations and whatever they want. The party turns into a musical, and each is a musical actor.


Girls from an early age want to be like their mothers in everything: makeup, heels, styling. Throw a real beauty party for the girl: at it they can learn how to do hairstyles, makeup, manicure, and feel like models of the best fashion magazines.

Overview of contests and games

Having a birthday party at home for kids is a great idea. You can come up with a variety of fun contests with prizes and funny games. For a children's party at home, entertainment with friends, the opportunity to spend time fun and carefree, and play your favorite games are important. Choose active, cool contests to make your holiday unforgettable. After all, contests are the main part of the holiday and its theme.

Here, too, contests for boys and girls can be divided.


Any relay races, ball games can be chosen as mobile contests. For example, draw a portrait for speed, assemble a Lego set, score a ball into a basketball hoop as many times as possible, and so on.


Math soccer

The essence of the competition: the teams, like a ball, throw each other simple math problems for multiplication, addition, subtraction, division. The team that solves more and faster tasks will win.

World capitals

The host takes turns throwing the ball to the participants, whose task is to name the capital of the country as soon as possible. If he does not have time to do this in 15 seconds, the player is eliminated. This leaves one player.

Competitions for girls can also be agile and intelligent.


Dance competition

The presenter invites the girls to repeat the movements to the music. I drop out those who do not keep pace. The winner is the one who can handle all the movements.

"Do as I do"

The essence of the game: repeat the movements behind the participants in the competition, standing with your back to them. One player makes the movements and explains it to the others in words. The one who repeats correctly will win.


"Cosmetic bag"

The presenter takes turns taking out various products from the cosmetic bag, and the girls must name what it is. The team that guessed it takes the remedy for itself. After distributing cosmetics, the girls make up the team captain. The winner is selected by a jury (parents or adults present).

"Who is she"

Adaptation of the popular Crocodile game. Each of the participants thinks of one famous woman and shows her to the rest.


As a creative entertainment, you can offer to draw your picture, portrait, mold kitchen utensils from clay and much more.

Game "Atelier"

It will require a large number of accessories, fabrics, outfits. The girls will make up their own outfits and then demonstrate them to each other and everyone present.

Script examples

We bring to your attention an example of a scenario for a children's birthday at home.When choosing a scenario, choose only interesting contests and games. Do not forget that children should be given free time during the holiday, as well as time for snacks.

An example scenario of a "Football match" party for a boy.

  • Meeting with guests.
  • Presentation of gifts.
  • Buffet (light snacks),
  • Football match between the teams: two halves of 25 minutes. The match is played in accordance with all the rules of football.
  • Holiday dinner.
  • Free time.
  • Game "Mathematical Football". Winner's reward ceremony.
  • Birthday cake with blowing out candles.
  • Disco, free time.
  • End of the holiday.

A sample scenario of a party for a girl "Beauty-party"

  • Meeting with guests. Presentation of gifts.
  • Buffet (light snacks).
  • The game "Cosmetic Bag".
  • Holiday dinner.
  • Free time.
  • Master class "Evening styling" from an invited adult.
  • Game "Atelier". Fashion show.
  • Disco.
  • Everyone disperses.

When choosing and developing a scenario for a children's birthday, do not forget that the holiday should not be boring, but you should not overload it too much with contests.

An example of a birthday party for a child of 11 years old in the video below.

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