Children's birthday

Celebrating the birthday of children of 7 years old: the best contests and scenarios

Celebrating the birthday of children of 7 years old: the best contests and scenarios
  1. What to consider when preparing?
  2. Choosing the subject of the script
  3. Entertainment overview
  4. Menu
  5. End of the holiday

The age of 7 is very important: at this time, the guys enter a new life, begin their studies at school. That is why such a birthday should be celebrated brightly, on a grand scale, so that it will be remembered for a long time by both the birthday man and the guests. After reading this article, you will learn about how you can celebrate the birthday of children of 7 years old, about the best contests and scenarios for the celebration.

What to consider when preparing?

First you need to choose a suitable location. At home, this should be the most spacious room with the minimum number of sharp corners and pieces of furniture. It is recommended to separate the zones for games and eating: let there be a table with food in one room, and a festive program in the other. So it will be possible to allocate more space for outdoor games, and besides, it will be much safer. If you go to spend a holiday in a club for children or any cafe, you should consider the theme of the celebration. It will be very strange if pictures of various superheroes are hanging on the walls, and you are organizing a birthday party for a little princess.

It will be necessary to decorate the room beautifully before the holiday. To do this, you can use both ready-made purchased decorative elements and materials at hand: try to make jewelry on your own.

Try not to overdo it by approaching your chosen topic. Everything should be aesthetically pleasing: you should not apply all decoration techniques at the same time.

It is recommended to provide a photo zone. The birthday man can be offended if he and the guests are photographed against the background of furniture and wallpaper. If you stopped the choice on any particular character, print his images from the Internet and arrange an area for photographing (for example, with superheroes or Fixies).

You should also send greeting cards to your guests before celebrating their birthday. They should be given to children 14 days before the celebration. Postcards should be beautiful: the little birthday boy, the birthday girl will be very grateful to you if you think over the design to the smallest detail. You can connect the child to this.

Before the holiday, it is necessary to purchase prizes for competitions, symbolic gifts for all children. It will also be necessary to prepare music, a video camera, a camera, cutlery and a tablecloth for the festive feast.

You should think over the festive menu in advance: it is recommended to draw up a list of products a month before the birthday.

Choosing the subject of the script

When deciding how to celebrate the birthday of children of 7 years old, you need to be as serious as possible about the theme of the party you are going to hold. You can arrange a celebration dedicated to a fairy tale, superhero theme. However, it should be borne in mind that this option is quite expensive. It will take quite a lot of money for themed napkins, wallpaper and so on. But you will need to choose not only design elements, but also themed sweets and costumes.

In general, it is recommended to assess your capabilities soberly. It should be borne in mind that the design is still secondary, the main thing is to create the necessary mood for the holiday.

You can arrange everything to a minimum: for example, simply by choosing a certain color scheme. If you still want to throw a party around a particular theme, here are the most common options:

  • circus theme;
  • pirates or simply nautical style;
  • fairies and princesses;
  • cartoons, films, fairy tales;
  • professions, science;
  • space, aliens;
  • master classes.

Entertainment overview

It should be borne in mind that seven-year-olds (both boys and girls) like not only mobile, but also intellectual children's entertainment. Consider the most interesting options for contests, games and quests for celebrating the birthday of a child of 7 years old.


Competitions are small, fun competitions, and children tend to compete against each other. Of course, these competitions should be comic, funny, entertaining. Consider the following options.

  • "A place in the sun." This game is capable of entertaining both children and adults. It is great for home use. Place the chairs in a circle in the center of the room. There should be one fewer pieces of furniture than guests. All participants should move in a circle and dance to the music. You will need to sit down quickly when the presenter turns off the music: the one who does not have time to do it will drop out. You need to play until the winner is determined.
  • "Hostess". This game is also great for home use. You will need to sort pasta into different heaps, beads of different types, or something like that. This mixture can be dispensed in a separate container to each participant. The winner is the one who decomposes the contents into piles the fastest.
  • "Greedy". You will need to prepare a large number of balloons or balls. Each participant collects and holds as many items as possible.
  • Pass in a circle. Each participant is covered with a blindfold, everyone is seated in a circle. The host gives the first guest an object that is difficult to identify by feeling it with his hands. The item cannot be held for a long time, you need to quickly transfer it to a neighbor. In the end, everyone unties their eyes and says that they were given. The winner is the one who guesses first.
  • "Ball". Two people take part in the competition. The guests sit at the table opposite each other with their blindfolds closed. In the center, you need to put a ball, which the participants begin to blow over to the side of the enemy. This is not a simple competition, but a drawing competition.The presenter then discreetly removes the ball and puts flour in its place. Spectators cheer for friends, cheer up the players. When the eyes of the participants are untied so they can see who the winner is, they only see that everything is white. You can use confetti instead of flour.
  • "Chain". Use paper clips: place them in front of the guests on a slide. Children begin to create a chain at the command of the leader. When he shouts “Stop!”, The winner is determined whose chain is the longest.


If children prefer not competitions, but just a pleasant pastime, you can prepare fun games.

  • "Guess." This game will require pens and blank sheets of paper and can be played at the table. All participants must write features of their appearance or character. Then the presenter collects and shuffles the notes. After that, the children begin to guess which of those present are talking about.
  • "Crocodile". The birthday boy must make any word to one of those present so that no one else hears him. The participant tries to explain this word with gestures and facial expressions. The guesser must represent the next word - and so on.
  • "Fables". It is necessary to invent and depict on paper an object, an animal, a plant, which in fact does not exist. You can play in different ways. The first way: put blots on paper and give the young artist something to paint from it. The second way: the guest draws a part of the drawing on top, folds it so that no one sees the image, and passes the piece of paper in a circle. Everyone will finish painting their parts, and at the end they will see what happened.
  • "Dancing with assignments". Guests dance at random to their favorite music. From time to time, the facilitator tells the children what they should do. He can tell, for example, that everyone follows the birthday man with a snake or a chain, continue to dance in threes or in pairs, start dancing in a circle, and so on.


When preparing a quest, you need to think over the tasks to the smallest detail, prepare the necessary props and materials, and choose a suitable place. Interesting ideas for children's quests are as follows.

  • "Hot and cold." For this quest, you need to prepare stickers on which it is written "Cold" and "Hot" (they must be multi-colored), a secret place with a code word where the surprise will be located. You should also prepare small gifts for all guests and a separate present for the birthday person. In the search area, you need to place stickers with inscriptions suggesting where the cache is.
  • "Search for balls." This quest can be done outdoors. Prepare several dozen tennis balls for the game. It is necessary to prepare at least 5 balls for each participant. Then hide the balls. The guests split into teams and start looking for balls. The winners are the members of the group where they collected the most balls. Such a quest develops communication within the group, develops the physical abilities of the children well.
  • Treasure hunt. With the help of the card, guests help the birthday boy find a gift. It is better to use a hint in the form of separate pieces, rather than a ready-made map. Print the map or draw it yourself. This could be a plan for a park or a house. Draw puzzles on the piece and cut them out. Glue the pieces onto a thick piece of cardboard. Put the puzzles in a container and give it to the quest participants. The children will have to collect the card first.

When the guys find a gift, they will receive small prizes for helping the birthday boy.


Between entertainment, kids will probably want something tasty to eat, so a festive menu needs to be carefully thought out. Sandwiches will always be relevant. You will also need salads, and quite hearty ones: for example, corn with rice, olivier. Of course, various sweets (marshmallows, candies), delicious drinks (fruit drinks, soda) will be appropriate. Almost all children enjoy such treats.

The highlight of the festive program is the cake. Of course, when choosing this delicacy, you should focus primarily on the preferences of the birthday person himself. If he hates nuts, don't use them in the cake. You can order a cake in the form of a big seven from professionals: the child will be simply delighted, he will immediately understand that you have spent a lot of time preparing for the festive event.

The number of candles can be any, it is not at all necessary to put seven pieces. You can buy, for example, one rather large candle (also in the form of the number 7).

End of the holiday

It is very important that all children are winners and do not leave the competition without prizes, even if they are small and inexpensive. So you will demonstrate attention to all the guests: they will understand that they were not invited for "show". Girls can get hair crayons, boys - laser pointers.

There are also more versatile options: for example, small puzzles, miniature soft toys, various cute souvenirs. Together with the birthday person, be sure to express your joy at the presence of all guests at the holiday.

Before leaving, you can give them a piece of the birthday cake (if, for example, it is large, and after the celebration there will be quite a lot of it).

7 life hacks for a children's birthday, see the next video.

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