Children's birthday

How to celebrate the birthday of a 6-year-old child?

How to celebrate the birthday of a 6-year-old child?
  1. Party organization rules
  2. Celebration ideas
  3. Entertainment overview
  4. Script examples

In modern families, it is customary to celebrate every child's birthday on a grand scale. Boring feasts in the circle of guests who came with children, and salads with hot on the table have long sunk into oblivion. Today the children's party is filled with bright colors, animators are invited to the event, contests are held, and the winners receive prizes. And while the kids are having fun, the adults nearby are having tea. The only thing is that not every family has a budget for such grandiose holidays. Therefore, parents independently create a celebration plan, taking into account the preferences of the birthday person and the age of the invited children.

Party organization rules

Every parent can arrange an enchanting birthday for a child of 6 years old. It is not difficult to make a great show for children, it is enough to show imagination and follow a few rules for organizing the celebration.

  • Preliminary preparation. A month before the holiday date, you need to start working on the main details of the event. Choose a place, make a menu, prepare a program.
  • Entertaining part. The main decoration of any children's party is the smiles and laughter of the young guests. It is important for them to take part in fun contests, quests, games. Therefore, the entertainment part should be filled with a lot of fun challenges.
  • Birthday wishes. Before starting to plan an event, you should ask the child how he wants to celebrate his birthday, what he wants to see at the holiday.
  • Children's birthday is for children only. The focus of the activity should be on children only. They are the main guests of the birthday man, a table is laid for them and a show program is being developed.For parents, it is worth having a separate buffet table.

Celebration ideas

To date, many ideas have been developed for celebrating the birthday of a child of 6 years old. But the main thing is that any proposed option can be arranged on your own.

You can take a specific theme as the basis for a festive event. For example, "Pirates of the Caribbean" or "The Adventures of Harry Potter". You can spend a holiday in the summer at the dacha or just go out into the countryside.

It is also worth setting up a photo zone where children can take pictures. As a photographer, you can use the father of the birthday man, but it is best to invite a specialist with a professional camera.

Particular attention should be paid to the ideas for decorating a festive table. Basically, you can order pizza, nuggets or any other fast food. But it is best to prepare meals yourself that are suitable for the children's diet. By the way, it is necessary to serve the children's table wisely.

Appetizers, salads and hot dishes should look spectacular, thereby appealing to the appetite of young guests.

When arranging a holiday for your son, you should take into account his preferences. More often than not, boys of 6 years old want to have fun on their birthday with clowns. If there is a financial opportunity, professional animators perform the roles of cleavers. You can call for help from family friends or relatives.

Young girls celebrate their day on the same cheerful note, but instead of clowns they want to see Elsa and Olaf. For such a friendly company, the show program "Sweet Party" has been developed.

A place

When choosing a specific theme for a children's birthday, it is necessary to choose an appropriate place for the event. You can order a hall in a cafe or rent a territory in a natural complex. Another option is to celebrate your birthday at home.

Arranging a party at home is much easier than organizing an event in a cafe or restaurant. In summer, you can go to the country house.

There, the birthday boy and his friends will be able to enjoy the show program, and it will be possible to allocate more space for contests and quests.


When choosing a birthday theme, it is best to show your imagination and come up with a theme yourself, based on the birthday person's preferences. The theme of the holiday can be a child's favorite book or a movie.

For a 6-year-old girl and her guests, the work "Alice in Wonderland" will be quite relevant. The invited children should come in themed costumes, and the setting should correspond to the magical story, the same goes for props, contests and games. Well, young boys will like the theme of "Star Wars" or "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Entertainment overview

An important part of any children's party is the entertainment program. The table with treats attracts little kids. They want fun games and funny contests with prizes for the winners. An animator can be hired for the entertainment part. However, the presenters can be the father and mother of the birthday boy. Together they are able to entertain the invited children and not leave their parents unattended.

If the holiday will be held at the dacha, it is advisable to give preference to mobile contests. For an event within the walls of an apartment, house and any other room, table games, quizzes and mini-quests are suitable. The winners of the competition must be awarded with small prizes.

With each new competition, it is important to monitor the mood of the young guests. If laughter and fun began to disappear, you should change the calm contests for mobile competitions. That is why the event plan should have a force majeure clause.

For children of 6 years old, such games as tug-of-war, "Hook the tail of a donkey", penata are suitable. In general, everything that a small child can cope with.


For children of 6 years of age, mobile contests are relevant. For example, "Attention, cotton".Young guests need to dance to cheerful music, and when the presenter's signal sounds, take a certain action. The signal can be pops or certain words. One clap - you need to jump. Two claps - squatting is required. Three claps - you need to freeze. The winner is the one who can perform all actions without error.

Another interesting contest "Guess the Taste". Children are blindfolded and given a spoonful of different foods to taste. It can be water, jam, milk. The winner is the one who can guess the most products.


Games should correspond to the theme of the holiday. For example, the game "Remember" will be relevant for a pirate party. The birthday boy names a word related to the theme of the holiday. The guest must repeat the word of the birthday man and come up with his own. The third child repeats alternately the words of the birthday boy and the guest, adding a third to the list. And so along the chain. The winner is the one who can repeat all the words without gaps.

As an active game, you can use your favorite activity "Tug-of-war".


The quest game must correspond to the holiday scenario. For example, "Prostokvashino". The main task of the quest is to find a package with a gift for the birthday boy brought by Pechkin. On the way, the team will face various obstacles from riddles, tasks and puzzles. All players on the team should take part in the search for answers.

After finding a gift, it is appropriate to arrange a disco.

Script examples

Consider several ready-made birthday scenarios for children 6 years old.

The standard version is very easy to implement.

  • Suddenly, the presenter appears, in a cheerful manner tells the children about the purpose of today's meeting. And immediately starts the game "Leave-Drive". The facilitator names the words, and the children have to say what to do with it. For example, we drive away sadness and sadness, but leave happiness and fun. After the game is over, the presenter praises the children, offering them a snack to gain strength for new competitions.
  • After a snack, the presenter sets the children up for the game "Flower Glade". Kids are divided into two teams. Their task is to inflate balloons and make flowers from them. The first team to complete the task wins.
  • Next, you can arrange a music competition with chairs, piñata, and then take a break.
  • After a snack, a Meow contest is held. The birthday boy is blindfolded, and the children say "meow" one at a time. The hero of the occasion must guess who it was.
  • In general, 5-7 contests for children will be quite enough. Games can be changed at your own discretion and according to the preferences of the birthday person.

The thematic version of the script can also captivate the kids. For example, a holiday for a girl is taken. Topic - "Magic at the Ball".

  • The ball begins with a meeting of guests. Boys and girls should wear fluffy dresses and classic costumes. The children's buffet begins. Then the leading fairy appears. In poetic form, she greets the guests and invites them to play the game "Box of wishes". Children need to come up with the most original warm words in honor of the birthday girl. She will determine the winner.
  • After that, the contest "Bouquet for a princess" begins. On a fixed Whatman paper, each blindfolded guest draws a flower. At the end of the competition, the filled bouquet is handed over to the birthday girl.
  • Next, you can arrange a dance competition, for which musical compositions of different genres are prepared in advance. Children should change the tempo of the dance when the melody changes. The winner is the one who best shows his dancing talents. Next comes a snack.
  • Further competitions should correspond to the magic theme.
  • At the end of the holiday, the fairy arranges a children's disco and, as if by magic, leaves the holiday.

How to celebrate the birthday of a child of 6 years old, see below.

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