Children's birthday

How to celebrate your 13th birthday?

How to celebrate your 13th birthday?
  1. Features of the organization
  2. Interesting ideas
  3. Overview of contests and games
  4. How to diversify the script?

Teenagers are quite independent and independent, but they still want a holiday. Entertainment and menus should no longer be for children, but also not quite adults. You can surprise the birthday boy only if you have a clear idea of ​​your preferences. You can spend a holiday both in a home atmosphere and in any institution.

Features of the organization

Celebrating the birthday of a 13-year-old child should be fun and interesting. It is better if the teenager is only with his friends. Children feel uncomfortable with relatives and are unlikely to be able to fully enjoy the program. Much depends on the venue. Of course, it is much easier and more comfortable to organize a home holiday.

If so, a theme party is a good idea. You should take care of the decoration of the premises, competitions and costumes. The topic can be discussed with the birthday person, so as not to miscalculate. It is important for teenagers to feel free, so that they are not only fun, but also interesting.

Children at the age of 13 have a good appetite, so treats should also be thought out in detail. The feast shouldn't be too mature.

It is worth giving preference to "youth" dishes, for example, pizza, burgers. It makes sense to prepare salads and snacks, canapes. In addition to cake, fruit and cocktails can be served.

Interesting ideas

A standard holiday develops according to a certain pattern. First, you need to meet all the guests at home. The first meal is short-lived, it is intended simply to satisfy hunger. Then it's time to have fun, a variety of games are suitable for children: mafia, bowling, videos. It is worth choosing based on the location of the holiday.

You can have a party at home. It is enough to prepare music and appropriate decorations for decorating the room. In this case, it makes sense to take care of a buffet table with snacks, salads and sweets. It is also important to provide plenty of drinks and cocktails. Laser and light effects will add to the atmosphere of the holiday.

In conclusion, you can do something unusual and grandiose. Sparklers, balloons or confetti fireworks - you can use anything.

This stage of the holiday can be kept secret from the birthday person, even if everything else was planned jointly. A spectacular show will make the holiday more memorable.

The theme party looks interesting. For a girl, you can make a holiday based on your favorite cartoon, film or book. Just a cute atmosphere with cats, unicorns and an airy cloudy setting will do. For a boy, it is worth developing a script for a computer game, this is the most popular option. A teenager's birthday can be celebrated in the style of an autumn party or any other seasonal.

Overview of contests and games

Entertainment should be fun and interesting. Team competitions are encouraged for all guests to participate. It is important that no one gets bored on the sidelines during the holiday.

All games can be roughly divided into calm, active and just cool. It is recommended to combine options from different categories.

Quiet entertainment is usually held at the very end of the holiday or at the very beginning. This is a great way to brighten up the time while some guests are late or some final preparations are underway. There are many quiet games. Let's take a look at some of them.

  1. To the touch. You should prepare a bag with objects of different shapes. Additionally, you need to take a sheet of paper and a pencil for each player. Each guest should put his hand into the bag and feel all the items. It is important that you cannot get anything. You can even put on additional blindfolds so that no one can spy on. Then each player must write a list of the things that are in the bag. The one who guesses the most things wins.
  2. Hands up. All guests are divided into 2 teams and sit on opposite sides of the table. The captains sit at the edges. One team begins to quietly pass a coin down the chain. At some point, the captain of the second team says: "Hands up!" and the participants from the first raise them with clenched fists. Then the phrase "Hands down!" - you need to put your open palms on the table so that the coin does not make a sound. Two players from the second team must guess who has the item. If successful, the coin goes to the opponents. If it didn't work out, then the item is sent again to the captain of the first team and everything starts all over again.
  3. Guess. Pieces of plasticine or modeling clay should be distributed to all participants. In the center of the table is a hat with cards on which the names of different animals are indicated. The players take turns taking out notes and sculpting the desired hero from plasticine. Everyone should stop in two minutes. All participants must guess what kind of animal the opponents sculpted. Points are awarded for guessing the name. The winner is the one with the most points.
  4. Slow motion. Cards should be prepared with the name of some actions, for example, hiccuping, laughing, chasing, crying. Each player takes out a random forfeit. The task is to reproduce the action from the card in slow motion.

Active contests will be a good basis for an entertainment program. They allow you to create a fun atmosphere, relax teenagers and defuse the situation in general.

Consider the best active contests.

  1. Hold down the pen. All guests are divided into teams of 3-5 people. Each group is given a pen. The players' task is to keep the props in the air without touching them with their hands. While the task is being played, music is turned on.As soon as it dies down, the competition ends.
  2. Headball. This is a head game, and a balloon is used as a ball. The guests are again divided into small teams of 2-3 people. To the music, you need to throw the ball with your head, without touching it with other parts of the body. The winner is the one who best completes the task.
  3. Do as I do. One presenter is selected from the guests. It must show some kind of movement or action. The rest of the participants in the game must repeat. Actions can be anything, even running, even somersaults. The game is very active and funny.

Simple funny games and relay races are very popular at teenage parties.

  1. Feeding the baby. All guests are divided into pairs. Each team is given a glass of milk and a small spoon. One player must feed everything to the second as quickly as possible.
  2. Orange. The main props can only be held with the neck and chin. The orange needs to be passed around in a circle in this way. Even if the fruit falls, you can only pick it up in the same way, without hands.
  3. Mods. Guests are divided into 2 teams, for each a suitcase with clothes is prepared. They should be placed at a short distance. During the allotted time, players must take turns running up to their suitcase and putting on the first thing they come across. Those who use the most clothes wins.
  4. Apple boom. A fruit is placed on the player's head. You need to run to the other end of the room and back as soon as possible so that the apple does not fall.

How to diversify the script?

A standard home holiday follows the same pattern. First, all the guests gather, then a little entertainment, a feast and again contests. There are interesting ways to diversify your holiday.

  • Quest. You can order from professionals or organize it yourself, it doesn't matter. The quest can take place both indoors and outdoors.

Teenagers easily immerse themselves in the atmosphere of an event, film or plot. This kind of entertainment combines riddles, tasks, and active actions.

  • Shooting a clip. A good solution if you have a beautiful outdoor area or a large room. You can call a professional director, cameraman and costume designer, but this is not necessary. But the installation is definitely better left to professionals.
  • Master classes. The topic can be anything. The techniques of painting fabrics, tableware, and training in photo retouching are very popular. You can even host a cooking contest.
  • Aquapark. True, in this case, it is recommended to invite teenagers' parents to the holiday. It will be too difficult to keep track of all the guests, a big responsibility for other people's children.

In most establishments, you can additionally choose an entertainment program with competitions and games on the water.

  • Laser paintball. There are no paint balls. You need to hit the target with an invisible laser, and the shots themselves are accompanied by a sound for identification. This allows you to understand on the spot where the bullet flew. Suits have sensors that count hits.

The machine looks realistic, but the feeling is as if the action takes place in a computer game.

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