Children's birthday

How to celebrate the birthday of a child 3-4 years old?

How to celebrate the birthday of a child 3-4 years old?
  1. Seat selection
  2. Subject
  3. Contests and games
  4. Script ideas

The birthday of a child 3-4 years old is an important event. Its correct organization will allow you to remember the holiday for a long time, will give a lot of positive memories. The material in this article will tell you about the main points of organizing a festive event.

Seat selection

If the child is already 3-4 years old, his birthday can be celebrated not only at home. When choosing the best place, it is worth considering several nuances, for example:

  • number and age of invited guests;
  • taste preferences of the child;
  • the approximate time of the holiday;
  • financial capabilities of parents.

There should be enough room for everyone. Based on this, you can choose one of the following options:

  • at home in a spacious apartment (private house);
  • in a cafe with a children's area;
  • on a playground with a specially equipped room;
  • in a play center with a room for children's parties;
  • in the adjoining territory of a private house / summer house.

In some cities there are specially equipped creative studios for children, where you can spend an unforgettable holiday for a child 3-4 years old. They have enough space for active games, competitions, dances, tea parties, and there are also restrooms.

You can opt for the playground. As a rule, such places are equipped with trampolines, labyrinths, and other entertainments for children aged 3 years and older.

Children love these places, but here it is more difficult to bring them back to the table or the birthday person from the play areas.

Choosing the option of a cafe with a children's area, you need to take into account that the atmosphere should be inviting. It is important to take care of the children's menu and entertainment for the guests in advance. The show program is selected in such a way that it will interest all children.

Dedicated quest rooms are not the best choice. An outdoor picnic is the best solution for a limited budget. However, a street party can be spoiled by natural fluctuations (rain, strong wind, hail). The disadvantage of such a place is the lack of sanitary conditions.


A modern birthday without a script is boring. Today you can give your child a holiday by inviting him to become the hero of your favorite cartoon or fairy tale for a while. The choice of theme depends on the preferences of the kid. For a boy, it can be an Indian-style party or a "trip" to Africa, a space walk.

The birthday of a 3-4 year old girl can be celebrated in the theme of your favorite cartoon, which your daughter likes most. Topics based on "The Fixies", "Barboskins", "Masha and the Bear" can be called successful solutions. Topics such as Rapunzel, The Little Mermaid, and Snow White are also topical.

The script for the holiday doesn't have to be too complicated. At this age, children cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time. Don't make up a long story with many tasks. Children 3-4 years old quickly get tired, you need to organize a birthday celebration so that children can relax between games and competitions.

Babies cannot sit still for a long time. The script should include contests and sports games. When choosing a theme, you need to take into account the possibilities of the entourage. Somewhere there are enough colorful balloons or signs. In other cases, you have to create a special atmosphere, spending additional budget on it.

Contests and games

The choice of a competitive and game program must be approached with all responsibility. It is necessary to spend the holiday so that it will be remembered by children for a long time, and no one sat on the sidelines while playing. The choice of competitions also depends on the number of invited guests.

When choosing games for children, you need to take into account that children at this age are touchy, and therefore may be offended if they lose. It is important to organize the assignments in such a way as not to offend anyone. Moreover, the center of attention should be exactly the birthday person (birthday girl).

Logic games at this age are not needed: children will get bored of such tasks.

So that no one is offended, it is better to take collective tasks as a basis. So no one will be left on the sidelines. Examples include:

  • a series of quests to find treasures;
  • dance and music competitions;
  • fights with balloons;
  • blindfold game of hide and seek.

When choosing a competitive program for a children's birthday, it is worth starting from the place of its holding. Games and tasks should be different.

If all competitions are built only on a relay or logical basis, children will quickly get bored.

For home

A treasure hunt will be the ideal solution for a holiday at home. Moreover, you can beat it in any topic, for example, as a search:

  • magic medicine for your favorite toy;
  • magical things of the unicorn;
  • the best decorations of your favorite fairy;
  • favorite treats of the cartoon hero.

Birthday with a family can be different. Children at this age do not understand forfeits, and therefore may refuse to complete tasks. However, all together will be looking for something with pleasure, knowing what they are looking for for themselves. To do this, it is worth preparing in advance small presents that correspond to the theme of the holiday.

For girls, these can be hairpins, headbands, hair ties. For boys - small toy cars. Besides, children will be delighted with sweets, balloons, stickers of favorite cartoon characters, slimes.

Small gifts must be given to everyone for completing assignments. This stimulates the desire to continue to participate in games.

Gifts should, if possible, be of equal value, they must be distributed in the same amount to each participant in the competitions.

The contests themselves for celebrating a birthday at home can be different.

  • You can start your holiday by creating a travel map. Later, it will be possible to take a picture of all together against its background.Mountains, fish, sun, sea, flowers are glued to the map. The background of the card should correspond to the theme of the holiday.
  • At home, you can play blindfold guessing objects. The child is given a toy, the name of which must be guessed. It is worth connecting adults to the fun: they can make children laugh with their assumptions.
  • If there is a lot of space at home, you can have a bowling alley using pins and a ball. The children take turns throwing the ball, the pins are put anew for each participant. The winner gets the right to be the first to participate in the next competition.
  • Children also like the "cold-hot" assignments. To do this, they hide a toy in the room, and then ask the children to find it. If there are few children, everyone can search for their subject in turn.
  • If there is enough space, you can arrange a team competition in the transfer of balloons. The team with the fewest balls left after the end of the music wins.
  • You can hold a “hit the target” contest by playing it on the right topic. For this it is worth preparing baskets (boxes). The winner is the one who throws more balls at the target.
  • Children like the “Harvest the harvest” competition. For this, many small toys and baskets are used, in which kids collect toys. The winner is the first to proceed to the next challenge.
  • In a small room, you can arrange a "golden voice" competition. For this, songs familiar to children are prepared in advance. This task is best suited for scenarios where you need to "bewitch" someone with magic songs.
  • You can play with guests in the teremok, distributing roles to each participant. In this case, it is worth helping them make a house in which they will move in.

In the cafe

The choice of contests and games for the cafe depends on the size of the playground. Great if there is enough room for team games.

  • To begin with, you can collect the best portrait of the birthday man (birthday girl) or 2 scripted portraits (for example, characters from two different teams). Each team is given fragments of a portrait. The winners get the right to open the holiday and be the first to congratulate the hero of the occasion.
  • You can choose the game "edible-inedible" using a small ball. Children take turns throwing the ball and name the object. If they call something that cannot be eaten, the child does not catch the ball.
  • Do not forget about the "cat and mouse". Children love this game, so you can play it as you like. For example, you can customize it for hunting pirates, wild animals, playing Indians and pale-faced, catching butterflies.
  • If there is enough room in the hall, you can play together with adults. For example, the "horse" relay. Dads become horses, their children - riders.
  • You can arrange flowers indoors or other objects made of paper, instruct the children to collect them while the music is playing.
  • Going on a magical journey, you can beat the face painting competition. In this case, you can not only paint children's faces for the characters of a certain cartoon. Some participants can paint their own parents.
  • The game of "inflatable horses" will be an interesting team competition. At the same time, children are given balls on which they will ride to the finish line.
  • Do not bypass guessing objects on a string. In this case, the child is blindfolded and a rope is pulled in front of him. He can not only feel the object, but also pick it up as a prize for the correct answer.

Script ideas

There are many ways to celebrate a children's birthday. Games for the smallest participants should be extremely simple and short-lived. Somewhere they need to alternate with rest.

For example, after the relay, you can give the children a rest by showing them a bubble show. Kids are delighted with them, especially if there is an opportunity to visit themselves in a giant soap bubble. Everyone will be waiting for this, not taking their eyes off the show.

An extraordinary solution for children of 4 years old can be a real adventure game in which children will become chips. As a props, you will have to prepare:

  • a box-cube with the number of moves from 1 to 6;
  • paper moves of different colors with tasks;
  • prizes for completing tasks.

The principle of the game is as follows: each participant rolls a large die and makes the required number of moves. Then he turns the field of play, gives it to an adult to read and receives a simple task (to name the neighbor to the left or to the right, to congratulate the birthday boy). Performs, puts the sheet in place.

By the principle of an adventure game, you can arrange a cool game of Little Red Riding Hood and a gray wolf. Children choose their roles (one Hat, lumberjacks, grandmother and 1 wolf) and get up on the starting move (sheet with the word START). There should not be many moves, otherwise children will quickly get tired of the game.

The moves are of different colors, on the cube instead of the circles it is the color of the moves. When a certain color falls out, the child moves to the nearest tile of that color. Participants walk only forward, the wolf - forward and backward.

If the wolf is on the same turn with the player, the player is eliminated from the game.

Regardless of the birthday theme, you need to take care of the right music. Children love to move, dance and team competitions with music are more interesting. At the end of the holiday, you can give everyone “found treasures”.

If there is a special printer at home for printing pictures from a camera, during competitions you can make a photo album with frames of the best moments of the holiday. This will be another gift for your child.

How to celebrate the birthday of a child 3-4 years old, see the video below.

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