Children's birthday

How to celebrate a 5 year old child's birthday?

How to celebrate a 5 year old child's birthday?
  1. The best topics
  2. Review of games and contests
  3. Quest preparation
  4. Script ideas

5 years is the first anniversary, which both big and small are eagerly awaiting. I would like to celebrate it violently, brightly, so that the holiday turns out to be “one continuous delight”. This can be done with equal success both at home and in a cafe.

The best topics

There are themes that are suitable only for girls or only for boys, and there are universal themes. The latter are preferable, because, as a rule, children of both sexes have a birthday. I would like everyone to be captured by the general idea of ​​the holiday. Here are the topics that are considered the most successful.

  • "Fixies". This cartoon has long become a cult, kids at this age are just beginning to get acquainted with the educational animated series. And adults like these heroes. It should be taken into account that The Fixies are friends with science, and then on the holiday there should be a place for experiments and various scientific tricks.
  • "Masha and the Bear". This cartoon has become international - it is loved on all continents, and kids at the age of 5 will also support this theme. Design, music, contests - everything can be matched to match the cartoon.
  • "The jungle is calling." This program from the 90s will probably be remembered by parents of five-year-olds, adult guests. But it can be reformatted for our time. After all, exotic animals and adventures in the jungle are always interesting.
  • “Visiting the Clown”. One presenter clown is often enough for the holiday to be fun, structured, and all the guests laughed and found their fill. A clown usually has contests and fun for all occasions in his arsenal - he will not let anyone be sad.
  • "Flower Party". If a girl turns 5 years old and does not want to hear about the universal theme of the evening, and she certainly needs something girlish, light and gentle, you can invite her to arrange a flower party. She is a fairy of flowers and lives in a kingdom where everything is beautiful, bright and colorful. In her palace, she treats guests with exquisite delicacies and holds the most magical contests with them.
  • "Sport kids". The holiday can also take place on the street: the kids usually like a buffet table or a picnic-style treat. Well, you can arrange relay races for them, outdoor fun games even without the involvement of an animator.
  • "In the kingdom of the Snow Queen". If the child's birthday in winter and coincides with the time when the house is decorated like New Year's, the theme of the Snow Queen will be very organic. You can let the guys save Kai by passing tests in the form of contests, and get a treasure. And Kai may well be cardboard, covered with a layer of easily removable paint, any other composition, paper. And when the guys find him, they can easily remove the “ice crust” from the boy's figure, and it will “come to life”. Or you can cut out a section from the movie where Kai rejoices in freedom, and put it at the end of the party.

Most of the future birthday people know the theme of the upcoming holiday. If this is a complete surprise, you need to be 100% sure that your child will like this theme.

Review of games and contests

Contests and entertainment are the main "filling" of the holiday. They should be light, understandable to everyone. Indeed, often younger children and older children are present at the holiday. You need to arrange the program so that everyone is involved.

For home

For example - 10 birthday contests, which almost always come with a bang.

  • "Making Candy Soup." This is a relay race. At the wall, on a wide table (or two chairs), you need to put two saucepans. Participants at the start, each with their own ladle. In front of them (also on chairs) are boxes of chocolates. You need to carefully take the candy from the box (without hands) with a ladle and carry it one to the pan, throw the candy into the pan and run back, pass the baton. The fastest team wins.
  • "Ball". Children sit on the floor in a circle. One has a ball, he throws it to any guest and gives an assignment. For example: "Ball-ball, hear me my friend, name me the cutest animal." And he calls the beast. He continues, sends a ball and asks to name something very-most (the most fun game, the most delicious food, the most favorite season, etc.).
  • "Zumba warm-up". You can turn it on on the TV (on the Internet), ask the children to become comfortable, look at the screen, and repeat after the coach. It is great if adults join the children.
  • "Looking for mushrooms, looking for berries." Children are divided into 2 teams. One is looking for mushrooms, the second berries are collected in baskets. Cardboard mushroom berries do not need to be hidden much, but also make sure that they do not clump together. On the windowsill, on the table, at the TV, under the switch - in a word, leave them in places that are not most obvious for five-year plans. All participants should prepare small prizes (lollipops, for example).
  • "What changed". The one who will guess is chosen. They put him with his back to the rest of the guys, blindfold him. At this time, the guys have to change something: shoes, for example, other items of clothing. Girls can give their bracelet or hair clip to the boy. In a word, you need to make several changes. The child who stood with his eyes closed needs to expose the changers and see everything that has changed.
  • "Edible-inedible." The good old game will also appeal to the new generation. An adult brings a basket, a box, a hat, in a word, an object from which other objects can be pulled out into the room. Guys, when they see edible, should clap, when inedible - sit down.
  • "Photo with confetti". Several crackers need to be prepared, ideally as many as there are child guests. The crackers are the most common, with paper confetti.Each child is invited to the center of the room, a photographer is at the ready. When colored tinsel from a firecracker falls on a child, he must do what the adult repeats in front of him. An adult behind the scenes will show you how to jump, wave your arms, etc. As a result, each guest will have a memorable enchanting photo.
  • "Ring, go out on the porch." It only seems that the game is old and well-known to everyone. It may be new to the growing generation. If the holiday is girlish, each little guest at the end of the game can get their own ring (you need to buy several plastic ones in advance).
  • "Dance class". Cheerful music is selected and an adult without complexes, who stands in front of the guys and shows them the most ridiculous and ridiculous steps. Children can only repeat. It's great if the music will gradually speed up.
  • "Hearts from guests". In advance, you can warn the parents of the invited children so that they make small simple pendant hearts at home with the children. Cardboard or paper, on a string or ribbon. And in the hallway you need to put several tall flowers in a flowerpot, painted in a bright or pale white shade. It will be a tree of good hearts. Each guest who comes will hang their own craft on this tree.

You can always spend your birthday at home very fun, with comfort and sincerity. But even in a cafe it is possible to celebrate the first anniversary on a grand scale.

In the cafe

Many homemade contests and assignments are also suitable for cafes. It is not difficult to organize them even with small forces.

  • "Encrypted menu". Even before the guys sit down at the table, they can be handed cards. One for each. Something is drawn on the card that will be a clue to solving the dish. For example, a Ninja Turtle that licks its lips is a sign that they will be treated to pizza at the holiday. Or a funny penguin with a nice glass, probably with ice cream in his glass.
  • "Surprise treat". Each highchair can have a bag of treats attached for guests to take home. In addition to sweets, there may be a blister with stickers or transfers.
  • "Motor removed." You can make a frame out of cardboard that will resemble a movie frame. Each guest should say a couple of congratulatory words to the birthday boy, and an adult will hold the frame so that it becomes a portrait. Someone should be filming this congratulation.

You can celebrate your birthday on the street, on the sports ground, and even in the courtyard of a multi-storey building. Everything is real if adults show the perfect pre-holiday preparation.

Quest preparation

5 years is quite an age for an entertaining and educational quest. It should match the theme of the holiday. Here are some rough plans for fun quest assignments.

  • Jungle Party. The children are invited to collect a map that shows where the treasure is. There are as many map fragments as there are competition tasks. They can be as follows: use the cards with the traces of animals to figure out what kind of animals went to the birthday in secret (you can use a magnifying glass). Collect a basket of treats that can actually be found in the jungle on a tropical island (treats drawn, such as coconuts and candy). The next task is to determine where the children are from the sound recording. In advance, you need to record the sounds of the forest, jungle, sea, swamps, etc.
  • "Superhero Island". Organizing this quest also involves finding a map. And the tasks can be as follows: fight with pillows on a board, search for fragments of a map in paper tinsel, compare pictures like "find 10 differences", guess the melodies of children's songs, etc.

Since the guys are still small, it is not necessary to make the quest very difficult and multi-stage. Its purpose is to captivate and entertain, not to be too serious a brainstorming session for children. 5-6 contests for treasure hunting are enough. Then the guys who received all the fragments of the map should lay it out on the table and see the place where the treasures are kept. This will be a map of a cafe or apartment.The treasure is a box with portioned treats that the guys will take home.

Script ideas

So what will be the funny and hilarious scenario for the birthday of a 5 year old child? Let's give an example of a plan for organizing a holiday at home.

  • Meeting with guests. It makes sense to come up with funny rules so that the guys immediately have fun. For example, everyone who comes should say hello and embrace not only with their hands, but also with their legs - for example, touch their heels. The guest can immediately be given a festive cap and other paraphernalia.
  • Greetings from the host. Even if there is no animator, the parents are holding the party. They must gather all the children and joyfully announce the celebration. Tell what entertainment awaits everyone, and why a good mood must be taken out of all pockets.
  • The entertainment began. If this is a quest, then you need to explain in detail to the kids what it is, what they are looking for and why. All contests in a row are too hard for five-year plans. Between contests, you need to pause for refreshments and communication, music and dance pauses are also needed.
  • Celebration cake. In the room, you need to turn off the light, warn everyone about an important moment and ask the birthday boy to clap.
  • Reflection. It will not be superfluous even at a children's party. Just let the guys stand in a circle and pass a toy to each other, for example. And everyone will say that he especially liked it.

Gifts are usually given first, as soon as the guests have arrived. But you can do it differently, immediately ask to take the gifts to the room (free from the holiday), and after the cake the birthday boy and his friends will go to unpack them. The more direct the children behave, the more it says that everything is working out. If the parents of the children are present at the holiday, they should be asked to participate in contests, dance with the kids - they will be happy.

A separate point is the photo zone. It should be designed according to the theme of the holiday. It is better to take a photo closer to the beginning of the party, while the guys are not tired yet, and while the festive outfits are sitting on them evenly and decorously. The finished photos can be sent to guests by e-mail or sent in paper form in beautiful envelopes.

See the following video for helpful tips on how to organize a children's birthday party.

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