Children's birthday

Birthday contests and scenarios for 12 years

Birthday contests and scenarios for 12 years
  1. Features of the organization
  2. Subject
  3. Overview of contests and games
  4. How can you diversify the script?

Only changes are permanent, as we can see by looking at our children. Their interests and hobbies change so quickly that we do not have time to keep track of everything. But no matter how old they are, the desire to have fun, relax and play with friends will not go away. And if there is an opportunity to organize a holiday, then it is better to try and make it truly unforgettable. For the fun to happen, it will not be enough to organize a delicious table and turn on the music, because 12-year-old children need to actively have fun, play, show themselves in contests. We have collected the most interesting contests and games in one place, and also provided examples of ready-made programs so that you do not have to waste time searching.

Features of the organization

Parents of 12-year-old children are faced with the problem that at this age they are no longer interested in races in bags, running around chairs, "deaf phone" or guessing riddles in chorus. Children at the age of 12 already consider themselves old enough for such fun, so the parents are faced with the task of choosing such entertainment that will be similar to adults, but at the same time will not carry vulgar connotations.

Also, do not forget that some games can only be liked by boys, and others - exclusively by girls. Therefore, a birthday program should be made with this in mind. To make the holiday unforgettable, it is worth remembering about 4 basic rules.

  1. Delicious table. On a children's birthday, there should be a lot of sweets and the main guest is a birthday cake. Now the trend is to decorate cakes for the theme of the holiday, and printing on waffles, mastic figures and mushrooms with roses are outdated for a long time.The main thing - don't forget about the candles! Hot dishes and salads, canapes and sandwiches are most often not interesting for 12-year-old children, so you can give preference to pizza and Coca-Cola, which children of this age love very much, and which are not allowed on ordinary weekdays.
  2. Impressive room decoration. We didn’t dream of such a thing in childhood, now it’s a completely different time, and the children want their holiday to pass as if in a fairy tale. Now they have a lot of opportunities to learn about how popular children of their own age celebrate their birthdays, and accordingly, they want to be “no worse”. Nowadays, painting of chalk walls is in trend, if you celebrate a holiday in a loft space, and not at home, a huge number of helium balloons, and of congratulations, have not lost their former popularity. The rest of the paraphernalia depends on the theme of the party. For example, you can use glam magazine pages for a girly party, or print comic book characters for a boys' night out.
  3. Original invitations will truly show your child your care and attention - how responsibly you approached the event. The invitations will also interest friends, create intrigue, add formality and festivity. There are now many free online services for issuing invitations. It is important to indicate in them that active games are expected in the program, so that guests think about wearing loose clothing that will not hinder movement. Instead of the usual invitations, we suggest making a variant with a riddle. For example, write a part of the message with milk or lemon juice, which can only be seen by heating.
  4. Active and hilarious entertainment: contests and games. We will talk about this in more detail in the next section.

remember, that Your main and most difficult task will be to try to give your child complete freedom. Since he is already an adult, let him decide how many guests he wants to invite, and even draw up a list himself. Let him choose a place and theme, snacks and drinks, then the child will be definitely happy!


Before ordering a cake and looking for paraphernalia for decoration and celebration, you should think about what topic all this will be involved in. There are several interesting and cool options for a children's party that can be used for a loft, for a summer residence, and for a home party.

The first one implies holding an event with a reference to a film or cartoon.

Fortunately, there are a lot of them, among which the main teenager and his friends will have favorites. Here you can also add the topic of social networks, mobile applications, because at the age of 12, children are actively interested in this. The rest of the ideas on how to celebrate a birthday can be attributed to a specific time period (for example, a retro party), a country (in Chinese or Indian style), a child's hobbies and interests (hockey or football), and his idol.

For girls

If you plan to celebrate the birthday of a 12-year-old girl with her friends, the program can be chosen exclusively for a girl. But the topic of princesses and mermaids will no longer be relevant for a 12-year-old child, so you should think about something more adult. Pajama parties, borrowed from American culture, have been gaining popularity lately. You and your children might have learned about these in cartoons and teen films. This is not just a sleepover, but a complete break and fun with quests, pillow fights, watching movies - and all this with lying on the floor and jumping on beds in comfortable pajamas!

The theme begins with invitations, which can be made in the form of a sleep mask or pillow, where you need to remember to write about the dress code. The decor can include a projector for watching movies, pajamas made especially for the day in the same style, if you are going to hire a photographer. Balloons and posters will be a good addition to the decor.

If you are going to celebrate a birthday in a loft space, you can prepare homemade wigwams that fit perfectly into the interior, and around which you can play contests. NSThis will pleasantly surprise your child, and the guests will definitely not be ready for this. Snacks can also fit into the overall theme by choosing light and airy desserts: cupcakes that look like delicate pillows; popcorn and M & Ms s for watching a movie; cocoa or juice, which can be poured into special bottles with tubes in advance.

It is imperative to include beauty treatments in the program so that the girls feel like they are truly adults. For example, joint application of face masks, nail painting, hair curlers. At a pajama party, girls can collect jewelry in the form of a bracelet or necklace, make earrings. Needlework can be diversified by creating a commemorative box or postcards, which can then be left as a gift to the birthday girl.

Defile will help to diversify the evening. Girls are always especially eager to dress up and change clothes, spinning in front of the mirror. You can try to replicate the image of a celebrity, using only what is at hand. Perhaps the mother of the birthday girl will even allow her to indulge in cosmetics.

After completing this quest, you can capture the resulting funny images in the photo, now almost everyone has smartphones with a good camera.

For boys

12-year-old boys will no longer appreciate the pirate party, it will seem like a child's to them. Since they have already grown out of this, but the enthusiasm remains, then a party held in the style of one of their favorite computer games will suit the boys. Games and quests can be adapted in advance to the desired theme.

But no atmosphere can be conveyed only by the decoration and themed snacks. Achieving complete immersion is not so difficult, because nowadays you can throw a bright party in a paintball club or laser tag! A real battle can be arranged in teams, or every man for himself. Guys get an incredible amount of emotions when they are given the analogy of a machine gun, and in front of their eyes there are a lot of decorations for cover and attack!

Spectacular battles can be alternated with a snack and game console, because laser tag and paintball organizations provide such an opportunity.

If you can't surprise your child with paintball, then you can turn to city quests in which children can show their resilience and ingenuity... City quests provide different themed programs, varying in difficulty. You will be offered to get out of the dungeon by solving the key to the exit, or to save the birthday man by going through an exciting adventure and getting unforgettable emotions.

Overview of contests and games

Not always at the holiday, all children are familiar with each other, so the program should start with games that help to familiarize and unite children, so that no one feels like an outcast, and everyone is included in the process, communicating with each other comfortably... The so-called acquaintance games will help to correct the discomfort and feel like a welcome guest at the birthday person's home. Consider some of the funniest of them, which can be arranged both indoors (at home or in a cafe) and outdoors.

Recognition is a popular game suitable for both children and adults. Its essence is simple. The birthday boy is blindfolded, or you can make a game of honesty, after which his friends come up to him in turn, whom he must touch and find out who it is, commenting on his actions. Since the guesser will be wrong, his comments will be funny, guests will definitely be able to entertain. In addition, guests will remember each other, and the birthday person will be checked on how well he knows his friends!

12 year old boys and girls will love the crocodile game. The rules of the game are that one person must show with the help of gestures and facial expressions, without using any means at hand, the word or phrase he was thinking.The task of other players is to guess what they are trying to show. The person who guessed it acts as a demonstrator, and the previous person can guess a word for him. Here, ingenuity and acting skills, as well as the imagination of the one who makes the guess, come into play.

Another of the simple and popular games is "truth or dare", which has many other names. The players take turns asking each other tricky questions, which can either be answered honestly, or you can choose a desire that others will come up with for him, and which will have to be fulfilled. The fun begins exactly at the moment of fulfillment of desires, so the company needs to try and come up with creative and funny tasks.

A simpler version of the game with completing tasks is forfeits. This game fits into table entertainment, and tasks should be prepared in advance. Having come up with funny options, they should be written on pieces of paper, and then put the pieces of paper in a hat or bag. Let the children take turns taking out forfeits and doing what they have written.

To heighten the fun, you can put pieces of paper with comic prizes in your hat, not forgetting to cook them too.

How can you diversify the script?

Parents want to make an unusual holiday for their child, but they often forget that 12-year-olds don't like overprotectiveness. That's why careful preparation in the form of scripting and thinking through every minute of the holiday may not be appreciated. To surprise the child, leaving him at the same time room for independence, it is better to invite an illusionist to the celebration, choose a non-standard place for holding or demonstrate your design skills.

If the budget and opportunities are limited, organize a birthday quest with the search for a gift. At home, you can place tips that will lead him to the goal, and his friends will be able to help him in this. We recommend that you consult with your child, finding out what he wants himself. Be attentive to his desires, suggest the options that came to your mind, and you will definitely have an unforgettable holiday!

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