Children's birthday

Celebrating the birthday of a 9-year-old child: the best contests and scenarios

Celebrating the birthday of a 9-year-old child: the best contests and scenarios
  1. What to consider when preparing?
  2. Choosing a place and theme
  3. We prepare contests and games
  4. Quest options
  5. How can you diversify the script?

9 years, although not a round date, is still a birthday that can be celebrated brightly, loudly, with serious preliminary preparation. Because all children's birthdays are an opportunity to arrange a special holiday for your beloved child. While he is still small, and while this day is truly magical for him. And it's also great when every new birthday is not like the previous one.

What to consider when preparing?

The organizers of the children's party are usually parents. And if they want to do everything perfectly, they will have to start with a plan, which will have to be written in detail. But not a single nuance will remain unaccounted for.

Preparation for the holiday can be like this.

  1. What hasn't happened yet. Children are waiting for their birthday as anxiously as no other adult. And they remember the details of the holiday for a long time, appreciating each surprise of a special day. Therefore, repeating yourself is definitely not the best option. You need to remember how the birthdays were held earlier, which ideas definitely do not need to be duplicated. Even if the last time everything went "with a bang."
  2. Where will the holiday be. It makes sense to write on a piece of paper all the real options and analyze the pros and cons of each. If, for example, last year's holiday was in a cafe, in a play center, the upcoming one can be organized at home - no longer as usual. Or vice versa.
  3. What the child wants. Surely the hero of the celebration himself has already expressed his wishes or hinted at what he is waiting for. Of course, you need to listen to them. Leading questions are welcome.
  4. How many guests will be and what is their composition. Will it be only a children's party, or adults are also invited (often the birthday is celebrated twice - for children and for adults, but this is expensive, including physically).
  5. What is the budget for the event. It is worth starting from it, and let this amount be adequate. Even when you plan to spend a little, the holiday can be amazing. And it is better to know in advance what expenses the parents are ready to spend.
  6. What will happen at the holiday is obligatory, and what will definitely not happen. Some great ideas are forgotten in the preparatory turmoil, and it’s a pity afterwards for unrealized ideas. Therefore, all the important points need to be registered right away: for example, give a bag of sweets to each guest so that he can take it home or not forget to send an e-mail of a photo from the holiday to each guest.

Once these questions are answered, the real preparation can begin.

Choosing a place and theme

There are many options: from a children's play center to a home party. The question is, what are the parents ready for? If in the classroom it is customary for children to celebrate birthdays in special places, and the child himself may abandon the idea of ​​celebrating at home. He will simply be afraid to look too modest in the eyes of his classmates.

But this is a losing position: there is no need to adjust to the mass if initially the interests are different.

For the celebration in the apartment he says the following.

  • You can save on renting a room.
  • It's always more comfortable at home, everyone feels more relaxed.
  • This is a great opportunity to show your room to friends.
  • Some guys have almost never been to home holidays, so this birthday might even be exclusive.

For celebrating in a cafe / game center / bowling alley, etc.

  • No need to worry about the decoration in the apartment and not too new renovation.
  • A festive atmosphere in such places reigns a priori.
  • You can invite many guests - there is enough space for everyone.
  • After the holiday, parents do not expect a grand cleaning.

You can celebrate cheerfully wherever there is a clear organization of the holiday. For not good enough repairs or cramped conditions, you definitely should not worry. Children remember the atmosphere, comfort, friendliness and involvement of adults, and not the quality of the laminate or the combination of colors in the interior.

Topic is a question that must be discussed with the child. Perhaps he wants to play up the theme that he saw at the holidays of his friends. And it can be either a good idea or a failure. Guys can play boring contests and follow a scenario that is no longer new for them.

Therefore, if there is an opportunity to beat something new, you need to cling to it.

Popular and not so original themes of children's birthdays: a pirate party, a holiday with the participation of the heroes of your favorite cartoons and films, a flower party, a Hawaiian party, The Jungle is calling, School of young wizards. And what can be new for the guys: Small Olympic Games, City of Dobryakov, Botanists' Laboratory, Closed Magic Party, Herbal Pharmacists, Show of Great Brains, Riddle Eaters, Indians are looking for treasure, etc.

We prepare contests and games

This collection contains ideas for games and tasks that you can spend on a holiday organized entirely on your own. Here are 7 fun contests.

  1. Secret messages. You need to come up with (download) a symbolic alphabet in which each letter is equal to some symbol, picture. For example, A is the sun, B is a triangle, C is a wavy line, etc. This alphabet should be in the form of an old map that the guys will find on a tip. It should be big. Adults fix the found card in a conspicuous place, hand out beautiful leaflets to all the children and ask them to leave a message for the birthday person, using the alphabet, of course.
  2. Talking toys. This is not so much a competition as entertainment, a surprise for guests and the birthday person. You need to make a screen or something resembling it. One of the adults is hiding behind the screen.The birthday boy's favorite toys will alternately appear in his hand. You need to voice them in advance using the voice changer program (in any editing program). In the room, you can turn off the light, light candles and say that now at the holiday something will happen that happens once a year - toys will come to life. Their voice "turns on" another parent or helper.
  3. Funny masks. You can draw, glue, build yourself or download templates from the Internet of various funny masks. For example, exaggeratedly large heads of a lion and a crocodile, other heroes. These large paper heads with inconspicuous eye slits should be fixed to thin wooden sticks or twigs. Each guest goes to the middle of the room and says the number of the mask. An adult looks through the list who is designated under this number and takes out a mask. The child tries it on, he needs to say in it either a congratulation to the birthday man, or some kind of rhyme. You must not forget to photograph the child.
  4. Orchestra. Playing the instruments at hand is always fun. Someone will get a real children's musical instrument (toy), someone a saucepan, someone homemade rattles. An adult conductor will lead the orchestra. It's great if he really knows how to sing and learns with the children something very simple, some unpretentious "viral" song for all time.
  5. Insidious envelopes. Children receive a bag filled with multi-colored "tricky" envelopes. Each of them contains a task that the children have to complete. In fact, these are the same forfeits, only they should be united by a common theme. For example, at a pirate party for a boy, you need to come up with a sea spell, a name for a parrot, a recipe for a cool sea soup, etc. At a girl's flower party, you can remember the names of flowers for a certain letter, compose 3 rhymes for the word "roses", dance to a Waltz of flowers with friends ... Each competition can be accompanied by prizes for winners and participants.
  6. My nightingale, nightingale. The "nightingale" is selected. You can put on an appropriate mask on this child, somehow designate his role. The task of the rest of the guys is for the nightingale to sing. They ask him (you can also musically), and he responds. An adult turns on the phonogram, and the "nightingale" must skillfully and funny open his mouth to it. A phonogram is a few recorded fragments of famous songs.
  7. Find the fragments of the map. They will indicate where the treasure is kept (sweet gifts for all guests). And you need to look for fragments in all, for example, green places. That is, they can be behind a curtain, in a flowerpot with a plant, under a green book, etc.

But the holiday will not be limited only to contests. All modern kids love quests.

Quest options

Ideally, it should also be thematic, that is, all tasks are subordinate to a common idea.

What quests can be done?

  • Treasure hunt - children are looking for map fragments that will lead them to the treasure chest. They receive (or find) each fragment for a correctly completed task: a solved crossword puzzle, a rebus, a puzzle, etc.
  • Finding the Philosopher's Stone - it's obvious where this topic comes from. Therefore, everything related to magic and young wizards is suitable for search tasks. The main thing is that they all involve group participation. You can use ciphers with spell recognition, intellectual questions for the smartest, as well as a brew of witchcraft (under the guise of it you can make some kind of fruit cocktail).
  • Search for an ancient amphora - it can be made from papier-mâché, for example. All search tasks must obey the theme of ancient legends and myths. And inside the found amphora, the guys can find a treasure in the form of golden chocolate coins.

The quest can be interspersed with the main contests, but more often it is an independent program. The same contests can be included in the quest tests, adding points that will help you find a new piece of the map.

How can you diversify the script?

Perhaps the following ideas will help make the children's party even more memorable.

  • The script will be more fun if one of the adults knows how to play a musical instrument and is happy to sing some funny song with the kids.
  • Each guest can be invited to name some part of the house, for example, a bookshelf named after the guest of honor Vanya Petrov or a corner with a floor lamp named after the guest of honor Tanya Smirnova.
  • The festive table will be accompanied by a colorful personal menu with funny names of dishes in the theme of the party (for example, "Polundra" salad, "Sea Wave Kiss" sandwiches).
  • Lay out something like a red carpet especially for meeting guests.
  • Issue special holiday rules: for example, today to address the cat in no other way than your Purring, smile as soon as they start taking pictures of you, look under the peacefully standing soft toys (there may be sweets under them), come to the holiday only in socks from different pairs, solemnly help the head cook / chef collect plates, etc.

The more adults themselves will fool around, joke, look in the theme of the holiday, the more likely that children will like everything and will certainly be remembered in the smallest detail.

For an interesting quest to find a birthday present, see the video below.

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