Children's birthday

Celebrating the birthday of a child of 8 years old: the best contests and scenarios

Celebrating the birthday of a child of 8 years old: the best contests and scenarios
  1. How to organize?
  2. Interesting ideas
  3. Entertainment overview
  4. Sample script

To make a birthday memorable for a child of 8 years old, you need to prepare for it in advance. At this age, children expect not only gifts - they want adventure with their friends, vivid emotions and a memorable holiday.

Therefore, in addition to a gift, come up with a special scenario, prepare contests and games for a children's company. And then everyone will remember for a long time how well they had a good time. Read about how to celebrate the birthday of an 8-year-old tomboy in our article.

How to organize?

When organizing a birthday party for children of 8 years old at home, first of all choose the theme of the holiday. This is important, because from this idea you will continue to "dance", holding the event at home. Choose a room for the celebration with the least furniture and sharp corners. It is good if the area allows you to divide the zones into a dining area, where the feast will take place, and a playroom. It is even better if these are separate rooms.

The design depends on the chosen theme. And it is not necessary for the holiday to be dedicated to some fabulous or cartoon character, it can be just an orange party. Then, accordingly, orange will become the main color in the design.

Decorating a room is not such a big problem these days. To do this, you can use the means at hand, buy ready-made decorative elements, since there are a lot of them in specialized retail outlets. And of course, balls will help out. You yourself will get a lot of pleasure from what you do.

Just don't overdo it - everything should be tied to the theme of the holiday. Think about a treat - little friends love pizza a lot. If you order it for them, they will eat it with pleasure, but show your creativity and prepare an interesting table for the birthday boy and his guests.

Treat them, for example, with chicken skewers, baked puff pastry suckling pig, chocolate-covered berries, gingerbread cookies.

Let the menu remain a secret from the birthday man - there will be a surprise for him, or you can involve him in the preparation of the table - let him feel the importance of the process in advance.

Well do not forget about entertainment: you can take a ready-made script or come up with your own. The main thing is that there should be many active contests - children at the age of 8 are quite active, but at the same time they will be happy to solve puzzles, show their imagination and intellectual abilities, so contests and games should be varied.

Interesting ideas

It is not so difficult to arrange a holiday by yourself, although you must try to interest the children. In our time, it is not very easy to do this - you will hardly surprise modern children with anything, but if you show a little imagination and care, you will succeed.

Introduce elements of surprise and play to the holiday from the beginning. For example, prepare balls in advance and place small edible souvenirs (chewing candy, small chocolates, lollipops, other sweets) in them.

Invite the little guests to choose their own balloon, inflate and take it home with them: let it take away a particle of the holiday and good mood from you.

If the party is themed and dedicated to fairy-tale characters, then prepare costumes for the kids on your own or some of the attributes on the topic and assign roles.

For example, your daughter has a birthday, and she is Malvina. Then give one of the guests a long nose - he, of course, will be Pinocchio. Blindfold someone and tune in to the role of Basilio the cat. By the way, the participation of adults on an equal basis with children is welcome. In such a company it will be interesting for everyone: both adults and children.

The main thing is that there is a clear scenario, there is a lot of space in the room for the development of events and adventures, as well as that the adult organizers do not run out of desire, strength and patience to bring the holiday to an end. It is very easy to involve children in the game, it is important to keep their mood to the end, not let them get bored and maintain the chosen pace.

If something goes wrong - don't worry, improvise, kids love unexpected twists and turns. Prepare jokes, practical jokes, quizzes. Implement another interesting idea - organize an area for photos, preferably taking into account the general theme.

Agree that photographing children against the background of a wall with wallpaper or against the background of furniture is not very beautiful, because a birthday photo is a memory and a source of positive emotions for many years, so a photo zone is a must.

Keep in mind that children can get tired of being active and just tired. As a rule, after 1.5-2 hours of fun, you need to arrange a snack for the kids and give them an opportunity to relax. During this period, you can show them a puppet show or arrange master classes, for example, on painting gingerbread, stones, T-shirts. Each of his souvenirs takes with him.

Entertainment overview

You can discuss contests and games in advance with your birthday boy, then you can embody his desires and fantasies. Celebrating a fun holiday with friends is the main dream of your child, and you must figure out how to properly implement it.

There are a lot of fun games and funny contests to entertain children, they can be held at the table, made with prizes. Don't forget about traditional round dances, hide and seek, carousels and the like. You can keep the kids busy with anything as long as the assignments are fun. Below is a selection of fun games and contests for different occasions.


Offer to play Submarine. This competition can also be held with a small number of children. It is necessary to divide the participants of the event into 2 teams. Everyone sits down at the table.On it for two teams they put 2 vessels with water (you can take ordinary plastic cups), not quite full. These will be submarines.

Now each team member in turn throws cooked items into this boat: coins, paper clips, leftover pencils and so on, but this should be done as carefully as possible. The team whose water starts to overflow and will lose. And the winners are rewarded.

Children love contests with water, so on the veranda or on the summer playground, you can offer them another water entertainment "Non-Spill". It can also involve a larger number of children, for example 10-12 participants. They are divided into 2 teams. Each group is given a bucket of water and a mug, and an empty vessel is placed opposite the start.

The task of each team is to quickly fill this vessel with water, preferably without spilling a drop along the way. But this will be difficult to do, since the task of the teams is to make the opponent laugh while he passes the distance, showing different faces. The winner is the team whose members pour less water and fill their vessel faster.

Children can be invited to pack their birthday present. To do this, lay out all the gifts, put wrapping paper, ropes or ribbons, scissors next to it. On command, the guests begin the packaging process.

The winner is the one who prepares a gift for the birthday boy faster and with better quality. As a rule, children all try to please the hero of the occasion and apply maximum imagination and skill in this competition.

It is necessary to provide for a sufficient distance between the competitors so that during the competition they do not interfere with each other, and even more so do not hurt them with scissors.


At the beginning of the holiday, invite the children to play the game "Who is there" for fun. If the little guests are unfamiliar with each other, introduce them to each other and divide them into 2 teams. Stretch a sheet or blanket between the teams and place the participants from each team opposite each other.

On the command to remove the wall, the assistants release the sheet, and the participants quickly call the name of their opponent standing opposite. The one who does this first takes the opponent to his side. The victory goes to the team that has drawn more participants from the opposite team to itself.

Throw a foam party, the guys are happy to play with soap bubbles. Adults can also have fun with children. Give each guest a bubble soap and straw. Announce the command "start" and give each one one minute. Whoever creates more foam in the air is the winner.

Playing around chairs with finding out who is superfluous always brings positive and enthusiasm to the company. In the center, 1 chair is installed less than the number of participants in the game. Children play music, and they run to it around the chairs.

As soon as the music stops, everyone should sit on chairs. Whoever did not get a seat, he flies out, respectively, with each participant who leaves, the number of chairs also decreases. When there are many children, then instead of chairs, you can use newspapers on which they stand.

Children are fascinated by the game of chamomile. A large chamomile is made with the number of petals, how many guests are invited to the holiday. On the back of the petals, write tasks: walk in single file, crow as many times as the birthday boy is, jump like a kangaroo with a baby in a bag, repeat a tongue twister, copy Matroskin's dummy or cat from Prostokvashino, and so on. Children are very amused and amused.

Sample script

Let's describe the scenario of a birthday in the underwater kingdom, so that Kikimora was, and a treasure to find, and riddles to guess, and plenty of running, jumping. We need to prepare the necessary props: costumes for Neptune (for what a kingdom without an underwater king), Kikimora, decorate the room with jellyfish and fish, prepare appropriate music and contests.

So, the holiday begins with solemn music, to which Neptune comes out and announces an important event: today his daughter, the Little Mermaid, turns 8 years old. Therefore, he invites all the guests on this occasion to join in the fun.

By the way, guests can be offered the role of fish, stones, jellyfish, mermaids, pirates and so on. All who are in the kingdom dance the sea dance. Laughing enough, now mermaids, fish and pirates are offered the following test: to stand on one tail (leg) 8 times for 8. The most persistent "fighter" of this competition must receive a prize from the chest of the king himself.

Children, in anticipation of winning a prize from Neptune, try to stay in one place, when suddenly Kikimora bursts in, who out of anger that she was not invited to the holiday closed the chest of the ruler of the underwater kingdom, and in order to mislead everyone, scattered 7 keys on the bottom of the sea.

Only one key is needed, the rest are fake. But how do sea inhabitants know where to find it? As it turned out, Kikimora also stole the map of Neptune's domain, and now the guys have no choice but to correctly answer the riddles of the villainess Kikimora.

But it was not there! No matter how tricky riddles this madam was guessing, the sea inhabitants quickly coped with her task and got the map. Taking it, they, together with the Little Mermaid, immediately set off in search of the key. Starfish tell the way, show directions after someone guesses the clue.

Neptune's possessions are large, but the birthday Mermaid is familiar with everything here, she leads her friends along the well-known paths in search of the coveted key. Everyone has to run, overcome obstacles (during the search, you can come up with interesting competitions), but who said that adventures are without difficulties?

At least the children are invited to go through seven tests, for example: jump on turtles, go through jellyfish, find poisonous fish and destroy them, and so on. After each successfully passed test, the guys get the key.

When all seven keys are found, it remains to find the one that will open the treasured casket of Neptune, where not only the main gift for the birthday girl is kept, but also surprises for all her guests. The guys amicably and cheerfully select the right key, everyone thinks that the right one is in his hands.

And now the castle of Kikimora is open, Neptune, to the sounds of solemn music, gives out prizes to everyone, presents the birthday girl with a cherished gift, and the villainess just groans and gets angry on the sidelines. It is at the discretion of the Little Mermaid whether to take Kikimora to the festive table or not.

All together come out of the underwater kingdom to the surface, where guests are invited to a festive table. By this time, everyone is already eager to eat, the birthday girl blows out the candles on the cake and makes a wish. And all the guests sing a congratulatory song and give gifts.

After that, you can invite the children's company to watch cartoons or a puppet show, play board games or hold quieter contests, and also take a photo for memory. Each participant will remember such a holiday for a long time.

Choose the theme of the script based on the preferences and interests of your child. Try to organize a holiday for your beloved child as brightly as possible, make it cheerful - the child will certainly appreciate all your efforts and care. Let him feel that this is all for him and for his sake.

How to arrange a birthday in the style of the Underwater World and the Little Mermaid, see below.

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